Keeper long, solly plays it back, then booted away by pool our throw, solly and johan, church involved, we get a throw, solly to yoni, on left, fox across, and it is headed out for our throw we build, and get another corner, actuslly our second of the game
Just back in front of my laptop after taking my daughter to bed and have missed our second goal. Maybe I should pop back and read her another chapter of her book which will give Churchy enough time to bag a hat trick
Look for watt, we have it on left, backheel there, but cut out, fox to johan, looks for church, but back with pool keeper, they break, but mess up and our goal kick
Just back in front of my laptop after taking my daughter to bed and have missed our second goal. Maybe I should pop back and read her another chapter of her book which will give Churchy enough time to bag a hat trick
madine there, and in our half, orlandi turns, covered by diarra, then fox there, our goal kick now
watt there, and a handball shout not given our way
AFKA the soapy bull fighter.......Ole!
our throw, solly and johan, church involved, we get a throw, solly to yoni, on left, fox across, and it is headed out for our throw
we build, and get another corner, actuslly our second of the game