@President Simple question: why say 'one of the group managed to have a conversation with her father...' and not, I managed to have a conversation with her father...' ?
What's this now? The Spanish Inquisition? Who gives a shit?
That's plenty from you, Sonny Jim.
What are you going to come out with next? "I put it to you Mr President that you are lying?
@President Simple question: why say 'one of the group managed to have a conversation with her father...' and not, I managed to have a conversation with her father...' ?
What's this now? The Spanish Inquisition? Who gives a shit?
That's plenty from you, Sonny Jim.
What are you going to come out with next? "I put it to you Mr President that you are lying?
Well Your Honour, when he starts it with "Last week 20 fans of Charlton Athletic peacefully leafleted the St Truiden home of the club's CEO Katrien Meire" when there were only 11 of them on the trip and only a few of them went to her parents house, you're on thin ice!
It's happened now, it's done. Post a statement on a forum and then it is open season for people to give their opinion. The incident gets magnified due to the amount of people that give their opinion. Something bringing in family will always split opinion and I'm sure those that did it know that's likely.
Imo it's beyond what I personally see as fair game protesting, others disagree though and I accept. Personally I Can't believe anyone would drive 22km out of town and leaflet an area just on a hunch it might be her folks. Pres said in the last thread it was described he was 'acting like a bailiff' I think.
The Belgium protests are so important and supplement everything else that goes on closer to home. I hope they continue but I equally hope that lessons are learnt in hindsight and things are done slightly differently on future voyages. Pressure needs to be maintained in many different ways.
Ahem, there were more than 11 involved in this trip - there were significant numbers who had contributed with effort to the planning of this - it was unfortunate that several had to drop out because of feeling that they had to be at the Valley protests - but please dont diss the numbers when you clearly dont have the right information.
So, just for clarification, how many, actually, went to Belgium? Of those how many, actually, went to the home of KM's parents?
I thought that I would have my say on this subject before it’s too late and hope that the diktat which seems to have gone out to prevent more postings doesn’t result in someone from the postings police knocking on my door, or on my parents’ door.
There has been a great deal of melodramatic over-reaction on this thread imo. A lot of unnecessary hand-wringing too. I haven’t read it all. This pretty anodyne exploit by the Belgium group will never lose us the support and goodwill of the rest of the football community. It’s just daft to think it might. Duchatalet and Meire’s regime is so discredited and so universally condemned, its shortcomings so widely acknowledged, that it would take an event of seismic proportions to change peoples’ point of view about it. You’d have imagined that Meire’s parents had received a visit from the gestapo, not a small group of British football supporters, to judge from some peoples’ reactions on this forum, people who have been worrying about what others will say when they hear about it. Well, the word is out now and what has been the response from the media and football world? Deafening silence. The fact is that nobody out there cares enough about us to concern themselves with this non-story.
You may say that even if there is no loss of goodwill, it was an action which on principle you would not be prepared to support. Here’s why I differ. Duchatelet and Meire have impinged directly on my own family. Their systematic destruction of all that mattered in our club has ruined things for my son. He loved coming to Charlton, supporting his team. I told him about our Premier League days and how with a bit of care they could return. He was at the Valley as usual on the day we won League 1, so excited. Gradually this season all his enthusiasm has gone. He no longer cares if he comes to matches, not because of one bad season but because he knows that the people in charge of the club don’t want a winning team, don’t want us in the Premier League, don’t want us at all, don’t want him. He’s 9 years old and they have destroyed his dreams. Shame on them. If they don’t support us, who is he going to support? Not Charlton Athletic, that’s for sure.
I won’t condone any vindictive or violent opposition to this regime but I’ll support anything else. This visit to Meire’s family is a nothing incident, it’s a passing moment in the fight. While it may not have achieved anything significant, it doesn’t warrant endless debates about the “moral high ground” and getting in high dudgeon over. It seems to me that it was a pretty good way to remind those in charge that families matter because they are hurting our families in ways that it will take more than a reconciliatory note and a bunch of flowers to fix.
Mr Miere will be aware how deeply unpopular his daughter is at Charlton. A strange Englishman turns up on his doorstep asking if his daughter lives there. He says no. Quick thinking on his part? And, what if he'd called the police? What if he'd argued? All the good work done by CARD could be undone if this is spun by Katriens legal team. Probably well intentioned but not thought through.
President has explained it and he sounds level headed about it so the criticisms might aswell just be rested in total. I personally think it would benefit this forum and the protests if the thread was removed if it goes on forever. Just IMO.
