This forum has always been a place to ask questions. The club is often criticised as well as individual players.
Yet the thread I started yesterday was closed with the advice to speak to the group concerned directly. To avoid myself or anyone else making the same mistake, are there any other organisations or individuals that are only to be mentioned in positive light?
It was your opinion and suggestion that the club shouldn't endorse the group for some reason. This forum is not the club, nor the group - so it was suggested you contacted either organisation directly to air your views.
Oh wait, you're probably neither of those, but that's how the last post came across.
As far as I'm concerned I was disappointed it was closed because you touched upon a very valid point about the hypocrisy of those who want freedom to do or say as they please as long no one else has the same freedom. It doesn't work like that.
The situation regarding UKIP and Pride was stupid. UKIP supporters went anyway because, surprise surprise, there are gay supporters too. It's a political party; no worse than ones on the opposite end of the spectrum. They wanted to walk under the same banner and spread the same message, it's not like the EDL asking to join a Muslim Brotherhood march or a Labour MP trying to attend a Conservative event.
The very thing that the Pride even was for was equality and to show that the LGBT community is everywhere and can be found in all walks of life - they shat on that aim with their petty attempt at banning a legitimate political party. Needless to say, the a small group of UKIP members who turned up did then make it about politics with placards like "Vote Labour? I'm gay, not stupid.". The organisers well and truly shot themselves in the foot by being the very thing they're fighting against; exclusive.
Blaming, or linking, our own fans to it wasn't fair either though. They weren't responsible for the attitudes of the organisers of Gay Pride.
For what it's worth, I've attended Pride with gay friends a couple of years ago and had a laugh, and I'm not a UKIP member either - but those are my thoughts.
The silence of PV is deafening.