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A question for all those that called for the sacking of Chris Powell.



  • Powell was let down by two regimes in a row, if RD had been any normal owner then no chance would we have gone down under Powell that season.

    As a normal owner interested in first team success would have seen what had happened in the previous two seasons & realised Powell is someone you can trust to spend any money wisely on the right players to bring success.

    Sadly once Fraeye & the rest of RD's "advisors" started destroying everything Powell had built then yes we would have gone down under Powell, so under that crazy regime it was the right thing to sack him and bring in Riga, someone who could work under an insane regime better.
  • edited January 2016

    RedChaser said:

    Poor Chris had the summer when he realize that he would've no money to buy any one, Hence why he had to get Simon Church from a park in Reading when he was a free agent, and Sordell who had lost his way and no one else wanted.
    By the time of the take over he was already struggling and not sure how to continue, he needed to leave for his own piece of mind and we were 24th even with the games in hand,
    In a parallel universe TJ and Slater didn't run out of money(so no need for Duchatelet) and CP was Given a good championship budget and we all lived happily ever after.

    Real life isn't a fairy story and the good guys don't always win.

    Nope not having that, he was shafted by the terrible twins who pulled the finanancial plug because of their alleged shady dealings and he had to go bargain basement with Church and Sordell (who scored today incidentally).

    We had games in hand so we will never know what the outcome would have been, whatever you want to surmise.

    I think you need to read what i said again ? you have agreed with most of what i said.

    Chris was struggling and depressed, and had been shafted by both regimes.
    No one in football could have overcome that.

    Why are you so confident that he would've been able to raise morale after Sheff united, when we were shocking ?

    Riga came in without the Baggage, and couldn't lose as the only way was up.
    We were shocking at Sheffield United because Powell was making one last stand against RD (or maybe Carol who we are now led to believe was calling the shots) by picking all his payers and not one of the cowboys foisted upon him. I was there and no doubt you were. I said to my son when the team was announced 'CP is making a point today'. Unfortunately his players let him down, if Harriott had put that chance away early doors it could have been a completely different story and CP would have been vindicated. Nothing to do with him struggling or depression, he was effectively being constructively dismissed.

    Please don't put words into my mouth, all I am saying is none of us can say what would have happened had he been kept on can we?
  • RedChaser said:

    RedChaser said:

    Poor Chris had the summer when he realize that he would've no money to buy any one, Hence why he had to get Simon Church from a park in Reading when he was a free agent, and Sordell who had lost his way and no one else wanted.
    By the time of the take over he was already struggling and not sure how to continue, he needed to leave for his own piece of mind and we were 24th even with the games in hand,
    In a parallel universe TJ and Slater didn't run out of money(so no need for Duchatelet) and CP was Given a good championship budget and we all lived happily ever after.

    Real life isn't a fairy story and the good guys don't always win.

    Nope not having that, he was shafted by the terrible twins who pulled the finanancial plug because of their alleged shady dealings and he had to go bargain basement with Church and Sordell (who scored today incidentally).

    We had games in hand so we will never know what the outcome would have been, whatever you want to surmise.

    I think you need to read what i said again ? you have agreed with most of what i said.

    Chris was struggling and depressed, and had been shafted by both regimes.
    No one in football could have overcome that.

    Why are you so confident that he would've been able to raise morale after Sheff united, when we were shocking ?

    Riga came in without the Baggage, and couldn't lose as the only way was up.
    We were shocking at Sheffield United because Powell was making one last stand against RD (or maybe Carol who we are now led to believe was calling the shots) by picking all his payers and not one of the cowboys foisted upon him. I was there and no doubt you were. I said to my son when the team was announced 'CP is making a point today'. Unfortunately his players let him down, if Harriott had put that chance away early doors it could have been a completely different story and CP would have been vindicated. Nothing to do with him struggling or depression, he was effectively being constructively dismissed.

    Please don't put words into my mouth, all I am saying is none of us can say what would have happened had he been kept on can we?
    Perhaps that is what KF is doing saying to RD, you brought in a load of crap, so I played them, know get me better players. Oh yea sorry, these were the players I recommended.
  • Silly thread you got elfsborg all riled up again now.

