Obviously there has been a massive focus on the errors of the Charlton ownership this season.
Us fans are not immune to moments of cluelessness though. Morgan Fox took a lot of stick and has showed a lot of
character by not letting it ruin him and instead has improved recently.
So, how about some credit for Morgan...
*If this goes well I might start a Karel Fraeye and humble pie thread.
Morgan Fox is good enough....
Fair play to him.
He's a young full back still learning his trade, his tackling is OK, it's mainly his positional play that is a bit wild but not having a regular centre half next to him, guiding him, talking to him etc has not helped. He also hasn't had much protection/help in front of him.
Some players are simply natural, Gomez seemed to have that natural knowledge beyond his years, others aren't and don't, some will learn some will drop away. Lets not forget SCP had to drop down to learn his trade and look how she turned out.
I think both Pope and Fox will be good for us next year.
That said, it's a bit sad if this turns in to (yet another.) opportunity at digging out sections of the fanbase with different views. I was hardly a "boo boy" as I never boo'd the lad, but the fact he's had such an impressive improvement is a testament in itself to the quality of his performances a few months back.
His game had some very frustrating elements to it - notably his inability to take people on (preferring to boot the ball in to them for a throw in) when attacking, and sometimes he didn't seem to be completely up for it either - giving up on 50/50s etc. In hindsight, both of these issues could most likely be attributed to a lack of confidence in the players around him.
In some ways it's a similar situation with Pope. I never felt too confident when he was in goal because I never felt he was too confident either. I always had a feeling that once he gained that confidence he could really kick on and nail the #1 spot. With a settled defence to his front and a few good performances under his belt, I think he's got that confidence now and we're seeing what he's really capable of.
I feel chuffed for both of them, knowing that they now seem confident enough to go out there and put in some decent performances after the mistakes of a few months ago. It's just a shame that the squad was never settled enough to provide them with that confidence before it was too late in the season.
But he does get balls in and today he got one right cue gooaaallll,
Get in
So his attacking abilities are sometimes there...
Some of the one syllable (anything beyond one syllable was probably too complex) abuse that he got during the season, particularly at away matches, would be laughable if it wasn't so disgusting. Some of the neanderlithic behaviour when it came to Fox really highlighted a gutter level of intelligence and decency on some occasions.
He was never as bad as some of the 'band wagon jumpers' made out and at least he showed some bloody heart and fight for the cause during those really dire all round performances.
All professional footballers have to have a certain amount of ability to make the grade and fair play to the lad. Of course tactics will play a part but you shouldn't have to construct your team to accommodate a certain player's weaknesses that's all I'm trying to say. Ideally try and improve him with coaching. Building the team around him was tongue in cheek, however when I do become manager I'll recommend you as my assistant, it'll be a match made in heaven
Yes he has without doubt improved but let's not forget he has played more than anyone else in this one of the leakiest defences in the league
What can't be questioned is his commitment and attitude to the cause