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VOTV - And this time the revolution WILL be televised



  • Good article Airman.
  • Let battle commence
  • Very good. Sorry I won't be there, will try to do my bit.
  • The succes of the day will be gauged through watching a recording of the coverage later. Let us not let ourselves down. Good luck brothers!
  • Spot on as always, AB.
  • Good luck to all. Im stuck on the other side of the world but I'll be there in spirit. Lets hope that everyone is up for this......Im afraid it could go either way, a brilliant day for the fans and the Belgians on the back foot or an apathetic one and sadly nobody can blame people for feeling down and out as far as the Addicks are concerned....I really really hope its the former.
  • this needs to be read by everyone
  • Wish I cold be there today but I hopefully have access to the Sky coverage and for once I'm looking forward to a televised game, as it's not about the football today.

    Good luck everyone and have a great day.
  • Excellent article, sums it up perfectly.

    Ready to make history today.
  • Sponsored links:

  • history today please
  • We WILL step it up today!!! Lots of time and planning has went in with hundreds of fans involved!!

    We love our club and we want it back!!!
  • Good stuff, just the right tone.

    Time to step it up people. In whatever way you feel comfortable with, today is the day to let everyone know just how we feel.
  • Let us all go home in the knowledge that collectively and individually we could have done no more.
  • Very good indeed.

    Two years since CP was sacked? Feels a great deal longer!
  • The football really doesn't matter today....
  • Plus Belgium press at The Valley for this afternoons match just been told.
  • I just said to Karen, for the first time (other than meeting up with O-Randy-Hunt who is over at the moment), I am not the least bit excited about one of the rare opportunities to see the Addicks on the tele. That is what this c*** has done to our club. However, on reading that, you know what, I'm up for it, whatever "it" is...
  • Sponsored links:

  • Uboat said:

    This article has persuaded me to go today, so if I end up with a criminal record, unemployed, divorced and homeless as a result it's all AB's fault.

    Good man.
  • Just went on the official web site.You could not make it up it reads"breaking news" 2016/17 season tickets on sale.Best abandon all protests and get in the queue.
  • timken said:

    history today please

    Bottom of the league, Bottom of the league,
    Bottom of the league and downwards
    All into the valley of Death and despair.
    walked the six hundred.
    with coffin upon the shoulder,
    and a heavy heart.
    "Forward, the Light Brigade!
    "Charge for the centre circle!" he said:
    Into the valley of Death and Despair
    walked the six hundred.
    "We are charlton till we die"
  • timken said:

    history today please

    I've come to bury Duchatelet , not to praise him
  • 'Today is history, and you are part of it'.
  • Great article. I've been out of the country with work for a week or so and have been struggling to keep up with all things Charlton. I got back early hours of this morning and this was the first article I saw here. Great stuff, wish I could be there today but I haven't seen the wife and kids for a week so it wasn't an option unfortunately. I'll be following on TV however and I hope all the protests go well today.
  • The football really doesn't matter today....

    Been that way for a long time as far as I'm concerned.

    Will continue like that until the Belgians f*** off.
  • timken said:

    Just went on the official web site.You could not make it up it reads"breaking news" 2016/17 season tickets on sale.Best abandon all protests and get in the queue.

    That'll please SeriouslyRed.
  • Well done Airman and rest of the protesters.
    Brilliant campaign, will be watching on my PV
    from 2.45 onwards. Good luck to all you genuine
    Charlton supporters!
  • Sad but true. It is almost impossible to believe now that we can do anything but go into free-fall under RD. He must go for the benefit of everyone including himself.
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