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You Belgian W**kers get out of our club



  • It's a totally club-damaging racist soon as they start singing it the '2%' do far more harm to the club than the current situation could do in a whole season...

    Sorry where is the racism in the chant?
  • I've told myself so many times before
    But this time I think I mean it for sure
    We have reached a full stop
    Nothing's going to save us from the big drop

    Reached our natural conclusion
    Outlived the illusion

    I hate being in these situations
    That call for diplomatic relations
    If I only knew the answer
    Or I thought we had a chance
    Or I could stop this
    I would stop this thing
    From spreading like a cancer

    What can I say
    I don't want to play anymore
    What can I say
    I'm heading for the door
    I can't stand this emotional violence
    Leave in silence
    Leave in silence

    We've been running around in circles all year
    Doing this and that and getting nowhere

    This will be the last time
    I think I said that last time

    If I only had a potion
    Some magical lotion
    That could stop this
    I would set the wheels in motion

    That'll learn em!!!
  • JaShea99 said:

    No idea how this would work as a chant and it's far from snappy, but I read that last comment as a challenge, and couldn't go to bed until I'd finished:

    We don't need no Belgian invasion
    We don't need no foreign control
    No Meire sarcasm in the boardroom
    Roland, leave that club alone
    Hey Belgians - leave Charlton alone
    When we're through, it's just another business to you
    Get out before you put a stain on our great name

    Remember us old uns. Cant remember what I had for breakfast let alone learn a song/chant consisting of 7 lines - I would need a cue card!! )-
  • Anything that stops people singing variations of "Sloop John B" is a big step forward.
  • When concocting a chant (hopefully aimed at Miere and RD) I think the gloves now need to be off re Murray. he is now clearly a core part of the problem, regardless of what he might have done in the past.
  • 1eyedtutt said:

    No swearing,lets all go to church instead.

    You may not get the point ?

    The reason we want to all chant
    "Get out of our club"

    Is so 5 to 90 year olds can join in.

    As opposed to half a dozen geezers on their own chanting

    FUC# off to Belgium, you slag.

    Plus you won't get news coverage on the London news.

    Point taken ?
  • colthe3rd said:

    Anything that stops people singing variations of "Sloop John B" is a big step forward.

    My dog (Wilson) and I LOVE "sloop John B"
  • PeterGage said:

    colthe3rd said:

    Anything that stops people singing variations of "Sloop John B" is a big step forward.

    My dog (Wilson) and I LOVE "sloop John B"
    Really happy for you. Keep me posted.
  • 1eyedtutt said:

    No swearing,lets all go to church instead.

    Plus you won't get news coverage on the London news.

    No, it will get coverage, but it will be negative.
  • bc_addick said:

    I remember someone on here got ridiculed for suggesting the 'shalalalala we sent the Palace down' and then everyone joined in with that one. So how about replacing 'we sent the palace down' with 'we want the Belgians out'
    No swearing and a proven easy to join in chant. ??

    No swearing?! Only scans with an extra 2-syllable word just before 'Palace'. What do you reckon, 'blasted'?
  • Sponsored links:

  • At this rate we'll be trying to get people to recite Shakespeare outside the West Stand in order to please all the social rules being set out.
  • Leuth said:


    It's still, 'Belgians'.
  • Leuth said:

    bc_addick said:

    I remember someone on here got ridiculed for suggesting the 'shalalalala we sent the Palace down' and then everyone joined in with that one. So how about replacing 'we sent the palace down' with 'we want the Belgians out'
    No swearing and a proven easy to join in chant. ??

    No swearing?! Only scans with an extra 2-syllable word just before 'Palace'. What do you reckon, 'blasted'?
    Scans beautifully as is it is. but if it didn't I would be happy to add 'Blinking' :-)
  • I suppose it does scan without too, albeit in a different way to the originalq
  • cafctom said:

    At this rate we'll be trying to get people to recite Shakespeare outside the West Stand in order to please all the social rules being set out.

    To be, or not to be- that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    Now gather up ye olde top fella Katrien,
    Not letting the door hit you on the arse.

    So much nicer than F**k off doesn't one think? ;)
  • You at the window grinning like a Cheshire cat.


    If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
  • I have only one remark to make to you Richard of the Murray ?

    Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.
  • All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players:
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    Taxi for Katrien.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Now is the winter of our discontent
    Made glorious summer by this son of Brussels.
  • 1eyedtutt said:

    No swearing,lets all go to church instead.

    You may not get the point ?

    The reason we want to all chant
    "Get out of our club"

    Is so 5 to 90 year olds can join in.

    As opposed to half a dozen geezers on their own chanting

    FUC# off to Belgium, you slag.

    Plus you won't get news coverage on the London news.

    Point taken ?
    No,point not taken. You need to be more aggressive,not violent but show some anger and some intent,most people are to worried to get on the pitch. Looks like you will have to put up with these owners until they are ready to go because wearing black and white scarfs and trying to decide what sort of friendly protest is going to work is not going to happen. Understand.
  • You really are clueless if you think young 20 year olds or younger will help our cause swearing at her.
    Her tenure at the club is coming to an end so it's about KM being rubbish at her job, and reminding her of that fact.
    I show passion every time i go home or away, and will do the same on Saturday,
    inside and outside the ground to get my point across.

    I don't need a lecture thank, i will forget all i learnt at the Anger management course and will see you at the demo on Saturday,
    You won't miss me i will be the one shouting the loudest and standing on a soapbox.

  • Didn't Michael Jackson release a song called They Don't Care About Us or something? That seems appropriate.
  • You really are clueless if you think young 20 year olds or younger will help our cause swearing at her.
    Her tenure at the club is coming to an end so it's about KM being rubbish at her job, and reminding her of that fact.
    I show passion every time i go home or away, and will do the same on Saturday,
    inside and outside the ground to get my point across.

    I don't need a lecture thank, i will forget all i learnt at the Anger management course and will see you at the demo on Saturday,
    You won't miss me i will be the one shouting the loudest and standing on a soapbox.

    I was not giving you a lecture,I was giving my opinion which is just as valid as yours. I did not say I was right or anyone else was wrong. That also does not make me clueless. If you think I am just because you disagree then maybe the anger management course may not be a bad idea.
  • 1eyedtutt said:

    You really are clueless if you think young 20 year olds or younger will help our cause swearing at her.
    Her tenure at the club is coming to an end so it's about KM being rubbish at her job, and reminding her of that fact.
    I show passion every time i go home or away, and will do the same on Saturday,
    inside and outside the ground to get my point across.

    I don't need a lecture thank, i will forget all i learnt at the Anger management course and will see you at the demo on Saturday,
    You won't miss me i will be the one shouting the loudest and standing on a soapbox.

    I was not giving you a lecture,I was giving my opinion which is just as valid as yours. I did not say I was right or anyone else was wrong. That also does not make me clueless. If you think I am just because you disagree then maybe the anger management course may not be a bad idea.
    Your right, I shouldn't have said you were clueless and you opinion is nearly as valid as mine !
    Let's just hope my anger hasn't peak too soon as i'm still as pumped up on Saturday ? In a non violent way of course.
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Roland Out Forever!