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New Executive Team at Valley

A Question,if Duchatelet will not sell up,maybe he needs to be persuaded that Meire, Murray and Riga need to go and be replaced with a management team with the knowledge and capability to take us forward.
If he really isn't involved in the day to day running of the Club then his management team has failed and need replacing, all 3 of them banished to the wilderness.
Come on RD you know it makes sense, or you have blown all your cash and there will be more pain and suffering.


  • You'd need to find people prepared to take and implement orders from RD on a daily basis. That's pretty much how it works at the moment as I understand.
  • Doesn't matter who is in charge at the club as Roly and his minions in Belgium make all the important decisions anyway.
  • Here is the new team.

    I think you will find that's the current establishment
  • He shouldn't be allowed to think there is any chance his dreams can work. Any thoughts these fantasies would work with a different management team should be discarded and he shouldn't be given any discouragement.

    If there was a change of management team we should continue our battle
  • Well the two and a half year recruitment process for Mel (with no disrespect to her) has set the benchmark extremely high hasn't it...
  • They did a good job recruiting a person of a high enough calibre to realise what a shower they are! They are buggered really aren't they?
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  • There's an executive team?
  • How long oh Lord, how long can this agony continue? I know we are not one of the 'fat cows' from the Premier League, but surely the 'powers that be' can't be in any doubt now as to how badly run this club is. Somebody in authority should demand to know just what Roland's future plans for Charlton are... but I won't hold my breath. I think the really important thing for the club is what happens in the close season. When there are no more matches on TV and the media switches attention to the Euros will the pressure on Roland be maintained? Naturally I don't expect CARD and others to reveal their plans, I just want to be assured that while we turn our attention to the Euros and sunbeds all the hard work put in by so many people will not whither and fade.
  • addick05 said:

    How long oh Lord, how long can this agony continue? I know we are not one of the 'fat cows' from the Premier League, but surely the 'powers that be' can't be in any doubt now as to how badly run this club is. Somebody in authority should demand to know just what Roland's future plans for Charlton are... but I won't hold my breath. I think the really important thing for the club is what happens in the close season. When there are no more matches on TV and the media switches attention to the Euros will the pressure on Roland be maintained? Naturally I don't expect CARD and others to reveal their plans, I just want to be assured that while we turn our attention to the Euros and sunbeds all the hard work put in by so many people will not whither and fade.

    Rest assured the pressure will continue I'm sure not just from CARD but from all those individual fans who wish to bring this horrible experiment at the expense of our club to an end. Will anti-RD and Meire banners appear at the Euros for example?

    You may be aware also from other threads that attention is being drawn to Meire's outrageous statement (in Belgium) re her dissmisive attitude to the history of the club. This may seem tangental to the more serious issues of mismanagement but she will feel it deeply if she has to explain herself to her old Uni (who recently awarded her a prize) or, more seriously, if Greenwich University begin to have doubts about her credibility as a business partner. Her academic standing with her Uni (KU Leuven) and her assumed standing with Greenwich Uni is one which is entirely undeserved and should be exposed.

    Finally, IMO the removal/resignation of Katrien Meire would be the first step in the dismantling of the failed and flawed RD ownership but to replace her simply with another yes man or woman (Valerie Gys from Ujpest?) is simply going to draw out the length of the process of collapse. In any other business scenario Katrien Meire would be long gone. It is a measure of the depth of her arrogance and mis-placed loyalty to RD that she is prepared to sacrifice many aspects of good business practice to adhere religiously to the crackpot ideas of Duchatelet.
  • No chance of course but surprise me!

    That appears to be the gist of it Gnome - no chance.
    Whilst all all your suggestions make sense, to implement them by RD would be to take Charlton out of the Network and to do something different rather than stick with is avowed if deeply flawed strategy. I believe he said in the SLP that it was 'too early' to think about selling up. If so, how bad do things have to get before he admits that the current set up ain't going to work?

    The bad news is that this a man who formed an alternative political party in Belgium in 1998 which was going to revolutionise Belgian politics with novel approaches to political issues. Instead, I believe it remains a minor fringe party but limps along with its brand of largely unworkable policies - rejected by the majority of the electorate but with RD still at the helm.

    Heaven help us if he is still around at Charlton Athletic in 18th months let alone 18 years.
  • edited March 2016
    RD only listens to the sycophants that believe in his flawed vision, therefore nobody is going to be able to persuade him to do anything he doesn't want to. The current team is cheap. Murray is free, it's doubtful Meire earns what a normal CEO in English football earns, and it's doubtful that Riga earns on a par with other Championship managers. Roland likes cheap.
  • You're right of course I was just trying to contrast the way 2 unpopular owners have reacted to failure. Although 1 doesn't consider relegation as failure because he doesn't do it.
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Roland Out Forever!