In an ideal world the rat bag, his pet and Richard Murray would have all buggered off by now where we the fans could declare the war is over. The hard fought protesting victory was ours and we got rid of this regime.
Just seen the press conference unveiling Slade us the new manager on YouTube.
Katrien was her usual self. Not answering questions properly and still not taking responsibility, the stubborn cow. It was quite clear for me that Russel also didn't take her very seriously, via little jokes here and there. Which is good. I was actually a bit disappointed, I thought this might be the one new fresh time when she doesn't come across stupid and a liar.
When Katrien smiles she really does have rather off putting squirrel features on her face. Apart from that, every now and again she is annoyingly gorgeous. The world is not right. She's a very ugly person on the inside that is also very childish and clueless.
I really hope she just shuts the F*ck up for the remainder of her stay at charlton. Especially if we are doing well. I do not want her to get any linked credit from any success we may (still unlikely) have in the future.
She should not be allowed to speak up and come out of her cage only when it suits her and the perception is light.
I think Slade ceases this challenge for many reasons, one of them being, he might stand out within this club as being one of few people that has a brain cell. It's not a ego thing, but mostly a high influence where he's going to have the responsibility of being the piece that holds the loose ship together. A lot, heavy workload will be weighted on his shoulders. He knows this regime are desperate, and he knows they actually now NEED his services. Probably quite a complimentary feeling, even if unspoken. They can't afford to sack him.
The fans would go crazy and the club would implode and go into meltdown.
The regime NEEDS to make this work, as much as Russel himself does.
He also has a bit of Mr D Brent about him I noticed. Just facial expressions.
The regime have dare I say it, done ok here. Time will tell in the long term.
I hate RD and KM as people. Murray done himself no favours by openly being a twat and admitting he's "disappointed" with the fans. I don't hate him though.
I hate KM and RD but I love charlton more. I think we COULD do ok next season based on what Slade says. Words are still just words though, at present.
If we get back to the championship, Roland sells. That's what we need.
That's right Roland. You've had to do things our way because it's OUR CLUB.
Now when you get bored of can sell up and f*ck right off can't you've got one hell of a challenge coming up. I wish you the best of luck.
If he does well he will say he has done it despite the idiots, if not he will soon see it falling apart, leaves after 2 or 3 months and simply confirm he was sold a crock of shit.
Not seen much of Slade, I liked him.
Hope he can build a decent squad, I liked the section where he was explaining how people would pick up the phone to him whereas that might not have been the case in the past.
As a temporary measure to help relieve your symptoms I recommend taking an England at the Euros supplement over the summer.
'Vincent Tan's a nutter and I managed to deal with him OK, how hard can this Roland prick be to deal with? I don't like being DOF, I like being a manager.'
Unfortunately the RD/KM combo may appear on the face of it to be more rational than Tan, but he may come to rue that choice.
I hope he can get us a good squad together.
Seems erudite, positive, and confident in his own ability to get the best out of his players.
You know that feeling at work when you know everyone else is thick.
You feel like your needed.