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edited May 2007 in General Charlton
Before I start let me just say I think most modern day footballs if they receive a testimonial should give the proceeds to charity unless they retire early because of injury or play for a lower league club with not huge wages.

But with the fact that Kevin Lisbie is due a testimonial I felt compelled to ask dose he deserve one? and if he gets one will people go as I am in two minds.

Also out of those player that haven't had a testimonial who deserves one people like Mark Kinsella spring to mind.

I think their is still a place for testimonials so fans can thank players in the way fans do best support at a game.


  • I think Lisbie deserves one for his loyalty, when he retires though or when he leaves us.
  • we wouldnt take enough people for a testimonial in my opinion - not even for someone like Kins.

    If they tied a testimonial in with a pre season friendly then quite possibly but not some random game, midweek in the middle of the season
  • Has he showed good loyalty or has no other club wanted him? It really is unbeleivable that he's been given contract after contract. The bloke probably can't believe his luck.
  • Well that's what they usually do tie it in with a pre-season.

    I'll give you Lisbie has been here for long enough but he dose not tick all the other boxes for me to get a testimonial.

    For example being a true fans favourite, playing consistently well and being a legend and the reason he has never left is that he knew he would never have it as good as he does at Charlton because in Curb's eyes he could do no wrong.

    Pardew hit the nail on the head with Lisbie after the Watford game when he basically revealed that Lisbie is great in training but in the majority of games he dose not step up to the plate.
  • I honestly believe that Kevin Lisbie must have compromising photographs of Richard Murray.

    Otherwise, how can you possibly explain how someone of his ability has secured a premier league contract for the period that he has.
  • Christ, imagine the crowd for a Lisbie testimonial!!! You could probably hold it at the Meridien Club on that Astroturf pitch and still have plenty of room.

    I reckon testimonials will be unheard of soon because there will be so few players staying at a club for 10 years, especially in the Prem.
    edited May 2007
    Lisbie Stats:

    Apps As sub Goals Yellow Red
    Total (Club) 200 (111) 25 11 0
    League 179 (100) 22 10 0
    FA Cup 8 (6) 0 0 0
    League Cup 13 (5) 3 1 0

    Well that looks a mess but its rubbish anyway
  • That's a goal every 8 games but more worrying 2.5 every year. If that worth a testimonial then most fans deserve one.
  • Can you believe that Lisbie made his debut in 1997!!!!
  • I know and 10 years later he is still some how regarded as a young prospect.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Testimonials were a good thing in the days before clubs were awash with sponsorship money and many players earn as much in a week as most supporters earn in a year. It was a kind of loyalty bonus for players not receiving a signing on bonus when they moved clubs. These days agents insist on a signing bonus whenever a player renews or extends a contract with their existing club.

    Maybe designating a league match as a 'players night' with a presentation to long serving players to mark anniversaries like Kevins will still allow fans to show their appreciation and may be more appropriate appropriate these days.

    If a testimonial match were to be 'marketed' as a charity fund raiser I'd sooner not be involved. I'd prefer to raise money for charity in it the way AFKA has done with the CL match.

    There is one exception I may make to this.

    Derek Hales was in the unfortunate position of being given a testimonial during our exile. He's as much a part of Charlton's history as Sam Bartram. He didn't play during the megabucks salary era and I feel the club might want to consider a second testimonal for Killer or at least dedicate a league match to his honour to allow those wouldn't / couldn't / didn't get to show their appreciation.
  • Lisbie has given nothing to Charlton really and in return he's been paid very hansomely (not megabucks but more than enough) and is owed nothing by us or the Club. No-one has ever tried to buy him and he's been lucky that Curbs kept renewing his contract. I hope he goes. He won't come back to haunt us.
  • If Lisbie gets one I WON'T be going.
  • If I were him I'd turn it down because of the embarassment factor.
  • Is Gordon arranging a testimonial for Tony following his retirement ?
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]If they tied a testimonial in with a pre season friendly then quite possibly

    Doubt it...Super Clive's benefit game a few seasons back comes to mind...the attendance for that was utterly shocking, a disgrace.
  • edited May 2007
    Whilst i agree about testamonials being inappropriate (financially) for today's generation of players- it does give the fans a chance to say "goodbye". I always thought 10 years was the required time at a club before one was give so Kins wouldn't have got one?

    Really wish we had had the chance to give Rufus a good send-off though
  • [cite]Posted By: StanmoreAddick[/cite]Whilst i agree about testamonials being inappropriate (financially) for today's generation of players- it does give the fans a chance to say "goodbye".

    Really wish we had had the chance to give Rufus a good send-off.

    Rufus night? Why not, we've had Llanera night this season!
  • He's testy, he's moany
    Ten years of liz's pony

    My overriding feeling about Lisbie is being gutted that he didn't make the grade I hoped he would. I don't think you can be a striker with such a fragile confidence. If the club kept giving him a contract when few others would then he is going to take it.

    We would all have loved him to come good, but he only rarely showed us that he had talent. Bit like a long drawn out Romm scenario.
  • Think you'll find that Lisbie will NOT be given a testimonial.
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