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Another Shooting In America?



  • The brilliant Milo Yiannopoulos addresses the crowd outside the scene of the shooting. Speech starts from the 12th minute in:
  • MP injured after 'shooting' reports -
  • I just read an interesting article on why the latest four gun control bills all failed in the US Senate.
  • The brilliant Milo Yiannopoulos

  • We now have snipers picking off Police Officers following demonstrations about the shooting of innocent black men by law enforcement officers.

    So the circle of killing and hate continues.
  • Series of amateur footage videos of shooting and mass confusion here:

    The one where the sniper walks up behind an apparent cop is almost unbelievable.

  • This is ridiculous.
  • If those police had more guns and everyone around them had more guns and they gave all the children guns this could have been avoided....

    A country that shares little more than a language with us.
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  • From about a week ago, before the latest round of shootings of black men Philando Castile and Alton Sterling:
  • There's a photo on Twitter of blacklivesmatter protesters yesterday, and one guy has a massive fuck off assault rifle strapped across his body and this is LEGAL???

    I mean....what???!!!!
  • There's a photo on Twitter of blacklivesmatter protesters yesterday, and one guy has a massive fuck off assault rifle strapped across his body and this is LEGAL???

    I mean....what???!!!!

    It's called freedom. Clearly we are oppressed and don't realise it.

    This whole concept of "freedom" and the constitution, at a time when firing a gun would take a minute to reload afterwards is the reason America is such a fucked up country. Combine that with a large amount of racist tensions, bigotry and ignorance and you have the greatest nation on earth.
  • It's a terrible situation for a nation to find themselves in as the copy cat element will no doubt kick in

    It is quite difficult to understand and comprehend but it's also quite difficult for me to find a level of sympathy towards the police force in the US, the killing of the poor guy in the car Infront of a child and his partner is quite simply one of the most heartbreaking things I have seen

    The police in America seemingly have a virtually impossible task but you can not ask a man to give you id and then shoot him Infront of a 4yr old child because of a broken tail light

    Enough is enough surely American police officers are killing people out of fear or is it out of racist behaviour
  • 136 black people killed by American police officers this year

    One a day nearly, something ain't right
  • Obama is too busy shuffling the order of US trade deals to pay attention to the biggest challenge facing the USA.
    The fella is a joke.
  • Hopefully Trump can get the Presidency and give the NRA a greater say in Government policy over guns. He can also sort out the racism issue with some of his famed diplomacy.
    Totally f***ing mental state of affairs.... When will it end?
  • edited July 2016

    136 black people killed by American police officers this year

    One a day nearly, something ain't right

    500 plus roughly this year killed by Police.

    Those are a mix of all races etc yet no one else is taking up arms?

    Violence is not the answer. Though Racism exists I fear it is being used a bit as an excuse here. You have around 400 that weren't "black".
  • edited July 2016

    Obama is too busy shuffling the order of US trade deals to pay attention to the biggest challenge facing the USA.
    The fella is a joke.

    I think you'll find he has simply given up, because he knows that you can't even have a reasonable debate about gun control. You cant accuse him of not trying.
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  • Dazzler21 said:

    500 plus roughly this year killed by Police.

    Those are a mix of all races etc yet no one else is taking up arms?

    Violence is not the answer. Though Racism exists I fear it is being used a bit as an excuse here. You have around 400 that weren't "black".
    Racism is a huge issue in the way the police operate in the States - just reflects the view in society. Violence may not be the answer but the politicians don't really address the issues.
    If issues aren't addressed the cycle will continue.
    Only a fool would argue that blacks and whites get equal treatment from the police.
  • A combination of racism and inherent fear whenever someone doesn't have their hands in 100% sight because guns are absolutely everywhere... not a good mix...
  • What an absolute mess.

    Innocent men killed followed by innocent police.

    Clinton or Trump to come in and "solve" this that means things will get worse.
  • Cops shoot at snipers who were shooting at cops at a protest against cops shooting people.

    One day, the people of America will get it. But not yet, it appears.
  • edited July 2016

    Racism is a huge issue in the way the police operate in the States - just reflects the view in society. Violence may not be the answer but the politicians don't really address the issues.
    If issues aren't addressed the cycle will continue.
    Only a fool would argue that blacks and whites get equal treatment from the police.
    Luckily that wasn't my argument. My argument is those other 400+ are not reacting by killing back.

    How do they know they are killing racist officers?

    What about all the officers that are there genuinely to 'Protect and serve'?

    Do they deserve to die too?

    I know it is a majority in the U.S that are over zealous or aggressive in handling certain people. They are usually either racist or scared that there is a gun waiting to be drawn.

    The police officer in the live stream video after just shooting the black chap who reached for his pocket sounded terrified.
  • Obama is too busy shuffling the order of US trade deals to pay attention to the biggest challenge facing the USA.
    The fella is a joke.

    Americans are so paranoid that any mention of gun controls means that the government are going to take away their guns. I think Obama tried to get some small changes brought in like the amount of bullets a gun can shoot and people owning high powered machine guns like the AR15 and these were flatly rejected!
  • WSS said:

    Are you saying that Obama is not paying attention or passionate about gun laws in the US? Seriously?
    He has cited it as his number one concern - but to what effect ?
    Probably too busy worrying about the Brexit vote.
  • We have our fair share of nutters in the UK - imagine if they were all armed!
  • edited July 2016
    As soon as any event has degrees of separation either due to time or comments, the original even somehow becomes diminished.
    However I watched the video of the girlfriend in the car and there, in it's raw form, is something truly shocking.
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