After my recent retirement from work, I decided to see if as many people that had enquired about training their dogs would actually pay for the privilege and I set up my own little school. (and its going quite well for week one)

Anyhow, just reached home after going out with our dogs and fired up the computer to find an email concerning helping train a puppy. Ive copied and pasted most of the contents.
hi Ray, a friend of mine told me about you and I'm hoping you can help, I have an 8 month old Springer Spaniel called Rolo, he's only a baby I know but he's very unpredictable. He spends most of the time alone in another room sleeping, then for no reason he appears and will spend ten minutes causing chaos in the house before going back to sleep again. Its pretty much the same when walking, one minute he's fine the next he's having a go at everything. He's driving me crazy, my friends have stopped visiting the house because he so unpredictable, I don't want to give up on him deep down he's a lovely but he just needs some guidance can you please help?
Thank you for your time
I replied to offering a lesson, which she has taken up.
After speaking the phone to confirm this, she has asked to be called Kat as she is not fond of the name Catherine.
So tomorrow afternoon, I have a lesson with a lady called "Kat" who has a dog called "Rolo" who is "out of control"
As I charge £20 per hour, its only fair it goes to the "Score for Score" fund
Commonly referred to as the "Runt" of the litter which I didn't tell her.
Or did they F*** the k9 up in the first place?
By the way, if it really is Katriene, I hope she has a cute puppy. I'm at the point with her where I'm not angry or bitter I just feel sorry for her. I'd like to know she has some redeeming qualities.
Hmm, sounds familiar
weyou might feel likeweyou are fighting a losing battle, but ifweyou allow Rolys behaviour to continue this way it will only get worse and he will end up trashingour clubyour home and you'll find yourself withvisiting fans onlyno visitors. We parted company with a see you next week comment, Kat smiled.........I bloody hate that smile.*parts of this may have been tweaked a little*
But there's a Score 4 a Score on its way as promised.