    Just jesting elfs loved the fact you had a go today
  • seth plum said:

    Speaking emotionally I loved the guy, and I would have him back.

    I love him too but I wouldn't get him back, there are better managers out there. I wouldn't have sacked him at the time either though.
  • edited January 2016

    Silly thread you got elfsborg all riled up again now.

    Just jesting elfs loved the fact you had a go today

    Elfsborg can say whatever he wants today #herofortheday

    You on the other hand @scabbyhorse your flag is pathetic, hardly abusive asking a question.
  • As far as it being the right time is concerned, of course it is, fact is KF is going to be dismissed soon and they have to replace him, comparing managers/head coaches is something the board should be doing too, Powell saying he would come back makes the Powell debate very much alive. I wouldn't want him back but for his sake rather than ours. But, what if the question I asked in the OP is also going through the minds of the buffoons in charge? What if they decide that they messed up and think that by doing something bizarre like bringing Powell back would stop the protests? Let's face it not many managers would be queuing up for the Charlton job right now would they?

    I don't want Powell back I think it would destroy him and he deserves better, however I don't want another half a dozen Belgian rejects either.

  • Let me get this right. We have Chris Powell forever, or we have Karel Fraeye? I'm out.
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  • Ironically we are in a very similar position now as we were then. We looked in trouble in 2014 and we look in trouble now.

    I don't think there is any point in comparing as the malaise looked permanent when Powell left and it looks permanent now.

    It's true that both of the players we sold in January 2014, both of which wanted to leave and had just six months left on their contracts, have gone on to better things but none of the rest of that squad are playing above us, apart from Morrison who stayed until he was replaced.

    Most of the players that have come in since are better than what we had or have cost more and turned out to be bad value for money.

    I don't think there is any evidence, at all, to suggest that Powell would have achieved more points that any of the managers that have come in after him.

    The only, significant, difference is that Powell was a club legend and none of the others are.

    I think there is a temptation to think that because we love him, and I do too, that he would have achieved more Han his replacements. I'm not sure that's true.
  • Wrong time to go over all this again.

    But, on the other hand - when the opening salvo of the new regime is Yohann Thuram, in a reasonably competitive league, then we can't be too surprised the way things have turned out
  • Once Powell was released we played a much more offensive game under Riga. Riga targeted the games that we needed to win and had more nous than Powell did.
    Could Riga be our saviour once again? Only one way of finding out.
  • It's easy to have hindsight now, but at the time we all knew and so did Powell that when new owners come in they want their own manager. Powell didn't exactly at the time look like he would be able to cope with the new regime demands so they replaced him quickly.
  • Sink thread please
  • This thread may just start up fireworks that already exploded a year or so ago.

    The Powell out brigade were a minority but who cares it's football opinions everyone just wants what's best for the club. I would say it was probably roughly 65:35 in favour of Powell.

    It's all in the past.

    Unite the fans.
  • markmc68 said:

    Once Powell was released we played a much more offensive game under Riga. Riga targeted the games that we needed to win and had more nous than Powell did.
    Could Riga be our saviour once again? Only one way of finding out.

    Apparently Fraeye masterminded all that.

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  • Dave2l said:

    Nug said:

    History will always make Riga look like a genius maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. My gut tells me if he'd stayed around for long (relatively speaking with these idiots in charge) the results would have ended up the same as all the others. The strategy, if there is one, is flawed. Powell had Charlton's best interest always at heart. Oh for someone with half of that at the moment in charge and players that will run through brick walls for him.

    Riga is not a genius, absolutely no way.

    It is of my opinion that Riga did what Powell and the club would have done that I mean survive. RD was obviously a complete dick to Powell so it's not quite so simple to answer as to whether Powell would have kept us up. The change was probably needed for the club only because the owners would at least temporarily support them.

    It is also of my opinion that RD had a negative impact that sunk to the players to maximise and f*ck up our FA cup QF game against Sheffield United. The absolute bellened.
    So basically RD is an absolute &£?@ #%*+ and no matter what was going through our heads at the time it's all his fault!

