Heard it all before for months and months. Tell you what Jacko and all the other under achievers that are wearing our shirt, just do what you are all paid very well for and stop all this bollox. We have all been there for the team most of this season. At the moment we are fighting the regime. So get out there on Saturday put a fucking shift in and guess what we'll all be behind you.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
If inside the stadium is as noisy supporting the team as it outside against the regime, then the media will carry on taking notice and continue to give our fight the attention it deserves.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
Ultimately we want Charlton to win. If a good servant like Jackson says vocal support helps then I'm enclined to belive him. Some of our players like Henderson, Solly, Baeur, Fox, THD, Harriott, Jackson, Cousins don't deserve to be hung out to dry by this Belgian mob, so stick with them and aim all our anger at the suits. The players mentioned have been below form lately without doubt but they need us behind them, not against.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
Ultimately we want Charlton to win. If a good servant like Jackson says vocal support helps then I'm enclined to belive him. Some of our players like Henderson, Solly, Baeur, Fox, THD, Harriott, Jackson, Cousins don't deserve to be hung out to dry by this Belgian mob, so stick with them and aim all our anger at the suits. The players mentioned have been below form lately without doubt but they need us behind them, not against.
Jacko is right.. It's points we need. For the 90 minutes, he's asking for us to be the 12th man.
We need to save our Championship status. Relegation will be another nail in the coffin.
Don't kid yourselves that relegation and League One will force Duchatelet to sell. It won't.
Couldn't agree more as much as I dislike the douche I want cafc to be a championship club next year. JJ is a legend as is clearly hurting, support the team for 90+, hate the regime the rest of the time
Jacko is well intentioned and is trying his best. Unfortunately he is simply no longer up to 90 minutes in central midfield. The sooner Riga realises this the better. Our midfield is constantly chasing shadows. Great captain, club legend, but now needs to be used from the bench.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
Ultimately we want Charlton to win. If a good servant like Jackson says vocal support helps then I'm enclined to belive him. Some of our players like Henderson, Solly, Baeur, Fox, THD, Harriott, Jackson, Cousins don't deserve to be hung out to dry by this Belgian mob, so stick with them and aim all our anger at the suits. The players mentioned have been below form lately without doubt but they need us behind them, not against.
Jacko is well intentioned and is trying his best. Unfortunately he is simply no longer up to 90 minutes in central midfield. The sooner Riga realises this the better. Our midfield is constantly chasing shadows. Great captain, club legend, but now needs to be used from the bench.
I think he needs to be used in the sort of role Kevin Nolan played under Big Sam, always around the edge of the box, ghosting into space, as he's not a midfield battler as he doesn't have the endurance or speed
Jacko is well intentioned and is trying his best. Unfortunately he is simply no longer up to 90 minutes in central midfield. The sooner Riga realises this the better. Our midfield is constantly chasing shadows. Great captain, club legend, but now needs to be used from the bench.
I think he needs to be used in the sort of role Kevin Nolan played under Big Sam, always around the edge of the box, ghosting into space, as he's not a midfield battler as he doesn't have the endurance or speed
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
Ultimately we want Charlton to win. If a good servant like Jackson says vocal support helps then I'm enclined to belive him. Some of our players like Henderson, Solly, Baeur, Fox, THD, Harriott, Jackson, Cousins don't deserve to be hung out to dry by this Belgian mob, so stick with them and aim all our anger at the suits. The players mentioned have been below form lately without doubt but they need us behind them, not against.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
Ultimately we want Charlton to win. If a good servant like Jackson says vocal support helps then I'm enclined to belive him. Some of our players like Henderson, Solly, Baeur, Fox, THD, Harriott, Jackson, Cousins don't deserve to be hung out to dry by this Belgian mob, so stick with them and aim all our anger at the suits. The players mentioned have been below form lately without doubt but they need us behind them, not against.
“All of us are not happy with our situation that we are in...we know in recent games that we have not even showed 50 per cent of our quality. At the start of the season we showed more but in the last games we have not.
“We are aware of it, we are not happy or satisfied. We are sad like the fans and everyone around the club but, despite this situation, we are fully confident that we have the quality in the squad and that we have what we need to do, which is to bring results. We are going to do that.”
Well after that message, the pressure is on more than ever jacko. How about you and your team mates actually turn up this week and perform......then the crowd that can be arsed to turn up may get behind you.
