As part of the protest campaign, would Requesting the club to remove all contact details from their database or unsubscribe (until satisfied the club is run properly)? This action would soon bring home the twindling support under this regime......just a thought....any mileage?
I'm surprised that nobody is interested in doing this easy protest. Surely, CAFC Communications keeps stats on the number of subscribers to the newsletter and how many unsubscribe? Sir Henry or Rick is this so?
As well as unsubscribing from club emails, a direct email request should be sent to the club to remove yourself from their marketing database. If in future you receive a direct marketing email/phone call from the club they will be in breach of Data Protection Act and subject to possible sanction.
Probably not, but thought I'd check.
Paying my 2nd visit of the season tomorrow. White hankie treatment will be order of the day (no response required from Mehmet..)
All I am saying is that this action should be a sign to the club of our discontent and once we feel we, as fans, are satisfied with the direction the club take then we just subscribe
Could you nudge Rick or whoever on whether this is a worthwhile goer?
Not sure whether I'm the right person to nudge AB, though !
Not a youngster like (Sir) Henry.
Point taken.
I'll see if he's awake....