The fact is ....that a leaflet was just delivered to someone's house and nothing further happened.
We have done well for questioning such methods and no, RD would not "enjoy" reading this thread on the basis that it might make the fanbase seem questionable in their actions.
People are thinking well and objectively.
Katriens dad said he didn't know who his daughter, Katrien, was, when asked.....
That can mean the following (without looking too deeply into it)
1. The dad obviously has a slight language barrier and mis-heard the question and name.
2. The dad felt a bit intimidated on the spot and was perhaps concerned. Having said that, there is equal reason to say, yes she is my daughter what the hell is the problem? Is there a problem?
3. He lied as it's just an everyday family trait.
4. He does not like his daughter so denies attachment.......I feel very wrong and out of order suggesting this as an option but to be honest, but it's possible.
5. He simply just wanted this English person to F off so denied the question.
6. He is fully aware of what is happening at Charlton and saw this coming from a mile away.
I thought that I would have my say on this subject before it’s too late and hope that the diktat which seems to have gone out to prevent more postings doesn’t result in someone from the postings police knocking on my door, or on my parents’ door.
There has been a great deal of melodramatic over-reaction on this thread imo. A lot of unnecessary hand-wringing too. I haven’t read it all. This pretty anodyne exploit by the Belgium group will never lose us the support and goodwill of the rest of the football community. It’s just daft to think it might. Duchatalet and Meire’s regime is so discredited and so universally condemned, its shortcomings so widely acknowledged, that it would take an event of seismic proportions to change peoples’ point of view about it. You’d have imagined that Meire’s parents had received a visit from the gestapo, not a small group of British football supporters, to judge from some peoples’ reactions on this forum, people who have been worrying about what others will say when they hear about it. Well, the word is out now and what has been the response from the media and football world? Deafening silence. The fact is that nobody out there cares enough about us to concern themselves with this non-story.
You may say that even if there is no loss of goodwill, it was an action which on principle you would not be prepared to support. Here’s why I differ. Duchatelet and Meire have impinged directly on my own family. Their systematic destruction of all that mattered in our club has ruined things for my son. He loved coming to Charlton, supporting his team. I told him about our Premier League days and how with a bit of care they could return. He was at the Valley as usual on the day we won League 1, so excited. Gradually this season all his enthusiasm has gone. He no longer cares if he comes to matches, not because of one bad season but because he knows that the people in charge of the club don’t want a winning team, don’t want us in the Premier League, don’t want us at all, don’t want him. He’s 9 years old and they have destroyed his dreams. Shame on them. If they don’t support us, who is he going to support? Not Charlton Athletic, that’s for sure.
I won’t condone any vindictive or violent opposition to this regime but I’ll support anything else. This visit to Meire’s family is a nothing incident, it’s a passing moment in the fight. While it may not have achieved anything significant, it doesn’t warrant endless debates about the “moral high ground” and getting in high dudgeon over. It seems to me that it was a pretty good way to remind those in charge that families matter because they are hurting our families in ways that it will take more than a reconciliatory note and a bunch of flowers to fix.
Blimus if President had knocked on your door, he would still be stood there trying to get a word in!.
1) Mr Miere will be aware how deeply unpopular his daughter is at Charlton. A strange Englishman turns up on his doorstep asking if his daughter lives there. He says no. Quick thinking on his part? 2)And, what if he'd called the police? 3) What if he'd argued? 4) All the good work done by CARD could be undone if this is spun by Katriens legal team. 5) Probably well intentioned but not thought through.
1) How - she probably tells him we sprinkle rose petals in front of her as she walks? 2) He didn't. 3) He didn't 4) It hasn't been spun by Katriens Legal team (which probably consists of her in a blonde wig and a different pair of glasses), and it might do some harm to CARD until their lack of involvement is explained to the hugely sympathetic media. 5) I quite agree.
@President Simple question: why say 'one of the group managed to have a conversation with her father...' and not, I managed to have a conversation with her father...' ?
What's this now? The Spanish Inquisition? Who gives a shit?
That's plenty from you, Sonny Jim.
Not really. Not when you and others are going to continue banging on about the minutiae of an event that probably happened on the spur of the moment. What are you going to come out with next? "I put it to you Mr President that you are lying? This is not a court but it is certainly turning into some sort of pathetic witch-hunt. What's coming next to salve the consciousnesses? Burning The President at the stake perhaps? Talk about mountains and molehills. There are priorities here and the sensibilities of Meire Snr is not one of them.
Yeah... As I said, that's plenty from you.
