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Katrien Miere Tributes

Thought I would get in early...

"Its the hope that kills you"


  • err...

    let me think about it and i'll get back to you.
  • edited January 2016
  • "On behalf of Southeastern Trains..."
  • May the smirk be with you.
  • Lovely laugh... Nose too long!!
  • She could lie through her back teeth

    And her front ones too
  • cafc999 said:

    She could lie through her back teeth

    And her front ones too

    Actually through all orifices.
  • cafc999 said:

    She could lie through her back teeth

    And her front ones too

    She couldn't if she didn't have any.
  • Very nice lady
    Just very miss understood

    Very pleasant just the same
    Always trying her best to help us fans out and trying to move the club forward possivtly and trying never to cause controversy
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  • Katrien Meire took the CEO job with good intentions and wanted to be a popular and respected CEO despite her lack of experience.

    She earned the respect of many members of staff and fans because of her hard work and willingness to speak to fans directly.

    But her inexperience and reliance on equally inexperienced senior staff, bar a few exceptions, lead to a number of errors on the admin side.

    The need to justify and defend the mad and inconsistent "strategy" of the owner however brought her into conflict with staff members and fans

    As the public face of the regime she drew more and more criticism, some deserved and some certainly not, leaving her feeling insecure in her own abilities as is typical with new, young managers. She withdrew, rejected all external comments no matter how conscuctive and listened only to few close colleagues.

    Regrettably these colleagues had their own agendas and roles to protect so the spiral of mistakes, criticism, ignore critics, make more mistakes continued to repeat.

    At the same time the willingness to attend external events and speak in disparaging ways about fans let to more criticism.

    As protests grew the siege mentality and refusal to accept responsibility or take corrective actions left a vacuum at the top of her organisation.

    The absentee owner who at the same time dictated staff numbers and imposed a succession of inadequate coaches made her role untenable and in her own best interests she resigned her role in January 2016 to return to legal practice.

    Wow , it must be Christmas come early!
  • Katrien Meire took the CEO job with good intentions and wanted to be a popular and respected CEO despite her lack of experience.

    She earned the respect of many members of staff and fans because of her hard work and willingness to speak to fans directly.

    But her inexperience and reliance on equally inexperienced senior staff, bar a few exceptions, lead to a number of errors on the admin side.

    The need to justify and defend the mad and inconsistent "strategy" of the owner however brought her into conflict with staff members and fans

    As the public face of the regime she drew more and more criticism, some deserved and some certainly not, leaving her feeling insecure in her own abilities as is typical with new, young managers. She withdrew, rejected all external comments no matter how conscuctive and listened only to few close colleagues.

    Regrettably these colleagues had their own agendas and roles to protect so the spiral of mistakes, criticism, ignore critics, make more mistakes continued to repeat.

    At the same time the willingness to attend external events and speak in disparaging ways about fans let to more criticism.

    As protests grew the siege mentality and refusal to accept responsibility or take corrective actions left a vacuum at the top of her organisation.

    The absentee owner who at the same time dictated staff numbers and imposed a succession of inadequate coaches made her role untenable and in her own best interests she resigned her role in January 2016 to return to legal practice.

    I think that pretty much sums it up. As many on CL will testify, if you meet KM she is friendly, personable, enthusiastic, and coming up with new ideas. All the things that make you consider appointing someone at an interview. Unfortunately, she is also inexperienced, naive, and unknowledgeable about how to run a football club and should never have been put in the position she is. The last few months have demonstrated that she could not handle things as they got difficult and she has made mistake after mistake, ignoring all advice in doing so. She has not got the experience and understanding to deal the politics and personal agendas being fought out.
  • I'll send my tribute to her by email.
  • Katrien Meire took the CEO job with good intentions and wanted to be a popular and respected CEO despite her lack of experience.

    She earned the respect of many members of staff and fans because of her hard work and willingness to speak to fans directly.

