On a thread here somewhere, someone suggested putting a scarf on the Henry Irving statue. Well here it is. The scarf looks rather small here, but then Henry does cut a pretty impressive figure.

It did make me wonder if a little fun aside in our campaign might be to see how many different statues we could photograph with black and white scarves. Any old statue will do, but with Charlton fans all around the world we could, if we set our minds to it get some famous statues in. I reckon the prize ones would be that kid having a piss in Bruxelles or one of numerous Pinocchio statues worldwide (Ancona, Italy; Borås, Sweden, Cincinnati, Ohio; Milan, Italy; St Louis, Missouri; various Disney parks). If it gets a good response here, I'll set up a Twitter account for people to tweet pictures, if you all think it's a bit naff then I'll say no more about it.
I can see Fulham getting all the credit for this which, in all honesty, could be a blessing in disguise as everyone will be laughing at them and not you
I'll mellow out with age but I don't intend on doing a stint in the chokey.
I'm going to make sure I have my scarf with me in future so that I'm ready for any opportunities that arise.