I'm sure this was on a Friday night in the early '70s, so probably a testimonial, which would make WHU the likely opponents. A very large fireball crossed the sky in the direction South Stand to North Stand. Everyone around my brother and I commented on it so I know we didn't hallucinate. We rushed home after the game to see it be get mentioned on the news, but not a word.
Does anyone else remember this?
It was caused by a returning space station re-entering the earths atmosphere before crashing to earth in Bermondsey flattening everything in a one mile radius. It didn't make the papers because no-one noticed.
1. Good strong skunk weed
2. LSD
3. Magic mushrooms
4 any combination of the above,
Many games I have had the same experience, I once thought we beat either Derby or Sheffield Wed and that bends carbonie scored the goals for us that afternoon, only to realise the never played for us and we had lost, so the possibility of a fire ball is credible if you were on the drugs my brother
Ben Flamer
Neil RedInferno
Fumbling through my old Sky At Night annuals from the day as we chat, at least the pages in these aren't stuck together...
Ah here it is...
On Friday the 24th of August 1973 the Persescus meteorite shower had flown past Uranus and through the ring of Saturn towards Earth and produced a dazzling display in the early evening sky across S.E London. In fact play stopped for an hour and a half at The Valley Football Ground SE7 because this event was infinately more interesting than what was going on on the pitch.
Patrick Moore.