I loved that I must have been an indistinguishable figure in the East Stand, but when it was first lowered we, the indistinguishable, all yelled and indicated 'left a bit, left a bit' and the guys with the banner moved it left to be over Katriens usual spot.
I also enjoyed the way virtually the whole ground including most of the west lower where is sit turned round and chanted 'liar, liar,, liar' at the directors box.
Awesome! Just how does that woman sleep at night? How long before she cries 'enough!' Thing is, season is now over; no more chanting and beach balls on the pitch, just how can we maintain the pressure on these criminals through the close season?
Nice one.
New lows for Katrien.
a) Usain
b) Bennie, or
c) Bernie
the Bolt?
a) Anne Aston
b) Wei Wei Wong, or
c) Bob Monkhouse
Oops, Anne and Wei Wei have just messaged me to say they can't make it
Great moment.