Katrien , i understand Roland is over in London at the moment.
Please can you stand your ground, tell him the truth , & let him know its not one or two fans that are unhappy with things at the moment, but thousands.
Please can you tell him to end the repetitive cycle of trying to be super clever and doings things on the cheap which come back to bite him on the bum, by employing a proper manager, someone who the players will respect, has a pedigree track record , and an extremely good knowledge of the English leagues, and who the fans can get behind, that is all i humbly and politely ask for Christmas from Charlton, not bouncy castles ,sofas, DJ'S and other fancy gimmicks, lets get this club back on track and do things properly.
RD will then go home and think none the wiser
IMHO, I don't think RD is the problem, KM on the other hand, well there we go.....
Not because you are a woman. In fact that makes me want you to succeed.
Not because you are Belgium. My wife is French I am generally pro European, I have nothing what so ever against your country.
Its because, I am afraid to say, you are complete useless as CEO of a professional football club.