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Tales from the bunker

From a bunker hidden deep in St Truiden known only to his closest allies and all members of CARD, Roland Duchatelet has called a council of war of his closest sychophants (surely 'trusted members of staff? ) to discuss what is happening at Charlton.

"Right Eva Braun, you go first. How are ze Charlton Apathetic doing"?

"I'm Katrien my little cupcake" holding her famous fixed grimace. "Here is a chart and as you can see Charlington are second!"
"Mmm. Isn't zat chart upside down?" "Haha! yes, isn't that weird?"

"Anyway Eva vot is 'appening viz zeez proteztors?"

"Katrien mein herr, Katrien, not Eva Braun. Good news there. We have already confiscated a lapel pin from one person. Now that they have seen we mean business that will worry them into submission."
"Gut, gut und zey keep callin me names, such as Roland DoShitalot. Zat must stop. Where is Tony Testicles, that iz hiz job"

"Here mein Fuhrer" says TT emerging from underneath Roly with curious brown marks over his face. "I can assure you that you shit no more than most people but yours tastes just like the finest Belgian chocolate."
"Gut, gut. Zat is vot I thought. Ah Tony you missed a bit."

Katrien has more good news. "I have ordered the Police Commissioner here to explain what they are doing." "Hogan-Howe where are you?" A breathless Commissioner arrives " Sorry I'm late my Lord and master, I was making the sandwiches. I've got the best detectives on the case. Your Hercule Poirot and our Sherlock Holmes. Once we have caught Jack the Ripper we'll get those arch criminals who ridicule you."

Roly turns again to Katrien. "Eva, I am liking the changing of the name of Charleston to somzink better. How does 'Rolands Relegation Rovers' zound?"


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