''Watt's Lepoint'' is the headline just waiting to happen. Maybe Roly just has a very odd sense of humour.
Oi !
I posted that one yesterday !
My apologies Madame Fanackapan, however in my defence I did say 'headline' and as amusing as we all find your witticisms they are sadly not yet headline news....
Apropos of nothing, when my kids were very young and we were struggling to make ends meet, me and the first Mrs Davo played host to a young French lad on a school visit, for a weekly fee. His name was Christophe too, but my son (then just 3, now 34) couldn't pronounce it properly.
Hence the young French lad had to answer to Pissed-Off, whenever addressed by my kiddie. Used to make us laugh, but wonder if the French lad ever worked it out....
Julius Caesar conquered the whole of Gaul in 57 BCE, and famously said that of all people of Gaul the Belgians were the bravest.
He clearly hadn't met Yoni Buyens.
No Gauls were named Yoni back then ... (probably for a reason). Then again, when I have a look at the youngsters of Geordie Shore ... there's clearly not a Boudica amongst them either.
Julius Caesar conquered the whole of Gaul in 57 BCE, and famously said that of all people of Gaul the Belgians were the bravest.
I'm not sure how 'pure' the Belgian tribal bloodlines still are, but they have survived a vicious German invasion in 1914, another one in 1940 and earlier, centuries of Burgundian, Spanish and Hapsburg colonialism, and the Belgians are still alive and prospering very nicely thank you. Christophe, judging by his name is a Walloon, a 'French' Belgian. According to the 'Flemish' Belgians, the French Belgians are not Belgians at all, merely foreign interlopers.
Yeah, and all that even before someone invented the Schengen zone ...
can't see the midfield being overrun again with this enforcer in our ranks. I hear he can man mark as well so could be useful with snuffing out some of the opposition creativity
Julius Caesar conquered the whole of Gaul in 57 BCE, and famously said that of all people of Gaul the Belgians were the bravest.
He clearly hadn't met Yoni Buyens.
No Gauls were named Yoni back then ... (probably for a reason). Then again, when I have a look at the youngsters of Geordie Shore ... there's clearly not a Boudica amongst them either.
Oh FFS that is because Boudicca was an Iceni not an effing Brigantes. I expect better on a football forum!
can't see the midfield being overrun again with this enforcer in our ranks. I hear he can man mark as well so could be useful with snuffing out some of the opposition creativity
Well I certainly hope so. Maybe just a trifle optimistic though.
Julius Caesar conquered the whole of Gaul in 57 BCE, and famously said that of all people of Gaul the Belgians were the bravest.
He clearly hadn't met Yoni Buyens.
No Gauls were named Yoni back then ... (probably for a reason). Then again, when I have a look at the youngsters of Geordie Shore ... there's clearly not a Boudica amongst them either.
Oh FFS that is because Boudicca was an Iceni not an effing Brigantes. I expect better on a football forum!
Ugh, some people, just don't know their ancient tribal history. Disgraceful.
Julius Caesar conquered the whole of Gaul in 57 BCE, and famously said that of all people of Gaul the Belgians were the bravest.
He clearly hadn't met Yoni Buyens.
No Gauls were named Yoni back then ... (probably for a reason). Then again, when I have a look at the youngsters of Geordie Shore ... there's clearly not a Boudica amongst them either.
Oh FFS that is because Boudicca was an Iceni not an effing Brigantes. I expect better on a football forum!
Ugh, some people, just don't know their ancient tribal history. Disgraceful.
I think Fiiish makes a very good point, but without spending a penny I'd expect any photographer worth their salt to say, "Before we take the photo let's just tidy up the desk and lets lose that old box in the corner and straighten up the noticeboard".
Does the club still have a boardroom, as this is where these photos were always taken in the past.
Mind you, under the new dictatorship, we no longer have a board, so that probably answers my own question............
