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Players Marks: Capital One Cup R1: Charlton v Dagenham & Redbridge



  • Pope - 6
    Charles-Cook - 6.0
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7
    Sarr - 7
    Ceballos - 6
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Bergdich - 7
    Watt - 7
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 6
    Gudmundsson - 6
    Holmes-Dennis n/a

  • Pope - 5 spilled at least 3 shots, better opposition would have scored the resulting rebound at least once
    Charles-Cook - 6.5 not really a full back and had to be coaxed by the bench into pushing up and applying pressure, but it's a big learning curve and he seems to have a great mentality and skill set to develop into a good player
    Fox - 7.5 dangerous when forward, assured in the tackle and tall enough to head danger clear, will be a standout player if he continues to improve
    Bauer - 7.5 like I said on Saturday, proper defending, get it away, but can play too if needed
    Sarr - 7 quick and strong, calm with the ball at his feet, caught out of position once or twice
    Ceballos - 7.5 tricky winger who could be the answer on the left or at the very least perfect JBG understudy
    Ba - 7 cracking shot, bags of energy, but Herriot popping up on the right hand side, both Guy and Damien had a go telling him to stay central
    Jackson - 7 Breaking up play, moving the ball on well, what he lacks in mobility he more than makes up for in ability in my eyes
    Bergdich - 8 well taken goal, likes to run at defenders and will get to the byline and cut it back quite a bit
    Watt - 8 hustled defenders, made space for others and got another goal
    Ahearne-Grant - 7.5 led the line whilst Watt dropped back more, scored a good goal and his runs were dangerous looking

    Reza - 7 <3 took the goal well, seemed up for the game and only fell over 4 times in half an hour, and only once was those without a player touching him! Seriously though he will only be 4th or 5th choice, but he will have chances to score and is going to take some of those chances.
    Gudmundsson - 6.5 didn't do a lot, not sure why he came on, but i guess half an hours worth of football does no harm to him and keeps him sharp for Derby
    Holmes-Dennis n/a

    Luzon 8, got the pleasure of sitting all of 10 feet from him last night and learnt a lot about what he wants out of his side. Him and Damien are a great double act, one jumping and screaming, full of instruction, the other calm in his seat, full of praise and encouragement
  • Pope - 7
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 8
    Sarr - 7.5
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 7.5
    Jackson - 7
    Bergsich - 7.5
    Watt - 8
    Ahearne-Grant - 7.5

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 6.5
  • My first look at the team this year:
    Pope - 6; no difficult saves but didn't take some of the shots cleanly which was cause for concern
    Charles-Cook - 6; saw lots of the ball, and did OK for a debut
    Fox - 6; solid at the back, and looked confident
    Bauer - 7; very good in the air and on the ground. Classy
    Sarr - 6.5; Good debut, and will get better. Tired toward the end I thought.
    Ceballos - 6.5; some great subtle passes and good movement. Also tired, but decent debut and will perform this year
    Ba - 8; Wow. Excellent anticipation and good simple passing. Unlucky not to score when his shot hit the ba(r).
    Jackson - 5; Looked a shadow of the former skipper sadly.
    Bergdich - 7; Good fast start but slowed later. Took his goal well and made some good passes too. An asset!
    Watt - 8 (MoM); Moaned and whinged throughout about his leg hurting. God help teams if he plays fit!
    Ahearne-Grant - 7; Worked hard and took his goal well. Could have had more.

    Reza - 6; Fell over a lot but did finish his chance well.
    Gudmundsson - 6; Not really asked to do too much, but looked fine.

