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Museum over the summer

Hi All,

Thanks for all the support and donations over the past, difficult season.

We'll be closing over the summer which will, other work commitments depending, give us a chance to re-jig the exhibits, put some other stuff on display and sort out some of the items in store.

We have a new website that @SE7toSG3 and @cafc999 can tell you about set to launch and we've got news about both our WW1 and WW2 Addicks coming up over the summer.

We have started the very long process of scanning the many books of team line ups, board minutes etc and we have 100s of documents from Colin Cameron to sort through.

And we have @Stig wonderful time lines to put up.

If people do want to visit the museum before next season then please get in touch at or on twitter @chathmuseum (now up to 1200 followers but the more the merrier) and we'll try and arrange something. We are an independent volunteer initiative but if far flung, or even local, Addicks want to visit we will try to accommodate you.

Thanks again from all the Trustees



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    Still havent been able to get to the museum. Definitely on my to do list next season
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    edited May 2016
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    Still havent been able to get to the museum. Definitely on my to do list next season

    Well worth it.

    A magnificent effort.
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    Still havent been able to get to the museum. Definitely on my to do list next season

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    edited June 2016
    I was thinking "I'm sure I've met that guy before".

    Glad you both enjoyed it.

    We had a lot of visitors today including the granddaughter of our first ever league goalkeeper and so V001.

    We also have a party of Millwall fans who are looking to start their own museum. Seemed nice enough but got confused when we showed them the cabinets with all the medals and trophies. Managed to leave without fighting each other which was impressive. We told them how it's done ; - )

    Some pics on the twitter site soon @chathmuseum
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    We also have a party of Millwall fans who are looking to start their own museum.

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    The British Museum; the sunken cities of Eygpt is worth a visit when the CAFC museum is closed.
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    Just for @seth plum

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    I may have missed this on a thread somewhere, or indeed read it and forgotten, but is there any record of any of our players joining the Athletes' Volunteer Force in WWI?
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    Not that we're aware of.

    I've never heard of the AVF but @SE7toSG3 is the great war expert.

    We have found another WW1 Addick who served in the Buffs and played for us after the war. More when we've completed the research.
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    rina said:

    I may have missed this on a thread somewhere, or indeed read it and forgotten, but is there any record of any of our players joining the Athletes' Volunteer Force in WWI?

    Hi Rina, we have no records or any mention of men joining the Atheletes Volunteer Force, I am sure you are aware that this newly form group of volunteers were recruited from current or retired sportsman for home sevice and arranged on a local basis in a fairly adhoc manner. Thier spread of age (from underage to elderly and a sizeable minority of men of servicable age), obselete weapons systems and limited kit (even the badge was designed to double as a lapel badge should there be no uniforms) has led to them being compared to the Home Guard.

    An initial reaction by some to assist with the war effort they were quite active during the numerous German Spy alarms in the summer/autumn of 1914.

    I think that given our close proximities to the Royal Arsenal, The Royal Artillery at Woolwich and of course the local links with the 20th (Blackheath & Woolwich) Battalion, London Regiment there already exisited enough avenues for addicks to do their bit.

    Its an interesting suggestion though and should we turn up anyone with links we will certainly let you know,

    apologies for the hurried reply but I am in Monte Cassino with the Coldstream Guards this week and knackered, I have found this however with regards to joining the AVF
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    thanks for that. I asked as there was a discussion on an athletics group I'm a member of and I noticed the footballing links. Here are the 2nd and 3rd pages of the leaflet you posted in case you've not seen them

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    British Museum: Man arrested after a man stabbed nearby
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