I think Fiiish makes a very good point, but without spending a penny I'd expect any photographer worth their salt to say, "Before we take the photo let's just tidy up the desk and lets lose that old box in the corner and straighten up the noticeboard".
Does the club still have a boardroom, as this is where these photos were always taken in the past.
Mind you, under the new dictatorship, we no longer have a board, so that probably answers my own question............
There is a board quite clearly at the back of that photo. Think that's what we have now in terms of a 'board room'.
I think Fiiish makes a very good point, but without spending a penny I'd expect any photographer worth their salt to say, "Before we take the photo let's just tidy up the desk and lets lose that old box in the corner and straighten up the noticeboard".
Does the club still have a boardroom, as this is where these photos were always taken in the past.
Mind you, under the new dictatorship, we no longer have a board, so that probably answers my own question............
Yes, they do and it was re-furbished in the summer (they gave the cabinets and trophies away to some blokes)
The photo is in Chris Parkes' office at Sparrows Lane. He still has a card index of all the players going back to the 1920s and up to the 90s
I think Fiiish makes a very good point, but without spending a penny I'd expect any photographer worth their salt to say, "Before we take the photo let's just tidy up the desk and lets lose that old box in the corner and straighten up the noticeboard".
Does the club still have a boardroom, as this is where these photos were always taken in the past.
Mind you, under the new dictatorship, we no longer have a board, so that probably answers my own question............
Yes, they do and it was re-furbished in the summer (they gave the cabinets and trophies away to some blokes)
The photo is in Chris Parkes' office at Sparrows Lane. He still has a card index of all the players going back to the 1920s and up to the 90s
So why not take a short drive to the stadium and have the pictures taken there?
Maybe I'm showing my age, as this always gave a better impression in my opinion, but the same can also be said for the players. As a kid, seeing the pictures of players signing contracts in the national press or football magazines (shoot), the player would make an impression by wearing a suit. Nowadays, they just look like they've come from the gym............
I think Fiiish makes a very good point, but without spending a penny I'd expect any photographer worth their salt to say, "Before we take the photo let's just tidy up the desk and lets lose that old box in the corner and straighten up the noticeboard".
Does the club still have a boardroom, as this is where these photos were always taken in the past.
Mind you, under the new dictatorship, we no longer have a board, so that probably answers my own question............
Yes, they do and it was re-furbished in the summer (they gave the cabinets and trophies away to some blokes)
The photo is in Chris Parkes' office at Sparrows Lane. He still has a card index of all the players going back to the 1920s and up to the 90s
So why not take a short drive to the stadium and have the pictures taken there?
Maybe I'm showing my age, as this always gave a better impression in my opinion, but the same can also be said for the players. As a kid, seeing the pictures of players signing contracts in the national press or football magazines (shoot), the player would make an impression by wearing a suit.
Nowadays, they just look like they've come from the gym............
most of them have,...... trying to get fit enough to pass the medical.
I at least thank you for coming to try and improve us and your commitment to give your all is greatly appreciated.
Welcome Sir.
I posted that one yesterday !
Hence the young French lad had to answer to Pissed-Off, whenever addressed by my kiddie. Used to make us laugh, but wonder if the French lad ever worked it out....
Anyway, welcome Pissed-off Lepoint
Welcome Pointy
Bye-bye Jacko and thanks for everything.
I agree.
Oh FFS that is because Boudicca was an Iceni not an effing Brigantes. I expect better on a football forum!
Seriously, had not read B'mth's post so will grovel for his forgiveness. I am not worthy....
Perhaps I should add , great minds etc .
Mind you, under the new dictatorship, we no longer have a board, so that probably answers my own question............
The photo is in Chris Parkes' office at Sparrows Lane. He still has a card index of all the players going back to the 1920s and up to the 90s
Maybe I'm showing my age, as this always gave a better impression in my opinion, but the same can also be said for the players. As a kid, seeing the pictures of players signing contracts in the national press or football magazines (shoot), the player would make an impression by wearing a suit. Nowadays, they just look like they've come from the gym............