The formation of this group earlier in the summer was quite rightly widely welcomed. It was particularly praiseworthy that the club give Proud valiants an official endorsement and a minority could have a voice.
Proud valiants deserve praise for there educational role that they provided on this forum. Who knew what things such a cis or an intersexual were before this group came along?
The organisers of the recent gay pride event made it publicly known that UKIP were not welcome at the festivities. It was sad to hear such policies being aired in this day and age. Such discrimination has no place in modern society. Respect is all about accepting others may have differences to yourself.
It would have been expected that Proud Valiants, who's facebook page makes it clear that there is no place for discrimination would distance itself from such an event. Rather than taking a stand against discrimination the organisation openly boasted about its participation. It is to be expected that this group should be taking a lead in the fight against discrimination, rather than endorsing it. Proud Valiants should not regard themselves as beyond reproach and if they wish to preach against anti discrimination, they should act accordingly.
Proud Valiants need to consider how they act in future. They have put the club in a very difficult position, Charlton Athletic FC will need to have a serious think about officially endorsing such a group.