On Saturday the 250 scarves we had went, literally, in about 60 seconds such was the demand.
Now we want to give out another 750/1000 at the Blackburn home game. Forest is too close to order and get delivery.
We've already been offered one very generous donation of £300 but we'll need more. We have a supplier and we can get a good discount on a bulk order but we need your help.
We need your money.
We know it's a tight time of year what with the spending on Christmas but think of what you are saving maybe from not buying food or programmes or if you are boycotting by not going at all.
And there was no Charlton Life sponsorship this season either. I doubt Katrien would get the irony of money that might have gone to her commercial team via sponsorship being spent on black and white scarves but we do.
So whatever you can afford from £10 to £10,000 we be very useful.
Anything we have left over we'll look to use for other protests be that more leaflets, like the "stand up for the 2%" that Spell It Out lead on, or similar. And if for some reason the protests and scarves are no longer needed any money remaining will be given to the Upbeats.
If you want to donate please inbox
@Addickted2TheReds and he'll give you the details for payment.
Thanks in advance.
Ben and Joe - Spell It Out in Black and White.
Well done to all involved!!!
PM me and I will send you my address.
We're at over £1k already which is fantastic but the more we get the more we can buy.
Everyone congregated and we run in like the Robin Hood of scarves dashing them in the air haha.
Sadly, with the bank holiday as well, it doesn't look like it's possible.
Ocean's 14. Obviously I'll be Brad Pitt.
I do like the balloon idea though.
Sorry, I hate to sound negative but are your efforts better off being focussed elsewhere? Read a post on here recently that fans queing to get in saw a black and white scarf and didn't have a clue what it was all about.
No one, least of all Joe or I, think that wearing a black and white scarf alone will bring the walls tumbling down. That's not what it is about. And it's not appeasement. KM was clearly rattled by the launch of Spell it out. She referred to it in public and told me to my face that I was "inciting a riot" so unhappy was she about it.
Wearing black and white is a way for people to easily show that they are unhappy and to be able to see that they aren't the only ones. More and more people are doing so and the message is getting out there. You can't and don't suddenly get 98% of fans all knowing about it and acting in an instant. It takes time but so far it's been a success.
Not everyone knows about it yet but if people are seeing the scarves and wondering "what's that about?" then we are getting there.
You said that our efforts would be "better off being focussed elsewhere" but you didn't say where? If you have a better idea then great, go for it.
Mate, this was by no means a criticism of the black and white scarf effort, certainly not, and I genuinely praise all involved. I will gladly wear one and also donate. I guess, like us all, I am desperate for something really transformational to happen but indeed, transformation can take time.