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The Club's tell me who met with Roland Duchatelet.. (People from Target20K and The Fans Forum)



  • I wonder if Roly believes he met a representative cross section of the support rather than a very select few ? I would like to know how this group were portrayed to RD.

    That's actually one of the reasons I want to try and get to the bottom of this; I don't think he has a clue just how negative the sentiment towards him is.

    He may come across as a bit "unique", but in no way does he seem a masochist!
  • LuckyReds said:

    I wonder if Roly believes he met a representative cross section of the support rather than a very select few ? I would like to know how this group were portrayed to RD.

    That's actually one of the reasons I want to try and get to the bottom of this; I don't think he has a clue just how negative the sentiment towards him is.

    He may come across as a bit "unique", but in no way does he seem a masochist!
    The truth is out there ...but Roland never hears it because Daisy and no-cojones are protecting their jobs.
  • it is up to CARD to tell RD - perhaps a letter or organise one of our European colleagues to pop a pamphlet in his home letter box
  • stonemuse said:

    "To clarify, when the owner was over in February he met with a small group of fans who are also partners of the club. These are all people who are first and foremost fans and a full and frank discussion about the direction of the club was had with this group."

    Again, I ask, Who are these people ?

    Sir Maurice Hatter
    Richard Murray

    Any minutes of the meeting or a video ???
  • What is a "Partner of the club" anyway?
  • A partner of the club will be someone hand-picked by Meire who would have been briefed to sing her praises to Duchatelet.
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  • edited March 2016

    it is up to CARD to tell RD - perhaps a letter or organise one of our European colleagues to pop a pamphlet in his home letter box

    We could all pop him a letter or two couldn't we?
  • edited March 2016

    it is up to CARD to tell RD - perhaps a letter or organise one of our European colleagues to pop a pamphlet in his home letter box

    If somebody is going to make the journey, they might as well pop 500 in. Maybe we can pay a Belgian to do it - there should be quite a few of them over there.
  • I'm going to form target Charlton fans flying - My goal wil be to try to teach a thousand Charlton fans to fly by flapping their hands - after I have taught myself of course. let's see who is the first to achieve their target! It might be a draw. I would try to teach 20 thousand, but that would be ridiculous! Where are we going to find them?

    You'll be wanting the yogic flyers of the Natural Law Party, whose policies are making more sense than anything coming out of the Duchatelet bunker right now.

  • LuckyReds said:

    I've looked up the name of the chap who emailed Target20K with an apology, according to LinkedIn he's a "Consumer, Corporate & Crisis Communications Consultant"...

    Typical, the only Premier League thing about the club at the moment is the bleeding "Crisis Communications Consultant"!

    as I said previously...

    Or have the club brought in someone who might be billed as a "football crisis communications consultant" to try to get everyone back on message. I don't know, but it seems possible.

  • @LuckyReds what is his name and email address?
  • I'm going to form target Charlton fans flying - My goal wil be to try to teach a thousand Charlton fans to fly by flapping their hands - after I have taught myself of course. let's see who is the first to achieve their target! It might be a draw. I would try to teach 20 thousand, but that would be ridiculous! Where are we going to find them?

    I'm game. always wanted to be able to fly
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  • I'm afraid I will lose all respect for the group if they continue their loyalty to the regime. It only takes one terrible email to clarify that the club's only use for them is to use them as a shield: "look we are talking to supporters customers, what a great initiative t20k is".

    Correct me if I've missed something, but are Target20k "loyal to the regime," or just loyal to what they signed up for? It may sound pedantic, but it's very important. I am someone who must feel like they're at least *trying* to solve something. I can certainly understand why some of the members would stick with it. If nothing else, and even putting this nonsense aside, they seem to be the only group who have any sort of interface with the club at this point. Were I closer, I'd be very tempted to clench my teeth into a smile, keep my mouth shut, and be a part of the group if it meant access.

    That said, bad PR day. I will put the police statement to one side. I am jaded by 30 years of American policing, but also understand the statement is meant to deter people from illegal activity. It's always going to be strongly worded.

    THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT F*CKING HARD! This is just basic customer (pardon the term) and PR relations. I know that Roland put them in a bad spot with all of this. But in the internet age, if you make a claim to fans, expect them to ask other fans...on twitter...who can then catch you in your lie. On Twitter. In Writing. I mean it's...galling...gah.
  • What a bunch of F*****G chancers
  • LuckyReds said:

    I've looked up the name of the chap who emailed Target20K with an apology, according to LinkedIn he's a "Consumer, Corporate & Crisis Communications Consultant"...

    Typical, the only Premier League thing about the club at the moment is the bleeding "Crisis Communications Consultant"!

    as I said previously...

    Or have the club brought in someone who might be billed as a "football crisis communications consultant" to try to get everyone back on message. I don't know, but it seems possible.

    Spookily accurate!
  • Maybe they mean employees of the club. Partners sound more fan like!
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Roland Out Forever!