You haven't quite got the hang of how internet fora work have you? It might have been a mistake for you to have responded to that advert in the classifieds for PL54's correspondence course in debating skills. So, I'll give you a hand. I make a point or two and you respond with a counter-argument. You don't run out of ideas and tell people to do one. It tends not to work. By the way, just out of interest, is your attempt at bullying and intimidatory treatment of me better or worse than visiting Mr Meire's house? Because I'm sniffing just a hint of hypocrisy here.
@President Simple question: why say 'one of the group managed to have a conversation with her father...' and not, I managed to have a conversation with her father...' ?
What's this now? The Spanish Inquisition? Who gives a shit?
That's plenty from you, Sonny Jim.
Not really. Not when you and others are going to continue banging on about the minutiae of an event that probably happened on the spur of the moment. What are you going to come out with next? "I put it to you Mr President that you are lying? This is not a court but it is certainly turning into some sort of pathetic witch-hunt. What's coming next to salve the consciousnesses? Burning The President at the stake perhaps? Talk about mountains and molehills. There are priorities here and the sensibilities of Meire Snr is not one of them.
And what are your priorities ?
My priorities are neither here nor there. The priorities to which I referred are those of CARD and the other active protest groups.
@President Simple question: why say 'one of the group managed to have a conversation with her father...' and not, I managed to have a conversation with her father...' ?
What's this now? The Spanish Inquisition? Who gives a shit?
That's plenty from you, Sonny Jim.
Not really. Not when you and others are going to continue banging on about the minutiae of an event that probably happened on the spur of the moment. What are you going to come out with next? "I put it to you Mr President that you are lying? This is not a court but it is certainly turning into some sort of pathetic witch-hunt. What's coming next to salve the consciousnesses? Burning The President at the stake perhaps? Talk about mountains and molehills. There are priorities here and the sensibilities of Meire Snr is not one of them.
Yeah... As I said, that's plenty from you.
You haven't quite got the hang of how internet fora work have you? It might have been a mistake for you to have responded to that advert in the classifieds for PL54's correspondence course in debating skills. So, I'll give you a hand. I make a point or two and you respond with a counter-argument. You don't run out of ideas and tell people to do one. It tends not to work. By the way, just out of interest, is your attempt at bullying and intimidatory treatment of me better or worse than visiting Mr Meire's house? Because I'm sniffing just a hint of hypocrisy here.
So you consider What's this now? The Spanish Inquisition? Who gives a shit? a 'counter - argument' do you? Or perhaps a simple picture of a woman's blouse? When asked what your priorities are, you suddenly become coy and trot out some platitude about CARD. You finally settle on victim mode by accusing me of bullying and intimidating not to mention a hint of hypocrisy.The irony...
I don't need to counter you arguments, you do it all for me. That's plenty from me, you carry on.
Just when you think the thread is finished, up pops another pointless contribution.
I quite agree as I said to the man on the bus, it's shocking you would almost think that people like to make pointless contributions when they haven't really got anything really to say, you would almost think they had nothing better to do than to go online and witter on about all sorts of meaningless drivel, and the man said to me "I like pointless contributions me". I mean what can you do!.
No response required here to @kings hill addick the answers to your questions are in this thread above.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember seeing it. Either way I don't see any reason as to why my questions shouldn't be answered, I, especially, don't see why I need your permission to ask a question?
On a slightly unrelated subject, I can see how this thread might have run it's course but I'm not sure it's your, personal, decision to make. There has been nothing too controversial on it and, frankly, if all the threads that became repetitive on Charlton Life were closed down we'd struggle to fill a whole page of active ones.
Just because you have nothing more to add doesn't, automatically, mean that no one else is allowed to!
Katrien Meire has broken her silence over the abuse levelled at her - with some Charlton fans travelling to her home town last month.
The Addicks chief executive has been the subject of heavy criticism from Addicks fans.
And we reported in the South London Press recently that a small group had travelled to Sint Truiden and claimed to have leafletted her family home as well as properties owned by Charlton chief Roland Duchatelet.
It is the second time that a party of protesters have gone to Belgium to try and make their message hit home.
Meire was speaking at a business conference in London today and made it clear she felt football authorities should show more support.
She said: “For the last couple of months, I’ve had extreme abuse, I’ve had criminal offences committed against myself, and I’m disappointed about governance in sport, that none of the governing bodies contacted me and stood up for the fact that things are not allowed, that’s one step too far.
“I also ask the governing bodies in this country, that sometimes some of the fans have crossed the line, very far, and this is just acceptable. It’s been reported by the media as it’s normal and it’s actually not, and the governing bodies have a responsibility to make people aware that that is not what sport is about.
