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Can we consider the protests a success even if the owner remains?



  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    he wont remain!

    Apparently he said last week that he thinks he will have to sell Charlton as it is becoming unattainable.

    Some supporters are trying to get confirmation from our moles :)

    Eyes and ears everywhere!

    Fully expect when he does go they'll be a few parting shots at the fans and it'll be all our fault.

    To answer the thread title, yes. It's already a success. If nothing else we've reminded everyone in football - prospective owners included - that this is our club and we'll do everything we can to fight for and protect it.
    As long as he goes, he can call us whatever names he likes and heap abuse on us and our families and cast a gypsy curse on us. Just as long as it's his parting shot.
  • sammy391 said:

    sammy391 said:

    Mackle said:

    Now I don’t really want any other outcome than this owner selling the club and taking his useless CEO with him, but it is worth asking a question. If Duchatelet remains, has CARD and its supporters lost? I think the answer a lot of people will say is yes of course. But, I think there is an argument that means the protests have been a partial success even if he stays. For one thing, will we ever have a manager like Fraeye dumped on us again? Roland is not in the firing line, he’s hiding in his Belgian bunker, but his employees are. We pretty much know that pressure was applied from those at the front line not to employ the Upjest manager to replace Fraeye which forced a quick U-turn. We know that there was opposition to his crazy statement, to the point we had a resignation. Whilst this didn’t stop him in that instant, the statement was hidden away on the website without a fanfare as much as possible. We hear that the CEO didn’t want him to publish it. I would say she is learning from the protests. She clearly is much more careful about what she says – to the point of saying pretty much nothing. That has to be good. The owner will always be the owner until he sells, but the club is now aware of reactions of fans in every decision it makes and it influences decisions. This has the potential to temper Duchatelet’s madness to degree going forwards. Not ideal, but we can’t say it isn’t having some effect.

    Instead of the stupid loans we made under Fraeye – Riga has made the right signings. Too late – the damage has been done some would say, but there are fine lines sometimes between success and failure and if we can prevent the craziness the club will be better for it. Who knows? Whilst still highly unlikely, our interventions could still keep us up – as whilst we may not have the best manager possible, we probably have the best manager we can expect under Duchatelet. And that is probably thanks to us!

    If Roland stays, but the approach changes - so hiring managers that are not connected with the network but instead have knowledge of the Football league, being prepared to buy players from league rivals if it would make a real difference to the squad, bringing back Floyd and Harvey, getting rid of the sofa, then I think it would have been a worthwhile compromise because fans would have changed the Duchatelet approach.

    But, when you look at how things panned out at Standard Liege, history tells us that if Roland feels that he can't run it his way and force his vision on it, then he gets rid. What was his comments on sale? Something about the relationship with the fans had become too complicated, and he didn't want to die early?
    Also said something along the lines of wanting to be finished with football at age 75 - so only 5 years
    No that is when he believes he will die, based on his mathematical modelling or something similar...

    "A normal human being can enjoy a good mental and physical health until he is 75. This means I have some 350 weeks to go. (...) Life quality and happiness are key to me. The situation was a complicated one as the fans don't like me. So I looked for a proper solution."
    I wonder how his life quality and happiness are doing at the moment. It can't be much fun having Katrien on the phone all the time saying 'they're being mean to me Roland'.
    Why would she be phoning him from the other side of the double bed?
  • LoOkOuT said:

    sammy391 said:

    "A normal human being can enjoy a good mental and physical health until he is 75. This means I have some 350 weeks to go. (...) Life quality and happiness are key to me. The situation was a complicated one as the fans don't like me. So I looked for a proper solution."

    Such an odd statement, but more than anything, quite sad.

    If he'd posted that on Facebook, I'd have given him a "U OK hun? PM me" for sure. Having to read it in a media piece leaves me feeling so helpless.

    Roland, if you're reading this, I want you to go, but I don't want you to feel like you've failed. You have. But, for your own sake, look on the bright side. You're still stinking rich! Pour yourself a bath, but use Evian. That's right, that bloomin' French stuff. It's bloody carbonated! Can you imagine how.... wow! I can't. But you can! Indulge yourself for just a few moments and reflect on how badly this could have gone. If you weren't so sensible, you could have spunked it all on hookers and blackjack years ago. But you didn't (Think of the stories you could be telling though... never mind). And you didn't spunk it on football. Fair enough. And if you hadn't have plopped a blimmin baby into the CEO role and let her surround herself with raging incompetence, perhaps this all could have worked out much differently. Of course, that was your decision, but dwelling on it just won't solve anything (remember, there's less than 350 weeks left now and no time to waste). Hold your head high as the king of Belgian electrical components. That's you baby! There's a lot to be said for embedded microchips. Own it. Put this mess behind you. Back some charity projects to get your name out there and push those dreaded blunders off the first few pages of everyone's search engine results. Restore Duchatelet pride. The Belgians have a lot to atone for in Africa, perhaps that's a great place to start. Scratch that. Better not. Stay away from Africa. Those people have truly suffered enough. Perhaps, Chin... No, not China. They're still sore about your South London Press interview. Look, charity starts at home. The Flemish people need a leader. You can be that man. OK, Vivant didn't work out. But you're being needlessly negative again. The volks weren't ready. But they can be. They can be dragged from their slumber. You just need a better approach. A better first touch. No, Reza is not the man to show you. Think outside the network. You need an image makeover. Start some local projects and give a little out there. Flash a bit of cash. Give a lot. Give generosity a chance. The people will respond. They'll change their minds about you if you first change the frame. That's the key. You're letting everyone else frame the conversation. Failure can't pin you down. What do you do when your footwear fails. Tape it up... NO! Get new footwear baby. Something snazzy, yet practical. Something that screams: This man is large and in charge (I don't know whether that translates well into Flemish, but you give the old "huh" at the end and watch those ladies dance you old dawg). Put a new pep in your step. Start jiving. Ducking and diving. Never let them see you sweat. Be the man that beats the man. Loyalty. Hustle. Respect. You can't see me (wavy, wavy). My time is now! Man, the whole world is waiting for the new Roland. They're practically begging for it. Listen, you can do this. You've got the means. You just need the will. You just need the vision. The first step... call Peter Varney. By all accounts, he's a fair fella. He won't laugh or lambaste you for past failings. I'm sure of it*. We all just want what's best for everyone. Let's put this to bed. Let's give ourselves the room to move on. Separately, but together (in different directions you understand?). Together. Differently. Moving on. Moving on to success. Moving on to better things. But not together.

