The Guardian are currently running an article inviting fans of teams below the Premier League to write in about where their season went wrong, who they blame and whether there's any optimism about it getting better. Could be a great opportunity to get some more mainstream exposure. There's a lot of great articles that get posted on here about our situation so I'm sure there will be plenty interested in filling this out
When Albert Glickstein died.
I would say it went wrong the day Roland thought he knew more about what players were right for Charlton then Chris Powell and his team.
“We believe we have found an investor with extensive knowledge of football who is well placed to stabilize the club in the Championship and help the club to develop on a sensible commercial basis”.
Not forgetting the small matter of coming from 'them', we should have been able to appoint someone of more experience having had the previous 6 years out of 7 in the Premier League.
I was at a Bromley meeting no more than 4 weeks after Curbishley left and Murray was the speaker. He insinuated that Gullit and George Graham had applied for the job.
The rest is history, this is where it went all up the shitter.
Then taking an age to employ anyone before then hireing that ogre dowie. Murray has a lot to answer for.