This time,if anyone offers to pay off his loan ,he should gracefully retreat,I am being polite.
Two amazing promotions to Premier League assisted in a very large way by Curbs and Varney,two relegations from Premier League the second which started the spiral to where we find ourselves today,and he still sits in Chairmans seat as a Director of Baton 2010,with all the liability that comes with a limited company, supporting the mad hatter and his underlings in all they do,why?
Richard Murray 2 Promotions, 4 Relegations 1 absolute wanker
Sadly I believe he has told close friends that he's had enough and won't put any money in any more. I think he attends as a fan as much as anything - which does make his inactivity somewhat peculiar.
Where is RM now? As far as I know he hasn't been seen since that ridiculous interview in January where he confirmed to the world that he didn't have the slightest clue what was going on at the club, how he was perceived or what people think of the regime. It's totally weird. It's like he was the target in a game of Whack-A-Mole. He popped his shiny bald head above the ground for a few moments, made himself look a compete and utter cockwomble and then disappeared as quickly as he sprung up, never to be seen again. One interview in twenty six months, hardly much of a relationship Richard.
I think Two Shats must have bound and gagged him like he has Merde. He's realised that the pair of them are a PR disaster and has got them chained to a radiator in his Belgian basement dungeon. It's the only explanation that makes sense. And possibly the most sensible decision Two Shats has made since he bought the club.
Oh well, what do we know? Us and our silly little message board things...