Didn't see him tonight, but been very impressed with him so far in the competition.
I've felt like he's been respectful whilst speaking sense and putting others to shame a bit, he seems to grasp the bigger picture of the match. I'll also say that he seems like a thoroughly decent guy.
That said, Henry has come across well when I've seen him too.
I am surprised, but pleased' that I haven't seen Jamie 'let me on the telly' Caragher saying everything in a hundred words when five will do and repeating himself.
Didn't see him tonight, but been very impressed with him so far in the competition.
I've felt like he's been respectful whilst speaking sense and putting others to shame a bit, he seems to grasp the bigger picture of the match. I'll also say that he seems like a thoroughly decent guy.
That said, Henry has come across well when I've seen him too.
You could argue this is the political elite feathering its own nest, but it's actually quite something to get Cameron, Blair, Brown and Corbyn, all of whom can't stand each other, agreeing on something.
He's the one Manager in both Studios and it clearly shows the bullshit that pundits sprout, they're being shown up by him
I've felt like he's been respectful whilst speaking sense and putting others to shame a bit, he seems to grasp the bigger picture of the match. I'll also say that he seems like a thoroughly decent guy.
That said, Henry has come across well when I've seen him too.
Be mad to leave West Ham though atm.