Following the appearance of a huge sinkhole in Charlton on Thursday morning ( CEO of Charlton Athletic was asked to comment.
Mlle. Katrien Meire stated:
Look it's not my fault! It's just not fair!
We know that the ground was built in a valley and the major shareholder spent hundreds of thousands on drainage.
I know, I know it looks as if the whole club has disappeared down a hole but why do people keep on blaming me?
When it was explained to Mlle. Meire that the sinkhole was
in Charlton but not
at Charlton Athletic she exploded:
You people are seriously weird and I mean weird. I am going home to mama and if any of you sickos are waiting for me there I'll scream the place down - louder than when Pierre Boisard kicked a ball in my face when I was 9 and said girls can't play football. Holy Mary.......this country, you people!!!
The Metropolitan Police confirm that at the bottom of the hole they have found what appear to be 98 Championship points.
A representative of a well-known local sporting enterprise said "Thank God they've turned up - for months we've been looking everywhere for them !!"
At least we know how Murray and Meire escaped on Saturday at H/T