In short, our friend Big Bob said that we are all xenophobic and sexist and didn't protest like this under Dowie and Pardew!! Think he also made reference to the fact that without Big Roly's dosh we would be stuffed! He also commented on how nice the pitch and seats now look.
Thanks Bob, keep up the good work in your phone box my friend.
He gets a bit carried away with his typing, does Seth.
Can't argue with most of his points
Agree, Nug, except he forgot to mention the draining of the first team resources; selling and buying of players to the detriment of the club; an incompetent CEO and manager; skeleton staff at the Valley due to cuts etc etc Shows that some people only see what they want to but he would probably say the same about me! Good show chaps, thanks.
He gets a bit carried away with his typing, does Seth.
Can't argue with most of his points
Agree, Nug, except he forgot to mention the draining of the first team resources; selling and buying of players to the detriment of the club; an incompetent CEO and manager; skeleton staff at the Valley due to cuts etc etc Shows that some people only see what they want to but he would probably say the same about me! Good show chaps, thanks.
Couldn't mention it all. Why would there be disagreement?
Katriens fault.
Thanks gang! Sure it'll be as good as it always is!
Thanks Bob, keep up the good work in your phone box my friend.
He gets a bit carried away with his typing, does Seth.
Shows that some people only see what they want to but he would probably say the same about me!
Good show chaps, thanks.
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