This is from an article about 6 months old discussing Belgian rich, but then we never get told anything recent about him
According to an exclusive survey of Fan!, The football magazine of our newspaper, the entrepreneur's Marc Coucke (1.472 billion equity) and Roland Duchâtelet (1.250 billion euros). About £800m
To give a further example, a few years back a hotelier named Andrew Davis featured a long way up The Sunday Times rich list.
Shortly afterwards his hotel chain of up market hotels went bust owing £295mn to two banks alone.
So, now he's presumably worth next to nothing. Perhaps he always was?
No one except RD can really estimate how much he's worth.
BTW, the aforementioned hotel chain, Von Essen, sponsored The Sunday Times rich list.....
We are just another if his social experimentals. He's never going to throw money into the team.
It's reached the point where we are not happy that some bloke who isn't even a fan is prepared to fund our losses of a ridiculous £6 million ? per year and all we can think of is that he's a tight git for not spending more.
Money has wrecked it for me. The playing field is now so skewed that it's hardly worth the bother.
Does anyone know how the Fan strike went yesterday at clubs protesting in regards to ticket prices.