    A nice easy passage through, and a good chance for new players to blend.
  • Pope - 6
    Charles-Cook - 6.5
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7
    Sarr - 6.5
    Ceballos - 6.5
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 6.5
    Bergsich - 6.5
    Watt - 7.5
    Ahearne-Grant - 6.5

    Reza - 6.5
    Gudmundsson - 6
    Holmes-Dennis n/a
  • Pope - 5
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7.5
    Sarr - 7
    Ceballos - 6
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Bergdich - 7.5
    Watt - 7
    Ahearne-Grant - 7.5

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 6
    Holmes-Dennis n/a

  • Pope - 6 Struggled to keep hold of the lower shots
    Charles-Cook - 7 Very tenacious
    Fox - 8 Got forward very well and supplied some cracking crosses in the first half
    Bauer - 8.5 In complete control. Reads everything so well and makes it look easy
    Sarr - 6.5 Looks a good athlete who likes to play out, one or two jitters
    Ceballos - 6 Sporadic moments of quality.
    Ba - 8 Excellent midfield contribution at both ends
    Jackson - 7 Unfussy but broke a lot up and passed sensibly
    Bergdich - 7 Very good start before understandably fading. Looks quick and strong.
    Watt - 7.5 Didn't feel he was at his best but still too good. I shouldn't take his skill level for granted
    Ahearne-Grant - 7 Ran his heart out and scared them with his pace. Be nice to see him work on his left foot

    Reza - 7 Strange to see him again. Ludicrous dive but fancied it and has an awkward quality in possession
    Gudmundsson - 6.5 His skill enables him to create shooting chances almost at will. Didn't quite have his eye in this time.
    Holmes-Dennis n/a One superb first-time ball from in to out that completely split them open.

  • Pope - 7
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7.5
    Sarr - 7
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 7.5
    Jackson - 7
    Bergsich - 7.5
    Watt - 8
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 7
    Holmes-Dennis n/a

  • Pope - 5. Hoped he had turned a corner on Saturday but looked shaky tonight. Four shots to save and none of them stuck and one near disaster with a fumble he only just got away with.

    Charles-Cook - 7. Solid. A bit lightweight but I like the look of him. Not ready for a permanent slot by any means but will be ok in an emergency.

    Fox - 7. very prominent in attack, especially first half but crossing consistently poor.

    Bauer - 7. Very impressive. Calm and assured on the ball. Won't be proud of their goal though as something went badly wrong in the e centre of defence.

    Sarr 7. - as Bauer. Impressive touch for a big guy. A few misplaced passes but promising first appearance.

    Ceballos - 6. Flattered to deceive a bit. Clearly skilful and has vision. Just didn't use either as much as he could have done. Booked for a crazy tackle. Jury out for me.

    Ba - 7. Controlled the midfield. Much more impressive than on Saturday admittedly against inferior opposition. Highly promising.

    Jackson - 6.5. Typical Jacko performance. Barely noticed him but kinda reassuring to have him there.

    Bergsich - 6. A little disappointing after Saturdays cameo but scored and occasionally looked dangerous. Another I have hopes for.

    Watt - somebody said it earlier. Doesn't look right but game changer. Luzon's biggest challenge and our greatest threat. Took a lot of punishment tonight but just kept getting up for more. Goal was all his own work.

    Ahearne-Grant - 6.5 Played very confidently I thought. Good goal. Could have had more. Good to see. Not ready for first team yet IMHO but encouraging display.

    Reza - 7. Scored, dived, ran around a lot. Very useful squad player if he can be arsed.

    Gudmundsson - 7. Class. No idea why it was worth risking him when we were 3-0 up though.

    Holmes-Dennis n/a

    No mark for Watt - you silly billy!
  • Sponsored links:

  • Pope - 7
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 8
    Bauer - 7
    Sarr - 6.5
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 6
    Jackson - 6
    Bergsich - 7
    Watt - 7.5
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 6
    Holmes-Dennis n/a

  • edited August 2015
    Pope - 7 Was fine and kicked well.
    Charles-Cook - 7 He was blowing by the end but fair play, he did a good job last night.
    Fox - 7 Some nice touches.
    Bauer - 8 Strong, stayed on his feet, read the play, won the ball, switched play well.
    Sarr - 7 Started some good moves with is passing out to the left. For a first game, that wasn't bad.
    Ceballos - 7 Took a while to get going but worked very hard and showed that he's got some ideas. Had a couple of misunderstandings with Watt but game time will sort that out. Good work for AG's goal.
    Ba - 8 Dominated the midfield. Showed great strength to hold off his man and set Reza away for his goal with a lovely weighted ball. Good snap shot against the bar.
    Jackson - 7 Put in an excellent shift for 90 mins. Kept it simple and kept us solid. Nice free-kick off the top of the bar.
    Bergdich - 6 Fairly quiet but did enough to make contribution. Good to have got those minutes into his legs and took his goal very coolly.
    Watt - 8 - D&R couldn't cope with him dropping off into midfield. Showed intelligence in the way he saw a short pass and the little reverse for the Bergdich goal was perfectly weighted/disguised. Cheeky goal.
    Ahearne-Grant - 7 Full of effort and was in the right place at the right time for his goal.

