You see I have this psychological issue, where I like to be ridiculously positive when talking about Charlton...
However, after yesterday's mess I'm a bit meh. I am finding myself falling towards the 'I just can't care any more' group.
I do want to care more still, but Roland is making it so difficult. I mean in 2-3 years we could be brilliant and the Network could work... we could have a better youth set up and improved training facilities... but I can't see it based on the current set up. It would take another 2-3 years of mediocrity before things really begin to improve based upon that model.
Even with this going on in my head, Guy Luzon has my support, he's been offered a job and I would have jumped at it just like he did if it was offered to me.
The actions on the pitch have looked (and sounded) marginally better than recent, certainly better than when I last went to watch the team before Rotherham which was Fulham (not hard). We appear to be addressing the defensive frailties, but ignoring the goal scoring issue... maybe we'll try to nick 1-0 and 0-0 score lines to the end of the season?
We have so far only gained 33 points from 28 games. We have 18 games left and need at least 17 points in my opinion to stave off relegation.
If we manage that, not only will I be a bit shocked, but I will also be terrified that we will see much of the same next year from RD. But there is nothing I can do, RD knows this,
I may be losing my buzz about Charlton at the moment, but Charlton is a part of me and even if I end up a miserableyoungishgit I'll still be around here!
(Sorry to those that were hoping the post would say I wasn't going to be
I must be mad.
One lifelong Charlton supporter feeling disappointed and disillusioned and lacking confidence in those owning and running the club.
Personally, at the moment, if they played in my back garden I would shut the curtains.
I just don't feel like putting the effort in to go to matches. I have a busy life with other hobbies that I enjoy almost as much as CAFC and I think, well if the owners can't be bothered then why should I? I sat there on Saturday watching that shower of shite, freezing by nads off and I thought why am I here?
This will of course change by the time the next Saturday home game comes around because I love my club.
BUT, its getting very close to me just not caring anymore, we've been low before and after going since 73/74 I am seriously considering not renewing for next season.
I know 2 of my lads are disillusioned too, and for that to happen to us then Roland cannot be running our club as a football club, especially as our club should be run. If it looks like shit, smells like shit, then.......!
A famous saying down at the Valley, more prudent than ever now.
Don't agree with all of them, but they provide a cross-section of views and that's what a social media platform should be for. The weight of feeling is pretty negative at the mo, but the platform is equally there to provide a counter view to that, as people like @Taxi_Lad have done.
It's quite an elite group that, the royalty of charlton life,
My pilgrimages to Charlton during the last 40 odd years from my Norfolk home have only been restricted by financial, health or family commitments.
Recently however, the enthusiasm and optimism I had even in the darkest days of ground sharing at the Palace and West Ham is disappearing.
Many complain that they are losing “Their Charlton”. I’m not totally sure what that means and would leave it to those who could explain in far more eloquent terms than me.
Henry Irving predicted a bumpy ride when the current regime took control of the club and he has been proved correct.
Charlton till I die? - Of course.