    But her inexperience and reliance on equally inexperienced senior staff, bar a few exceptions, lead to a number of errors on the admin side.

    The need to justify and defend the mad and inconsistent "strategy" of the owner however brought her into conflict with staff members and fans

    As the public face of the regime she drew more and more criticism, some deserved and some certainly not, leaving her feeling insecure in her own abilities as is typical with new, young managers. She withdrew, rejected all external comments no matter how conscuctive and listened only to few close colleagues.

    Regrettably these colleagues had their own agendas and roles to protect so the spiral of mistakes, criticism, ignore critics, make more mistakes continued to repeat.

    At the same time the willingness to attend external events and speak in disparaging ways about fans let to more criticism.

    As protests grew the siege mentality and refusal to accept responsibility or take corrective actions left a vacuum at the top of her organisation.

    The absentee owner who at the same time dictated staff numbers and imposed a succession of inadequate coaches made her role untenable and in her own best interests she resigned her role in January 2016 to return to legal practice.

    I think that pretty much sums it up. As many on CL will testify, if you meet KM she is friendly, personable, enthusiastic, and coming up with new ideas. All the things that make you consider appointing someone at an interview. Unfortunately, she is also inexperienced, naive, and unknowledgeable about how to run a football club and should never have been put in the position she is. The last few months have demonstrated that she could not handle things as they got difficult and she has made mistake after mistake, ignoring all advice in doing so. She has not got the experience and understanding to deal the politics and personal agendas being fought out.
    Pretty much sums it up in both of the Henry's pastiche and response.

    At best, she was a junior Business Development Director. The CEO title was given, and admitted at the time of her appointment, as a way of trying to give her some gravitas in a male, experienced senior director world.

    The intention was to make sure that she was taken seriously. Worked on Jeff Mostyn of Bournemouth when she gave him half the stadium and giggled. Other than that she, unfortunately, kept opening her mouth.

    She'll be missed...not sure who by, but there's probably a job waiting for her on the South Coast!
  • Nice video, shame about the words.
  • Winning 5 - 0 at home must help with that matchday experience
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  • sigh ... if only
  • RIP.

    Are you hoping she's dead ?
  • Katrien Meire took the CEO job with good intentions and wanted to be a popular and respected CEO despite her lack of experience.

    She earned the respect of many members of staff and fans because of her hard work and willingness to speak to fans directly.

    But her inexperience and reliance on equally inexperienced senior staff, bar a few exceptions, lead to a number of errors on the admin side.

    The need to justify and defend the mad and inconsistent "strategy" of the owner however brought her into conflict with staff members and fans

    As the public face of the regime she drew more and more criticism, some deserved and some certainly not, leaving her feeling insecure in her own abilities as is typical with new, young managers. She withdrew, rejected all external comments no matter how conscuctive and listened only to few close colleagues.

    Regrettably these colleagues had their own agendas and roles to protect so the spiral of mistakes, criticism, ignore critics, make more mistakes continued to repeat.

    At the same time the willingness to attend external events and speak in disparaging ways about fans let to more criticism.

    As protests grew the siege mentality and refusal to accept responsibility or take corrective actions left a vacuum at the top of her organisation.

    The absentee owner who at the same time dictated staff numbers and imposed a succession of inadequate coaches made her role untenable and in her own best interests she resigned her role in January 2016 to return to legal practice.


    C**t, end of
  • If it meant she would piss off to ruin some other business, I would shower her with as many plaudits as I could think of.

    But, like the Terminator, the lying **** just won't know when it's time to call it quits.
  • She will go before the first game of next season - at the very latest.
  • vffvff
    edited January 2016
    KM will not be at Charlton by the start of the next season. Duchatelet will protect her by moving her to a different part of the empire. Karen Brady, she ain't.
  • I'm confident that she will be moved, whether it's by RD or by Charlton fans.
  • To paraphrase Elvis Costello "Dirt the Tramp Down"
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