    Reza - 7 Good cameo bearing in mind his lack of pre-season minutes. Always on the move and a deft finish for his goal.
    Gudmundsson - 7 Very classy and tracked back well to help Charles-Cook. Looks fit and strong.
    Holmes-Dennis n/a - One excellent volleyed pass over the top. Nice to see him in action at last.
  • Pope - 6
    Charles-Cook - 6
    Fox - 7.5
    Bauer - 7
    Sarr - 6
    Ceballos - 6
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Bergsich - 6
    Watt - 8
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 6
    Gudmundsson - 6.5

  • Pope - 5
    Charles-Cook - 6
    Fox - 6
    Bauer - 7
    Sarr - 7
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Bergsich - 7
    Watt - 8
    Ahearne-Grant - 8

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 7
    Holmes-Dennis n/a
  • Pope - 6 Stopping the low ball??
    Charles-Cook - 6 Not much to do
    Fox - 7.5 First half I was particularly impressed. Seems to have found out where the opponents goal is
    Bauer - 7 Armchair ride
    Sarr - 7 Solid enough
    Ceballos - 6 His role in the second goal shows he has the class. Forgot he was playing for long periods
    Ba - 6 Some strike early second half, but ditto above
    Jackson - 6 Good early on. Unsurprisingly he faded. Can't see him starting that often.
    Bergsich - 7 Lively and industrious. Took goal well.
    Watt - 8 MOM Daggers will be pleased that there are very few like him in League 2.
    Ahearne-Grant - 7 Pleased he scored. Still only young, it shows, as does his potential.

    Reza - 6 Nice goal. Sorry still lightweight
    Gudmundsson - 7 No real need to play him. The game was dead when he came on.
  • Pope - 7
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 7.5
    Bauer - 7.5
    Sarr - 8
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Bergsich - 7
    Watt - 7.5
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 7
  • Pope - 6
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7
    Sarr - 6
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Bergsich - 7
    Watt - 8
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 7
  • Pope - 5.5. Kicking atrocious.
    Charles-Cook - 7. Didn't realize he could play right back.
    Fox - 8. Seemed to be everywhere, especially in the 1st half. Less hesitant than usual.
    Bauer - 8. Rarely puts a foot wrong.
    Sarr - 7. Looks decent, but can see there might be an error or clumsiness in his game but good on the whole.
    Ceballos - 6. Didn't do anything, was quite disappointed.
    Ba - 6.5
    Jackson - 6.
    Bergdich - 8. Looks very dangerous.
    Watt - 8.5. Just brilliant.
    Ahearne-Grant - 7. Good goal but did little else.

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 7
    Holmes-Dennis - n/a
  • Pope - 6
    Charles-Cook - 6.5
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7.5
    Sarr - 7
    Ceballos - 6.5
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Bergsich - 7
    Watt - 8.5
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 7
    Gudmundsson - 7
  • Sponsored links:

  • Pope 7
    Charles-Cook 7
    Fox 7
    Bauer 8
    Sarr 8
    Ceballos 6
    Ba 8
    Jackson 6
    Bergdich 7
    Watt 8
    Ahearne-Grant 7

    Reza 7
    Gudmundsson 7
  • Pope 6
    Charles-Cook 6
    Fox 5
    Bauer 8
    Sarr 7
    Ceballos 7
    Ba 7
    Jackson 6
    Bergdich 7
    Watt 8
    Ahearne-Grant 7

    Reza 6
    Gudmundsson 6
  • Pope - 4 - some bad handling
    Charles-Cook - 4 - too often caught out; will get better but I'm not sure he's a natural right-back.
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 5 - neither centre-back looked that composed when D&R made their few forays into the box
    Sarr - 5 - see above
    Ceballos - 4 - really stupid booking
    Ba - 5
    Jackson - 5
    Bergsich - 6
    Watt - 7
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 6
    Gudmundsson - 6

