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General Election 2015 official thread



  • edited May 2015
    Chizz said:

    stonemuse said:

    Chizz said:

    Exit polls showing Tories to romp home.

    Tories 316
    Labour 239
    SNP 58
    Others 25
    Lib Dems 10
    UKIP 2

    "Romp home"?

    So you are not surprised then? I'm amazed how big the difference is.
    I am just surprised that a poll indicating that the Tories have failed to win a majority for the fifth successive general election, is described as "romping home".
    You were saying Chizz ? :wink:

    Actually it was even more rompier than predicted.
  • Classic messageboard trolling. Don't abuse, either ignore or overwhelm with evidence. I will admit I lost the plot earlier when he called a Green vote the preserve of the trend-seeking hipster but I shouldn't have. I should have retorted that a Tory vote is the preserve of the Little England xenophobe, the landowning exploiter and the selfish. :)
  • edited May 2015
    Fiiish said:

    IAgree said:

    Give up now Seth you are arguing with a professional twat.

    With a capital T!
    Oh look whose back, your obsession with me is getting a bit weird now. What do you want, a signed photo?
    Not obsessed just don't like your posts, you , or some of the very insulting things you have said to me and others on this site. Quite frankly it is difficult to navigate around some threads without reading your endless nasty vitriolic rants.

    Saying People are obsessed with you is your stock response to anyone who challenges you

    But for the record I think you are a nasty hate filled piece of work and fit the definition of troll perfectly.

  • Fiiish said:

    IAgree said:

    Give up now Seth you are arguing with a professional twat.

    With a capital T!
    Oh look whose back, your obsession with me is getting a bit weird now. What do you want, a signed photo?
    After weeks of complaining you were getting personal abuse just because people were disagreeing with you it is good to see you actually getting some. You pompous knob!
  • Leuth said:

    Classic messageboard trolling. Don't abuse, either ignore or overwhelm with evidence. I will admit I lost the plot earlier when he called a Green vote the preserve of the trend-seeking hipster but I shouldn't have. I should have retorted that a Tory vote is the preserve of the Little England xenophobe, the landowning exploiter and the selfish. :)

    and yet they won power and the world keeps on turning. Amazing isn't it?
  • They did! After ensuring their sympathetic media machine was set full-blast to scaremongering, they won fairly and proved again that the party of the powerful is the most adept at securing power.
  • edited May 2015

    It is my view that the first-past-the-post system is now totally bankrupt. It has turned general election campaigns into: “Please vote for me, I’m not quite as ugly as the other one” situations, rather than parties fighting over policy positions and serious issues. It has directly led to a campaign of total negativity and triviality.

    There is also the question of what is fair and reasonable. For so many millions of voters to have just one representative simply cannot be right – and I believe that whomever is the next Ukip leader has a major campaign to fight on this issue.

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  • The polls weren't as far out, as is being said. probably about 3% more to the Tories from Labour.

    The real difference was in the marginals & tbf to Nate Silver, he did say this some days ago.

    He said that the polls were a little bit pointless, because they should have only been concentrating on the marginals and he was right.
  • edited May 2015

    Latest Score :smile:

    Douglas Alexander c Salmond b Sturgeon 0
    Ed Davey b Cameron 0
    Jim Murphy lbw Sturgeon 0
    Simon Hughes b Miliband 0
    Vince Cable c Osborne b Cameron 0
    Esther McVey lbw Miliband 0
    Charles Kennedy retired pissed b Sturgeon 0
    Danny Alexander hit wicket b Sturgeon 0
    David Laws lbw May 0
    George Galloway stumped Cooper b Miliband 0
    Michael Moore b Sturgeon 0
    Mark Reckless lbw Cameron 0
    Ed Balls hit wicket b Cameron 0
    Nigel Farage b Cameron 0

    PS Now that the Tories have a clear majority, they will no doubt vote through a change of boundaries, so that their majority will increase in time for 2020.

    12 seats is more of a slight majority than clear. The coalition had 357 out of 650 seats.
  • Anyway, not all bad news for Labour.
    They've got rid of Miliband as leader and Ed Balls as Shadow Chancellor & an MP.

    Peter Hain desribed the result as a revolt against the political class. The economy only delivering for those right at the top.

    Ok Peter that fooks about 60 million of us.

    Ken Livingstone said the problem was Labour were too centrist and need to be more left wing.

    Absolutely clueless.
  • The BBC are the real winners. New Top Gear dream team announced.
  • As an aside and I thank bing once again for raising my awareness

    I really do feel that Nick Clegg deserves recognition for his bravery in stepping into the Lions den and firing line for the good of this country

    What all politicians should aspire too

    Thank you nick you have my respect and admiration

    Absolutely agree with this nla.
    The next 5 years will be a lot more painful without the tempering effect of the Lib Dems.
    It really looks to me as if the phrase ' you don't know what you've got till its gone' will apply.

    Raising a couple of million out of tax on one hand vs one broken pre election pledge (caused by disastrous situation inherited by another party) on the other?

    Doesn't seem a fair anihilation of the party of the middle way.

    I think we, as a nation, will live to regret it.
  • Not a good night for Boris I suspect.
  • seth plum said:

    Not a good night for Boris I suspect.

    Good point
  • Interesting election.