“They forged my autograph (signature), they showed up, for example - it’s not a criminal offence - but at my parents’ house in Belgium. They rang, they gave papers, but it’s not that, it’s just in general... to ask if they know me, and they handed out papers to say how shitty I was, to my parents.
“To my parents, and they hang it up in my village.
“Yeah (I want to stay). The thing is, I know what they’re trying to do, to break me down, but what I’m most frustrated at is the perception. We’ve got the most affordable season tickets, we invest in our community, we invest in our academy.
“We spend £30m in less than two years of ownership. And yes, we got it wrong with the managers and the players, but that happens, that’s why clubs get relegated, that doesn’t mean that everything else is shit.
“It’s fine, but it’s things that shouldn’t happen, according to me.
“To make me resign as a director at company’s house [fraudulently removed as a director]. They were making fun of it on an online forum.
“Me and the owner. It’s fine, I even understand that it’s part of the role that I play, but I feel frustrated by the fact that media reports, all these kind of things - there is so much abusive language now at The Valley - and that’s not part of football. It’s in their interests to try not to have this time of behaviour because now mums with kids won’t come to the games. The chants that are going around, it’s not promoting the sport, and the governing bodies have an interest in trying to stop that.
“Just like when I started supporting football 15 years ago. Whenever there was a black player they would make noises. That has evolved, why can we not also educate fans towards respect of everybody in the game?
“I know it’s that passion that sometimes makes football so great, but…"
This thread has been massively devisive and we are at a point where it's done.
Let's just stop.
So for that reason, I think we should all stop.
If you need further explanation please PM me and we can talk on the phone.
There has been a great deal of melodramatic over-reaction on this thread imo. A lot of unnecessary hand-wringing too. I haven’t read it all. This pretty anodyne exploit by the Belgium group will never lose us the support and goodwill of the rest of the football community. It’s just daft to think it might. Duchatalet and Meire’s regime is so discredited and so universally condemned, its shortcomings so widely acknowledged, that it would take an event of seismic proportions to change peoples’ point of view about it. You’d have imagined that Meire’s parents had received a visit from the gestapo, not a small group of British football supporters, to judge from some peoples’ reactions on this forum, people who have been worrying about what others will say when they hear about it. Well, the word is out now and what has been the response from the media and football world? Deafening silence. The fact is that nobody out there cares enough about us to concern themselves with this non-story.
You may say that even if there is no loss of goodwill, it was an action which on principle you would not be prepared to support. Here’s why I differ. Duchatelet and Meire have impinged directly on my own family. Their systematic destruction of all that mattered in our club has ruined things for my son. He loved coming to Charlton, supporting his team. I told him about our Premier League days and how with a bit of care they could return. He was at the Valley as usual on the day we won League 1, so excited. Gradually this season all his enthusiasm has gone. He no longer cares if he comes to matches, not because of one bad season but because he knows that the people in charge of the club don’t want a winning team, don’t want us in the Premier League, don’t want us at all, don’t want him. He’s 9 years old and they have destroyed his dreams. Shame on them. If they don’t support us, who is he going to support? Not Charlton Athletic, that’s for sure.
I won’t condone any vindictive or violent opposition to this regime but I’ll support anything else. This visit to Meire’s family is a nothing incident, it’s a passing moment in the fight. While it may not have achieved anything significant, it doesn’t warrant endless debates about the “moral high ground” and getting in high dudgeon over. It seems to me that it was a pretty good way to remind those in charge that families matter because they are hurting our families in ways that it will take more than a reconciliatory note and a bunch of flowers to fix.
An ill conceived idea imo.
Mr Miere will be aware how deeply unpopular his daughter is at Charlton. A strange Englishman turns up on his doorstep asking if his daughter lives there. He says no. Quick thinking on his part?
And, what if he'd called the police?
What if he'd argued?
All the good work done by CARD could be undone if this is spun by Katriens legal team.
Probably well intentioned but not thought through.
CARD sent a baying strong mob 20 handed to go and burn down Meire's elderly parents house
President has explained it and he sounds level headed about it so the criticisms might aswell just be rested in total. I personally think it would benefit this forum and the protests if the thread was removed if it goes on forever. Just IMO.
The fact is ....that a leaflet was just delivered to someone's house and nothing further happened.
We have done well for questioning such methods and no, RD would not "enjoy" reading this thread on the basis that it might make the fanbase seem questionable in their actions.
People are thinking well and objectively.
