It really should be in categories like, funniest, kindest, most informative, most helpful, most useful, most generous, most intelligent, most logical, most popular, most hardworking, best away supporter, best thread, greatest WUM and so on. Because it would be much easier to pick and also to give those people the recognition they crave Deserve.
It really should be in categories like, funniest, kindest, most informative, most helpful, most useful, most generous, most intelligent, most logical, most popular, most hardworking, best away supporter, best thread, greatest WUM and so on. Because it would be much easier to pick and also to give those people the recognition they crave Deserve.
This has to be the most sycophantic thread ever on CL!
I toyed with a 'Your least favourite poster on CL' thread but decided it would prove to be divisive.
Not as divisive as this one, I think they'll be a clear top five and only PL54 above yours truly.
You think? Hopefully nobody is going to get all bent out of shape because someone finds someone else funnier, more engaging or just far more likeable than them.
We are, after all, just words on a screen.
If someone starts getting sh*tty then I'd like to think that the general consensus would be to give them a 'behave yourself' slap.
This has to be the most sycophantic thread ever on CL!
I toyed with a 'Your least favourite poster on CL' thread but decided it would prove to be divisive.
Not as divisive as this one, I think they'll be a clear top five and only PL54 above yours truly.
You think? Hopefully nobody is going to get all bent out of shape because someone finds someone else funnier, more engaging or just far more likeable than them.
More of a lurker than a poster these days, but in no particular order I would say:
@Bournemouth Addick - Talks a lot of sense that I invariably agree with. @Grapevine49 - ditto, though all too rarely these days @Tutt-Tutt - Genuinely insightful tactical stuff @Uboat - One of the few Lifers I've met and seems like a genuine nice chap. And funny on here.
Special ODB Recognition Award would have to go to @DaveMehmet
This is bullshit.
I have two promotes you hard-to-please barstewards, TWO!
craveDeserve...but an honourable mention for @soapboxsam
I've never taken drugs, but reading some of sam's stuff gives me an idea what it's like. Surreal, spaced out, funny.
If nothing else it has provided a bit of a distraction for you all to have a bit of a love in.
I toyed with a 'Your least favourite poster on CL' thread but decided it would prove to be divisive. This seemed like the better of the two options.
These youngsters will never know the joys of a packed Covered end.
We are, after all, just words on a screen.
If someone starts getting sh*tty then I'd like to think that the general consensus would be to give them a 'behave yourself' slap.
He's just too jealous for words....
Unfortunately he's thinner and wealthier as well.
@Bournemouth Addick - Talks a lot of sense that I invariably agree with.
@Grapevine49 - ditto, though all too rarely these days
@Tutt-Tutt - Genuinely insightful tactical stuff
@Uboat - One of the few Lifers I've met and seems like a genuine nice chap. And funny on here.
Special ODB Recognition Award would have to go to @DaveMehmet
if not, then it has to be, sillav nitram for me!
1) Tell good jokes/be funny
2) Talk good football tactics
3) Post detailed & superb analyses of what's wrong with Charlton
2. 4-2-3-1 is more attacking than 4-3-2-1.
3. We're screwed.
(the likes are below here)
It can be the only reason I am not getting any love ;-)