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What now? Time for a season ticket boycott



  • plus I want to spend more weekends with my lad, and my the lanes of Kent on my bike...
  • edited January 2016

    se9addick said:

    Lots of little individual boycotts seem to be taking place here, but no one seems to have either the inclination or the ability to turn it into something more widespread, which presumably is vital if it's going to be worth doing.

    Personally I can't see me not renewing unless there's a better reason not to than "it'll hurt them financially if you don't" , because it won't. RD is worth £418m (Jan 2014 est) and can sustain the loss of a few hundred £300 season tickets very, very easily for the rest of his days. Even if he lost half the season ticket base that would be (£300 x 5,000) or £1.5m or roughly 0.3% of his fortune. I don't think he'll be losing sleep.

    Absolutely don't renew due to your own moral position, I get the feeling of not wanting to give any more of your money to these people but don't call it a boycott - that requires a degree of organisation and execution that we haven't seen yet and if it's going to happen people need to get working on it now, because they'll release the renewal forms in a couple of months.

    What do you want, pledges written in blood?

    Whether or not people renew is a personal decision for them. If nothing changes I shan't be renewing, but that's my own choice.

    I can't help thinking those who are shouting SEASON TICKET BOYCOTT the loudest are doing it as a proxy for doing something more constructive to lever the weirdo and the liar out.

    Unless they actually make a boycott something solid (gather a list of names for an open letter that can be used in an advert/poster, perhaps) it's always going to be a personal choice - but those screaming BOYCOTT need to make the first move and not wait for others.

    (edit: we seem to agree on more than we disagree on, having re-read your post, so please accept this as something aimed at the wider BOYCOTT crowd)
    No, a sense of cohesion and strategy might be a reasonable start though. Particularly how people who aren't on this particular forum are going to be engaged would be useful.
  • S/T sales will be massively down even without an organised boycott. Personally I'll renew as soon as they're gone, but I expect many fans, especially those who travel a long way, will find other things to do, and our fan base will shrink through apathy. Unless of course she finds 4 or 5 thousand fans from S.W. London to replace them.
  • edited January 2016
    I strongly believe renewing is albeit unintentionally enabling the board to carry on as they are.

    As irksome as our protests and expressions of discontent are I fear they'll have no real impact in their current forms (of course we should keep it all up indefinitely).

    A boycott is more than a financial withdrawal it is a statement of intent.

    Attendance is a statement that they can carry on ss they choose and we'll still come along due to our loyalty and affinity.

    Boycotting all home games is the only thing will move them on I think.
  • Rothko said:

    Well I'm out, no renewal for me while these lot run a footballing despot. Odd away game, and a trip to Ebbsfleet now and then.

    I go to non-league matches - Tonbridge Angels, VCD and Ebbsfleet usually - and I'm enjoying them much more than going to watch Charlton. Old tea huts with proper tea for a quid and friendly folk with smiles on their faces from the home and away support. Enjoying this more really worries me though as it feels wrong. I don't want to be the end of the line in generations of my family supporting Charlton. Got to get these owners out - and fast.
  • Rothko said:

    Well I'm out, no renewal for me while these lot run a footballing despot. Odd away game, and a trip to Ebbsfleet now and then.

    I go to non-league matches - Tonbridge Angels, VCD and Ebbsfleet usually - and I'm enjoying them much more than going to watch Charlton. Old tea huts with proper tea for a quid and friendly folk with smiles on their faces from the home and away support. Enjoying this more really worries me though as it feels wrong. I don't want to be the end of the line in generations of my family supporting Charlton. Got to get these owners out - and fast.
    That's the thing that concerns me a little, is my little boy won't be a Charlton supporter, as I won't be going to the Valley due this mob.

  • Rothko said:

    That's the thing that concerns me a little, is my little boy won't be a Charlton supporter, as I won't be going to the Valley due this mob.

    My children have lost interest and they were quite keen. So that's the next generation gone (in this family). The most damaging legacy of the current regime will be the number of kids who don't get immersed in the club at a young age, and who end up as a result following one of the big teams. RD is not just harming the club now ...

  • This will happen next season without it being organised.
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  • Where we might get a higher level of unity is in agreeing not to renew season tickets for the time being. You don't need it until August so why buy in the spring? Few seats will be at risk. They'll be in no position to use price as a tool to make people buy early if there is a strike - although I'd expect them to try anyway.

    Said this a week ago. If you are going to buy wait till the beginning of August and purchase the cheapest one possible in the stand of your choice. There will be plenty of room, so you may sit in your old seat anyway.

    All respect to people already who said they won't purchase a season ticket for next season. I'm undecided but will definitely wait till august if I do purchase one. Or before if they have gone.

  • edited January 2016
    The fear for the club should that when you dont buy a ST it becomes very easy to fall out of the routine of going.

    Due to losing my job in 2005 I gave up my ST and although I was back in work in 6 months I did not get a ST again until 2008 and in them 3 seasons missed the majority of games.
  • I have been going since 1967, a season ticket holder for most of that time including the VIP schemes. I could never turn my back on Charlton, but I have already made my mind up that I will not be renewing my season ticket this time. I will buy tickets on a match by match basis when I want to go. When the regime changes to something I deem more acceptable, I will return to being a season ticket holder.

    Same here
  • I cannot understand anyone who is unhappy with the owners and wants them out would even consider renewing.

    To buy a season ticket next year completely undermines ALL forms of protest to the point of making them entirely redundant and ineffective.

    The boycott of season tickets and all home games next season is the only real weapon in even getting close to forcing these fools out of OUR club. They are not affected or remotely bothered by dialogue, scarves, songs or not buying chips...sad but that's the reality of it.

    The counter argument of supporting the team is understandable but support appears to make little difference plus they would still get away support.

    It would be difficult to do but short term pain for long term gain. Can't see us getting these lot out any other way the bastards.

    This, as it stands at the moment I will not be renewing, however the club have the power to change my mind, lets see if they want to.
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