Was in a strangely serene mood travelling up to Hull, Even thou a year after the Watford 5-0 debacle, and 3 days after the Huddersfield 5-0 disaster, there felt similar omens afoot. Between Peterborough and Grantham the pen, paper,and coffee started to flow.
If you didn't hear Charlton live, this was my reflections on my Soulmate.
Charlton, My true love
Charlton, I need you, like a Camel needs his hump
And like a Pregnant women needs her bump.
Charlton I need you, like Morecambe needed Wise,
And like a Cameleon needs a disguise.
Charlton I need you, like an away win needs a home defeat,
And like a 3 course meal needs a sweet.
Charlton I need you, like Casanova needed women,
And Rebecca Addlington needed swimming.
Charlton I need you, like the tug of war team needs a rope,
And the junkie needs his dope.
Charlton I need you, like the old lady needs her Bingo,
And the Beatles needed Ringo.
Charlton I need you, like Katrien needs Roland,
And Hitler needed to invade Poland.
Charlton I need you, like Roland needs Katrien,
And a nightmare needs a dream.
Charlton my true love. By AKA soapboxsam