I walked away from my previous job because of the companies ethics and work practices. The difference is I didn't have a defined term of contract and didn't have a mortgage and a young family to support, it doesn't make my former work colleagues the regime. I my eyes they are doing their best for their families, no different to what you or I would do in the same circumstances. I think you've made your views perfectly clear and they aren't much different from mine to be honest, but I will always respect others opinions no matter how different to mine.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
The regime has the power.
The best the players and supporters can hope to do is influence matters.
To be fair, the supporters have got behind the team at the start of the game, but turned after the first goal, certainly at Colchester and especially Hull.
Heard it all before for months and months. Tell you what Jacko and all the other under achievers that are wearing our shirt, just do what you are all paid very well for and stop all this bollox. We have all been there for the team most of this season. At the moment we are fighting the regime. So get out there on Saturday put a fucking shift in and guess what we'll all be behind you.
100% this for me. I don't question JJ's commitment, but even he's been found very wanting on the pitch. He's looked as bad as the rest of them. If these players have got anything about them, they'll be ashamed of the last 2 games and they will go out hell for leather and raise us, we will get behind them and we will get a result.
We have been using words ourselves for two years regarding this regime, and now there is some action from the supporters because words, or dialogue, or explanation or requests or emails aren't cutting it. I would now like to see action from the players. Indeed the players are more than welcome to join us behind the West Stand after the game, and together we can start to build a better tomorrow.
How can you split the two? Players and manager selected by owner. Results if poor we reflect on owner; if good they will take credit. If the team is not the regime what on earth is the regime for?
So what, do you want us to get relegated? What will that achieve? Do you think that Roland will sell if we go down? I don't, he would lose too much money. I think he would try to carry on in the same way he has done so far (albeit cutting even more costs), which would make life for us fans even more unbearable.
The way I see it is this. A bigger squad and a more competent manager getting results MIGHT help to persuade RD that this is what we need going forward. We've been failing all season with a thin squad and two managers that were not up to the task. If Riga and the team manage to survive, it's clear proof to the regime of what is required to get success. Of course the end game is to get rid of the regime altogether, but would people rather drop down the leagues in the hope that he just walks away? I certainly would not.
By keeping up the protests even when we are winning, we will send an even stronger message to RD and KM. It has been intimated that we are only protesting because things aren't going our way. What can they say if we are still protesting whilst we are getting the results? There will be nothing left for them to hide behind. I want RD out as much as the next man (or woman) but what is the use in cutting off your nose to spite your face?
Let's continue to give them our support and see if they give us the performances in return. They need to.
The team is the regime.
Tell you what Jacko and all the other under achievers that are wearing our shirt, just do what you are all paid very well for and stop all this bollox. We have all been there for the team most of this season. At the moment we are fighting the regime.
So get out there on Saturday put a fucking shift in and guess what we'll all be behind you.
Jacko is right..
It's points we need.
For the 90 minutes, he's asking for us to be the 12th man.
We need to save our Championship status.
Relegation will be another nail in the coffin.
Don't kid yourselves that relegation and League One will force Duchatelet to sell.
It won't.
You could even be my new favourite.....
Edit: or holding the gun?
“We are aware of it, we are not happy or satisfied. We are sad like the fans and everyone around the club but, despite this situation, we are fully confident that we have the quality in the squad and that we have what we need to do, which is to bring results. We are going to do that.”
Guy Luzon - pre-Brentford debacle
The best the players and supporters can hope to do is influence matters.
Words don't cut it anymore. Just do your jobs
I would now like to see action from the players.
Indeed the players are more than welcome to join us behind the West Stand after the game, and together we can start to build a better tomorrow.
The way I see it is this. A bigger squad and a more competent manager getting results MIGHT help to persuade RD that this is what we need going forward. We've been failing all season with a thin squad and two managers that were not up to the task. If Riga and the team manage to survive, it's clear proof to the regime of what is required to get success. Of course the end game is to get rid of the regime altogether, but would people rather drop down the leagues in the hope that he just walks away? I certainly would not.
By keeping up the protests even when we are winning, we will send an even stronger message to RD and KM. It has been intimated that we are only protesting because things aren't going our way. What can they say if we are still protesting whilst we are getting the results? There will be nothing left for them to hide behind. I want RD out as much as the next man (or woman) but what is the use in cutting off your nose to spite your face?
Let's continue to give them our support and see if they give us the performances in return. They need to.
Talk is cheap and gets cheaper each time it's said
Go out and prove it have some bollox and do something about it