    See no divide here back to the protests.
  • Pointless thread.
  • Silly thread
    I'm still not over Jimmy Seed moving on!
  • If the muppets from Belgium don't sack Fraeye after all this shambles then it does prove that they are either inconsistent or they had it in for Powell.
    So far they have been consistently chite at running CAFC so I think I know the answer to my own point......
  • I despise the owner, the CEO and the interim coach. However, you can'thide from the fact that some of the "performances" under Powell in his last few months in charge were beyond shocking. The shitehawk we have now makes him seem like the messiah. In my opinion he is a very average manger/coach and is miles away from being the answer to the current problems.
  • Everyone loves Chris Powell, he is legend at many clubs and not just Charlton. Football management at a professional league club is an extremely difficult job and sadly Chris appears not to be up to it. However with all his personal attributes I'm sure he has a secure future in the game and am very surprised he hasn't already been recruited by the FA or snapped up again by the PFA.
    I know he's a Spurs fan but he also seems to have an affiliation to West Ham too, they could do a lot worse then employ him in an ambassadorial role for their upcoming big season.
  • Dave2l said:

    Riviera said:

    Everyone loves Chris Powell, he is legend at many clubs and not just Charlton. Football management at a professional league club is an extremely difficult job and sadly Chris appears not to be up to it. However with all his personal attributes I'm sure he has a secure future in the game and am very surprised he hasn't already been recruited by the FA or snapped up again by the PFA.
    I know he's a Spurs fan but he also seems to have an affiliation to West Ham too, they could do a lot worse then employ him in an ambassadorial role for their upcoming big season.

    What are you on about mate?

    (Completely going back on what I said about original post and allowing slight irritation to force me to post again though I'm not actually having a go at you this may seem an excessive reaction but just want to make a general point based on what you said)

    When you say he's not up to it, as in he got sacked from Huddersfield so should give up football management altogether but he's popular and a nice bloke so someone will just give him any old football related bullshit job as they like having him around the place...


    If people gave up that easily and on the things they love and feel passionate about because they don't show signs of perfection straight away, then whats the point?

    He does and has already shown at least some credibility of football management, considering he got a professional football club to win a league. Do I really have to explain why that is a good thing. It is generally quite a big deal. He can bank that, it will always be a proud and worthy achievement to reflect upon. There are a lot more other positive variables to include here within this.

    Oh but it went a bit sour at Huddersfield so now he should just forget all about it and face what you believe to be self acceptance.
    Yes he probably played negative football, but you work within your means. He didn't have bags of quality at his disposal. Was maybe boring for fans, I don't know, maybe not tactically perfect but he didn't get them relegated and they rarely flirted with the bottom 3 (yes and with the top 6 but Huddersfield are not a top 6 club to expect that is almost unreasonable)

    When Alan Pardew the absolute tosser got sacked from Charlton when he couldn't manage us...did he give up? No, he actually it seems, in his own way of dickheadishness.., learnt quite a lot and moved on quickly, he was ruthless and had luck, 8 years on is now arguably very quite surprisingly successful and currently has a good secure status of being a credible premier league manager. Pardew is what, late 50s? It took a while but no one saw it coming. Maybe Fergie did, who knows.

    Don't let your head drop especially when you have not even seen or came close to your own true full potential.

    If Chris Powell wants to continue football management, still has the bug...which he does, I'd be suprised if he didnt...then he should f*cking well do what he loves and take what he's learnt into the next club that gives him the chance!

    I hope and think there is a lot more to come from CP. I would like to see him back at Charlton one day, he is one of us & with good owners and a free-er hand I think he can repeat what he did in his two full seasons with us - he was royally screwed by Duchatalet, Meire and Fraeye towards the end.
  • Powell brought in honest, "proper Charlton" players. He won the league with 100 Points and finished 9th in his first season in the championship .He had no backing whatsoever in the 13/14 season and lost his only forward in January .

    Tactically rigid , yes, and the football wasn't great but give me Powell, Dyer and Matthew over the current jokers any day
  • What a ridiculous post.
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