While many of us have watched the full 20 minute video of the Web Summit panel, the length of the video means that it's highly unlikely that it's been shared and watched across the wider fanbase.
I think it's important that everyone gets to hear what Katrien thinks of us and the future of the club in her own words, so I've made a couple of brief videos of two of the key points of the talk. One is 30 seconds and the other just over a minute, so perfect for sharing on social media etc.
I've deliberately not placed any comment or opinion on the videos themselves, or the associated YouTube pages, so that viewers can draw their own conclusions... after all I think she does a pretty good job of damning herself with her own words. The two statements I've chosen are in my opinion the most important to get out there, and don't require context when watched in isolation.
Any assistance sharing these across Facebook, Twitter, etc. would be great. Not only will more fans be informed of Katrien's opinions before Saturday, but hopefully media outlets and journalists will be more likely to click through and watch a viral-friendly video like this too.
Video 1 - Matchday Proposition
https://youtu.be/kgtOexcktRMVideo 2 - Our Club
Many thanks LFE.
We accept the final decisions rest with the owner, but they need to be made with the fans/support in mind. She should ask CEOs of successful clubs and they will explain it to her! Is she really that stupid?
If anyone could share on the Facebook group that would be great. (I don't post on there)
We're up to 68 and 42 views on the videos already which isn't too shabby for just over half an hour!
I hope Katrien appreciates us helping her message get heard!
I may do another edit later and update YouTube then.
EDIT: Videos now trimmed so they dive straight into the "action"...
Maybe the SLP or Newshopper will embed one or both of them to a story tomorrow?
Could be good clickbait for one of the nationals too - while I doubt little old us would merit much printed column space right now hopefully one of their clickbait-hungry websites might pick it up. I've emailed the Mirror Online and will try a few more in the morning...
The funny thing is that she has been lucky that football fans generally aren't like that - it is actually a bonus to a football club owner, not a hindrance as she seems to be implying.
Surely there is nothing more needed to add to the argument against attending any more matches. Do as you would if the food in a restaurant were awful - don't go anymore. Let the pretty witch eat her own words.
And when she comes out of the match she'll find an angry mob taunting her and criticising her in the same way she does the fans on TV.
Let her know whose f******g club it really is. It's got nothing to do with shareholders - actually some of us were shareholders and had them written off recently..
Win Win, we get to eat the chips before the nobs up town, and Roland makes £475 per go, minus tax and usual expenses.
She can hardly contain herself as she spouts out her contempt for the
fanscustomers.They need to go now.
I'll do whatever it takes to help get rid of them.
he needs to see a shrink... there has to be some deep seated historical issues that has resulted in him trying to take one of the most emotional experiences you can get in life, and try and drain all the emotion out to make it a business devoid of personal attachment... like a restaurant... lol... sooooooo out of touch...
I'm not even angry anymore, I feel sorry for these people...
A new broom will sweep these away ... it has to...
By everything that is right in the world....
If that does not make everyone stand up and sing Saturday and wear their black and white scarfs i do not know what will.
Perhaps everyone should swing the scarfs around their heads when singing to make the black and white theme even more prominent.