Many miles have I travelled, Many games have I seen, Following Charlton my favourite team. Many hours have I spent in the covered end choir, Singing Valley Floyd Road, My only desire
Valley Floyd Road, Oh mist rolling in from the Thames, My desire, is always to be found at Valley, Floyd Road!
Church limps off,hobbling, keeper plays it long, but we lear towards watt, johan and cousins, then eagles, but pool cover, perkins long to adine, perkins again, gomez works well in defence, it all eds with our goal kick
gk taken.....henders sends long.....they win it back.....solly clears to gudsun.....they win it back.....and come forward.....they are attacking....cross comes in...gomez and church clear for a throw
Gomez long, headed away, madine works, we get a tangle, and madine exploits the situation, but still pool attack after lots of wayward heading from us (pitch preventin us playing on the floor)
gk taken....they come back at us........they have a corner..... we clear....alou...eagles now....but they win it back again....eagles wins it and alou concedes a throw
Many miles have I travelled,
Many games have I seen,
Following Charlton my favourite team.
Many hours have I spent in the covered end choir,
Singing Valley Floyd Road,
My only desire
Valley Floyd Road,
Oh mist rolling in from the Thames,
My desire, is always to be found at
Valley, Floyd Road!
blackpool much more in the game than us at the moment