    I'm not one to judge others usually... But really?
  • Marks out of 10 please:

    Pope - 6.5
    Charles-Cook - 7
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 7.5
    Sarr - 7
    Ceballos - 7
    Ba - 7
    Jackson - 6.0
    berg dish 7
    Watt - 7.5
    Ahearne-Grant - 7.5

    Reza - 6.5
    Gudmusson -7
    Holmes-Dennis n/a
  • Essex_Al said:

    Pope - 5. Hoped he had turned a corner on Saturday but looked shaky tonight. Four shots to save and none of them stuck and one near disaster with a fumble he only just got away with.

    Charles-Cook - 7. Solid. A bit lightweight but I like the look of him. Not ready for a permanent slot by any means but will be ok in an emergency.

    Fox - 7. very prominent in attack, especially first half but crossing consistently poor.

    Bauer - 7. Very impressive. Calm and assured on the ball. Won't be proud of their goal though as something went badly wrong in the e centre of defence.

    Sarr 7. - as Bauer. Impressive touch for a big guy. A few misplaced passes but promising first appearance.

    Ceballos - 6. Flattered to deceive a bit. Clearly skilful and has vision. Just didn't use either as much as he could have done. Booked for a crazy tackle. Jury out for me.

    Ba - 7. Controlled the midfield. Much more impressive than on Saturday admittedly against inferior opposition. Highly promising.

    Jackson - 6.5. Typical Jacko performance. Barely noticed him but kinda reassuring to have him there.

    Bergsich - 6. A little disappointing after Saturdays cameo but scored and occasionally looked dangerous. Another I have hopes for.

    Watt - somebody said it earlier. Doesn't look right but game changer. Luzon's biggest challenge and our greatest threat. Took a lot of punishment tonight but just kept getting up for more. Goal was all his own work.

    Ahearne-Grant - 6.5 Played very confidently I thought. Good goal. Could have had more. Good to see. Not ready for first team yet IMHO but encouraging display.

    Reza - 7. Scored, dived, ran around a lot. Very useful squad player if he can be arsed.

    Gudmundsson - 7. Class. No idea why it was worth risking him when we were 3-0 up though.

    Holmes-Dennis n/a

    No mark for Watt - you silly billy!
    Oops. Well spotted sir!

    Id have given Watt 8.
  • Pope - 4 - some bad handling
    Charles-Cook - 4 - too often caught out; will get better but I'm not sure he's a natural right-back.
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 5 - neither centre-back looked that composed when D&R made their few forays into the box
    Sarr - 5 - see above
    Ceballos - 4 - really stupid booking
    Ba - 5
    Jackson - 5
    Bergsich - 6
    Watt - 7
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 6
    Gudmundsson - 6

    Jeez! I'm glad we didn't lose!
  • Pope - 4 - some bad handling
    Charles-Cook - 4 - too often caught out; will get better but I'm not sure he's a natural right-back.
    Fox - 7
    Bauer - 5 - neither centre-back looked that composed when D&R made their few forays into the box
    Sarr - 5 - see above
    Ceballos - 4 - really stupid booking
    Ba - 5
    Jackson - 5
    Bergsich - 6
    Watt - 7
    Ahearne-Grant - 7

    Reza - 6
    Gudmundsson - 6

    Are you a one star trip advisor saboteur in your spare time?

    Not in my spare time, no. It's a full-time job.

    Seriously, if you find my TripAdvisor reviews, they're general quite positive, but I don't hold back on criticism, either negative or positive. Same as I did when giving my scores here for Tuesday night's game.
  • Maybe it's just me, but I'm surprised that nobody thought Fox was worth a 7.5 minimum, I think Ceballos was a 6, quiet throughout the game not too sure what everyone saw a 7 in really..
  • edited August 2015
    He played a disciplined team game with some good passing (Ceballos)
    which is fine, remember Bulot 1st few games ?
    It took the African nations for Fred to show what he was about.
    on his return he was good.
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