So petitions are for serious matters... I get it. But this petition could be life changing for myself.
I am petitioning to get a support slot on BUSTED's tour and need as many signatures as possible to get the notice of management surrounding the tour. If the petition goes well and I am selected, I could go on to become a millionaire and buy out the club!
Okay maybe the last bit was a bit too far fetched. But it could happen..

Anyway I'm asking all Charlton fans to please spare 5 seconds in just signing it and maybe sharing with friends and family to do the same.
My first aim is 1000. I hope it's possible.
So please may you sign my petition and give me a chance in something I love.
Cheers all!
It's hard enough to get backing in music in current times. It's all management, record PR's and more. I'm just trying to get a step in the right direction.
If you don't wanna care, that's fine. Then don't sign it. But if you wanna help someone in trying to achieve something by taking 20 seconds of your time, then great.
I thank all that does.