Katriens dad said he didn't know who his daughter, Katrien, was, when asked.....
That can mean the following (without looking too deeply into it)
1. The dad obviously has a slight language barrier and mis-heard the question and name.
2. The dad felt a bit intimidated on the spot and was perhaps concerned. Having said that, there is equal reason to say, yes she is my daughter what the hell is the problem? Is there a problem?
3. He lied as it's just an everyday family trait.
4. He does not like his daughter so denies attachment.......I feel very wrong and out of order suggesting this as an option but to be honest, but it's possible.
5. He simply just wanted this English person to F off so denied the question.
6. He is fully aware of what is happening at Charlton and saw this coming from a mile away.
2) He didn't.
3) He didn't
4) It hasn't been spun by Katriens Legal team (which probably consists of her in a blonde wig and a different pair of glasses), and it might do some harm to CARD until their lack of involvement is explained to the hugely sympathetic media.
5) I quite agree.
It might have been a mistake for you to have responded to that advert in the classifieds for PL54's correspondence course in debating skills.
So, I'll give you a hand. I make a point or two and you respond with a counter-argument. You don't run out of ideas and tell people to do one. It tends not to work.
By the way, just out of interest, is your attempt at bullying and intimidatory treatment of me better or worse than visiting Mr Meire's house? Because I'm sniffing just a hint of hypocrisy here.
(Edit: I see this has been sunk, probably for the best. Storm in a teacup, and it was getting far too "frothy-at-the-mouth" in places.)
Or perhaps a simple picture of a woman's blouse?
When asked what your priorities are, you suddenly become coy and trot out some platitude about CARD.
You finally settle on victim mode by accusing me of bullying and intimidating not to mention a hint of hypocrisy.The irony...
I don't need to counter you arguments, you do it all for me.
That's plenty from me, you carry on.
On a slightly unrelated subject, I can see how this thread might have run it's course but I'm not sure it's your, personal, decision to make. There has been nothing too controversial on it and, frankly, if all the threads that became repetitive on Charlton Life were closed down we'd struggle to fill a whole page of active ones.
Just because you have nothing more to add doesn't, automatically, mean that no one else is allowed to!
Katrien Meire has broken her silence over the abuse levelled at her - with some Charlton fans travelling to her home town last month.
The Addicks chief executive has been the subject of heavy criticism from Addicks fans.
And we reported in the South London Press recently that a small group had travelled to Sint Truiden and claimed to have leafletted her family home as well as properties owned by Charlton chief Roland Duchatelet.
It is the second time that a party of protesters have gone to Belgium to try and make their message hit home.
Meire was speaking at a business conference in London today and made it clear she felt football authorities should show more support.
She said: “For the last couple of months, I’ve had extreme abuse, I’ve had criminal offences committed against myself, and I’m disappointed about governance in sport, that none of the governing bodies contacted me and stood up for the fact that things are not allowed, that’s one step too far.
“I also ask the governing bodies in this country, that sometimes some of the fans have crossed the line, very far, and this is just acceptable. It’s been reported by the media as it’s normal and it’s actually not, and the governing bodies have a responsibility to make people aware that that is not what sport is about.
“They forged my autograph (signature), they showed up, for example - it’s not a criminal offence - but at my parents’ house in Belgium. They rang, they gave papers, but it’s not that, it’s just in general... to ask if they know me, and they handed out papers to say how shitty I was, to my parents.
“To my parents, and they hang it up in my village.
“Yeah (I want to stay). The thing is, I know what they’re trying to do, to break me down, but what I’m most frustrated at is the perception. We’ve got the most affordable season tickets, we invest in our community, we invest in our academy.
“We spend £30m in less than two years of ownership. And yes, we got it wrong with the managers and the players, but that happens, that’s why clubs get relegated, that doesn’t mean that everything else is shit.
“It’s fine, but it’s things that shouldn’t happen, according to me.
“To make me resign as a director at company’s house [fraudulently removed as a director]. They were making fun of it on an online forum.
“Me and the owner. It’s fine, I even understand that it’s part of the role that I play, but I feel frustrated by the fact that media reports, all these kind of things - there is so much abusive language now at The Valley - and that’s not part of football. It’s in their interests to try not to have this time of behaviour because now mums with kids won’t come to the games. The chants that are going around, it’s not promoting the sport, and the governing bodies have an interest in trying to stop that.
“Just like when I started supporting football 15 years ago. Whenever there was a black player they would make noises. That has evolved, why can we not also educate fans towards respect of everybody in the game?
“I know it’s that passion that sometimes makes football so great, but…"