    *Well, prepare yourself, there's bound to be a VOTV article, but you know what... that's ok. Get a subscription and every once in a while have a little read to remind you of how you almost lost it all in a war you couldn't win. To an enemy you couldn't match. Then look around and thank your lucky stars that you didn't go any further down that route than necessary. And have another Evian bath and think of me. Doesn't that feel good? Tingly. In. All. The. Right. Places. Yeah, baby. I've never done it, I'm still trying to make my fortune, so check with your physician first.

    {...} PS that was just for you. I know you like a footnote! Live well and prosper.
    Erm, did you mean Perrier???

    If he's in an Evian bath with bubbles, I'm guessing that there might have been extra sprouts for lunch...
    Not the over the counter stuff, no, the really exclusive stuff.
  • People made the point that I should have made my argument here rather than start my own thread.

    I think that even if he leaves it depends on where he leaves us and with whom.

    The protests are about getting CAFC back on the right track. A lot of the people that don't protest don't because they think it won't get us back on the right track.

    To me it doesn't matter who the owner is as long as we're moving in the right direction. RD might well leave and sell us to someone that's worse or the same. I really don't think RD will all of a sudden realise what needs to be done but it seems that some people still do.

    The answer to the original poster is Yes -- if the owner changes his personality and becomes a responsible owner. I'd personally say there are some signs he is on his way but he won't be able to make the full transition to understanding English football before it is too late.

    That said, we shouldn't just want anyone but Roland -- or we might find ourselves in the same position again soon with another owner.
  • SE7West said:

    People made the point that I should have made my argument here rather than start my own thread.

    I think that even if he leaves it depends on where he leaves us and with whom.

    The protests are about getting CAFC back on the right track. A lot of the people that don't protest don't because they think it won't get us back on the right track.

    To me it doesn't matter who the owner is as long as we're moving in the right direction. RD might well leave and sell us to someone that's worse or the same. I really don't think RD will all of a sudden realise what needs to be done but it seems that some people still do.

    The answer to the original poster is Yes -- if the owner changes his personality and becomes a responsible owner. I'd personally say there are some signs he is on his way but he won't be able to make the full transition to understanding English football before it is too late.

    That said, we shouldn't just want anyone but Roland -- or we might find ourselves in the same position again soon with another owner.

    It is a valid worry, and something that is quite often discussed.

    The problem then becomes, do we settle for what we've got as it's simply better the evil you know? I don't think so, I think that's quite an apathetic view and one that is really a barrier to any long term progress.
  • SE7West said:

    I think that even if he leaves it depends on where he leaves us and with whom.

    The protests are about getting CAFC back on the right track. A lot of the people that don't protest don't because they think it won't get us back on the right track.

    To me it doesn't matter who the owner is as long as we're moving in the right direction. RD might well leave and sell us to someone that's worse or the same. I really don't think RD will all of a sudden realise what needs to be done but it seems that some people still do.

    The answer to the original poster is Yes -- if the owner changes his personality and becomes a responsible owner. I'd personally say there are some signs he is on his way but he won't be able to make the full transition to understanding English football before it is too late.

    That said, we shouldn't just want anyone but Roland -- or we might find ourselves in the same position again soon with another owner.

    I remember when Gold and Sullivan were looking at us. Charlton lifers were up in arms saying we're a family club, no pornographers here etc. What do we know. At least they were football people. Look at them now and look at us.
  • SE7West said:

    I think that even if he leaves it depends on where he leaves us and with whom.

    The protests are about getting CAFC back on the right track. A lot of the people that don't protest don't because they think it won't get us back on the right track.

    To me it doesn't matter who the owner is as long as we're moving in the right direction. RD might well leave and sell us to someone that's worse or the same. I really don't think RD will all of a sudden realise what needs to be done but it seems that some people still do.

    The answer to the original poster is Yes -- if the owner changes his personality and becomes a responsible owner. I'd personally say there are some signs he is on his way but he won't be able to make the full transition to understanding English football before it is too late.

    That said, we shouldn't just want anyone but Roland -- or we might find ourselves in the same position again soon with another owner.

    I remember when Gold and Sullivan were looking at us. Charlton lifers were up in arms saying we're a family club, no pornographers here etc. What do we know. At least they were football people. Look at them now and look at us.
    Call me stubborn, but I still wouldn't take them as owners here. Just my own personal opinion though.
  • My answer is simply no. With these pathetic pair running our Club, success will only mean that Roland has stuffed more money into his box under the bed. The matter of success on the pitch or happiness on the terraces does not feature in their thinking. God help us if we can't get rid of them.
  • @LoOkOuT That is excellent. Furthermore I think it's a runner. @cabbles has got Katrien covered, you can mark off Roland. When they have gone, we can reproduce all the emails for a special VOTV or TNT edition...

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Roland Out Forever!