Well done. You've covered the possible response from the regime that "the fans turned down their invitation to talk" and told them straight, backed up by survey results. A polite "Get stuffed" and a good opportunity to pick up some intelligence.
However, Now make sure the coalition continues on, because if CARD splits, it will prolong the situation and could result in defeat. If they are losing £1 mill a month and as witnessed on Saturday, have clearly lost control of the situation, they may be teetering on the brink.
Keep up the pressure. More chaos at the Burnley game, target sponsors, boycott food & drink, boycott the club shop. I believe Monty called it "Crumbling".
@Pico Did Meire or Murray say nothing else at all other than the below?
'Meire and Murray said that Duchâtelet was well aware of the level of discontent but that he was not actively seeking to sell the club. They informed us that he is putting £1m a month into the club.'
Glad the right decision (in my opinion was reached) and well done to all concerned that we got there. Would loved to have seen their faces.
As a side note, I am a trust member and do find it very concerning the board could not come to an agreement on their own. What more damage needs to be done to our club before people reliase you cannot deal with this regime.
Maybe not for now but I think those Trust Board Members who still want dialogue with these clowns at least explain why they feel they are right in this view
@JohnnyH2 The board debate was not so much about dialogue, more about whether or not we attended and how to approach the meeting. We are a board of eight people, and had robust discussions, though there is a lot of mutual respect between us too. In the end, we all agreed that seeking members' opinion was only right on such an important issue. It gave us a clear mandate.
Also, for further information and transparency's sake, we did open the survey to both members and non-members. The full results were as follows:
Responses Total 827 Members 417 Non-members 410
Meet and listen 17% 19% 15% Meet and tell them to sell 54% 57% 50% Don’t meet 29% 24% 35%
So, while non-members were a bit more inclined than members to select not meeting at all, there was still a clear majority to attend a meeting with the message to sell.
"Meire and Murray said that Duchâtelet was well aware of the level of discontent but that he was not actively seeking to sell the club. They informed us that he is putting £1m a month into the club."
By that they mean he is loading the club with debt of £1m a month that will be charged with interest on top to whoever takes us over. Not too keen on that.
Didn't think it was right to meet with them and voted no but fair play for delivering a strong message. Not sure how I view Murray confirming that RD isn't selling but him being part of a group trying to buy the club, lies, lies, lies.
There was no need for the trust to speak to them at all
They went, told them the view of their members and left. Not exactly dialogue.
Even though I voted no, I now believe the right approach was taken. It removes the opportunity for KM/RM to say the Trust declined their offer to talk.
I disagree with you, Rothko, and I could have just ignored you but chose to tell you that I disagree with you. Either way my position is clear.
Having just read the full statement and not just the bit at the top of the page, I think you managed the situation very well. I'd like to thank those Trust members who gave up their time to do this. Well done.
Difficult times have created difficult decisions but I think the Trust have played this as best they could and I know it must have been difficult to essentially walk away from an offer of dialogue - which has been the aim for over two years. Ultimately this was definitely the right approach to take and just shows that the majority of Addicks are now united behind a single message - "get out of our club".
Well done to the Trust board, I hope that supporters who aren't members but are impressed with how professionally this has been dealt with get their fivers out, we've shown that he might have the money but when we're united we have the strength in numbers.
Also, if that's true that he's putting a million a month in (I'm obviously sceptical because Katrien speaks with forked tongue) that can only be good news for us, because at some point the old fool will realise that his tenure is not sustainable.
Well, I guess that's that. Fans aren't interested in more lies, spin and propaganda, which is exactly what we will continue to get for the duration of their tenure. I'm not sure who the club can now reach out to as the only door that has ever been open for dialogue has been firmly closed in their faces.
It's a shame the Trust will no longer be represented on the Fans Forum as I think Rikofold did a great job, but I completely understand the point of view. If it's meant to be a collaborative meeting, then clearly their attendance could send a conflicting message.
Perhaps Roland still thinks we're upset because he isn't putting more money in! Saying how much he's putting in each month doesn't address the main issue which is that none of them know what they are doing.
Also, if that's true that he's putting a million a month in (I'm obviously sceptical because Katrien speaks with forked tongue) that can only be good news for us, because at some point the old fool will realise that his tenure is not sustainable.
Perhaps it's the same £1m a month Slater was putting in. The old hokey-cokey, eh, Joyes?
Having said that, I think CAST dealt with it well based on the press release.
No need for the trust to speak to them ever again now and also agree with not having a representive from the trust at the Fans Forum.
However, Now make sure the coalition continues on, because if CARD splits, it will prolong the situation and could result in defeat. If they are losing £1 mill a month and as witnessed on Saturday, have clearly lost control of the situation, they may be teetering on the brink.
Keep up the pressure. More chaos at the Burnley game, target sponsors, boycott food & drink, boycott the club shop. I believe Monty called it "Crumbling".
Well I think meeting them and basically telling them to 'Poke it and F*** off' is quite admirable.
@Pico Did Meire or Murray say nothing else at all other than the below?
'Meire and Murray said that Duchâtelet was well aware of the level of discontent but that he was not actively seeking to sell the club. They informed us that he is putting £1m a month into the club.'
I hope you ate all their biscuits too!!
Also, for further information and transparency's sake, we did open the survey to both members and non-members. The full results were as follows:
Responses Total 827 Members 417 Non-members 410
Meet and listen 17% 19% 15%
Meet and tell them to sell 54% 57% 50%
Don’t meet 29% 24% 35%
So, while non-members were a bit more inclined than members to select not meeting at all, there was still a clear majority to attend a meeting with the message to sell.
By that they mean he is loading the club with debt of £1m a month that will be charged with interest on top to whoever takes us over. Not too keen on that.
Even though I voted no, I now believe the right approach was taken. It removes the opportunity for KM/RM to say the Trust declined their offer to talk.
I disagree with you, Rothko, and I could have just ignored you but chose to tell you that I disagree with you. Either way my position is clear.
Well done to the Trust board, I hope that supporters who aren't members but are impressed with how professionally this has been dealt with get their fivers out, we've shown that he might have the money but when we're united we have the strength in numbers.
If he's putting £1m in then the club must be losing £12m a year. Don't think so.
It's a shame the Trust will no longer be represented on the Fans Forum as I think Rikofold did a great job, but I completely understand the point of view. If it's meant to be a collaborative meeting, then clearly their attendance could send a conflicting message.