    Tories win which isn't a surprise. Labour need to have a very credible letter (Wilson/Blair) and a centre left agenda to win. That they have such a large majority is a surprise but that is FPTP. PR isn't going to come anytime soon. We had our chance when the LDs made it a condition of the coalition and we, the people said no. No ruling party is going to introduce it of their own volition for obvious reasons.

    UKIP polled a lot of votes but then so did the LDs last time. Look what happened to them?

    Once Cameron has the euro in/out poll UKIP's main fox has been shot. If we vote to stay in, and I think we will, then there is only immigration left for them and again Cameron can now act on that with the majority he has. Reckless losing his seat and a tory govt means no more right wing tories will jump ship.

    But in reality UKIP (but not Farage) have won. The euro referendum will happen and immigration will be controlled more than previously. So their two main issues will be on the agenda or will take place. I suspect Farage will try to make a come back but he will be a marginal figure.

    Labour will have a big public fight and will try and find a presentable leader. No idea who as I'm not a labour supporter. They will come again as they still have a strong support base but will have to wait for the Tories to get it wrong ala Major in the late 80s before they are back in power. Will have to see how well Cameron can marshall his MPs behind a stay in the EU vote and how the economy does. And if the protest vote switches from UKIP where will it go?
  • Actually just realised Cameron is assembling the troops. Will there be a job for Boris like Minister of Cycling?
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  • Chizz said:

    stonemuse said:

    Chizz said:

    Exit polls showing Tories to romp home.

    Tories 316
    Labour 239
    SNP 58
    Others 25
    Lib Dems 10
    UKIP 2

    "Romp home"?

    So you are not surprised then? I'm amazed how big the difference is.
    I am just surprised that a poll indicating that the Tories have failed to win a majority for the fifth successive general election, is described as "romping home".
    You were saying Chizz ? :wink:

    Actually it was even more rompier than predicted.
    "Romping home" was not the right description based on the Exit poll, which, you'll remember, did not show a Tory majority. However, when the votes were counted, they did indeed romp to a small majority.

    When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?
  • Leuth said:

    They did! After ensuring their sympathetic media machine was set full-blast to scaremongering, they won fairly and proved again that the party of the powerful is the most adept at securing power.

    and here we are with you trying to create some media conspiracy that some how brainwashed people into putting the pencil in their hand and putting an X.

    And apparently the tories are the ones all about fear.
  • Fiiish said:

    IAgree said:

    Fiiish said:

    IAgree said:

    Give up now Seth you are arguing with a professional twat.

    With a capital T!
    Oh look whose back, your obsession with me is getting a bit weird now. What do you want, a signed photo?
    Not obsessed just don't like your posts, you , or some of the very insulting things you have said to me and others on this site. Quite frankly it is difficult to navigate around some threads without reading your endless nasty vitriolic rants.

    Saying People are obsessed with you is your stock response to anyone who challenges you

    But for the record I think you are a nasty hate filled piece of work and fit the definition of troll perfectly.

    That's nice but you, Leuth Shooters and Red are still bitter, sore losers, and Labour lost the election, and you have nothing to say for yourselves so you just do what you've been doing for the last 12 weeks - spitting pathetic bile like petulant brats.

    Enjoy the next 5 years.

    Also, anything that I've said to you that could be considered insulting was only ever in response to your pathetic personal abuse you threw at me if I had an opinion you disagreed with. Grow up sunshine, if you can't take it, don't give it.
    Fuck off you twat.
  • Chizz said:

    Chizz said:

    stonemuse said:

    Chizz said:

    Exit polls showing Tories to romp home.

    Tories 316
    Labour 239
    SNP 58
    Others 25
    Lib Dems 10
    UKIP 2

    "Romp home"?

    So you are not surprised then? I'm amazed how big the difference is.
    I am just surprised that a poll indicating that the Tories have failed to win a majority for the fifth successive general election, is described as "romping home".
    You were saying Chizz ? :wink:

    Actually it was even more rompier than predicted.
    "Romping home" was not the right description based on the Exit poll, which, you'll remember, did not show a Tory majority. However, when the votes were counted, they did indeed romp to a small majority.

    When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?
    When I said that there was going to be an unexpected Tory swing on polling day due to Shy Tories, you said I was wrong and couldn't prove it. Would you, on the evidence of today's results, be willing to consider that some of the surprise swing today was likely down to shy Tories?
  • Fiiish said:

    IAgree said:

    Fiiish said:

    IAgree said:

    Give up now Seth you are arguing with a professional twat.

    With a capital T!
    Oh look whose back, your obsession with me is getting a bit weird now. What do you want, a signed photo?
    Not obsessed just don't like your posts, you , or some of the very insulting things you have said to me and others on this site. Quite frankly it is difficult to navigate around some threads without reading your endless nasty vitriolic rants.

    Saying People are obsessed with you is your stock response to anyone who challenges you

    But for the record I think you are a nasty hate filled piece of work and fit the definition of troll perfectly.

    That's nice but you, Leuth Shooters and Red are still bitter, sore losers, and Labour lost the election, and you have nothing to say for yourselves so you just do what you've been doing for the last 12 weeks - spitting pathetic bile like petulant brats.

    Enjoy the next 5 years.

    Also, anything that I've said to you that could be considered insulting was only ever in response to your pathetic personal abuse you threw at me if I had an opinion you disagreed with. Grow up sunshine, if you can't take it, don't give it.
    Fuck off you twat.

    Thanks for beautifully and eloquently proving my point so quickly.
  • What could happen re. Scotland and the Union now and how quickly?
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