Ips have the ball. Back to Parr. Parr up against Solly, TBH gets it back and McGoldrick sprawls trying to win the free kick. Plays on. Etheridge goal kick.
TUch attacks, danger for them and they scramble clear, we attack again, in the middle, but they clear good chance for us there, good keeping from them we attack again town head away TBH has it, gomez on our right now we attack, gomez to johan, cross, and George spins and shoots over we are trying to respond
Parr long, gomez there, into the stand, Ipswich throw headed forward, town attack, but with our keeper, we counter, but are blocked by bera, now TBH, jacko caught offside.
With Ehtheridge Gomez to TBH Bikey now Gomez to johan, bikey gives it away and town come at us now, bikey covers again, we have it deep, look over the top no success but our throw
Gud got a richochet couldnt keep under control and it was cleared.
Solly crosses and Tucudean heads over arghhhh
good chance for us there, good keeping from them
we attack again
town head away
TBH has it, gomez
on our right now
we attack, gomez to johan, cross, and George spins and shoots over
we are trying to respond
I know that's bollocks, but it's what the experts say.
headed forward, town attack, but with our keeper, we counter, but are blocked by bera, now TBH, jacko caught offside.
Gomez to TBH
Bikey now
Gomez to johan, bikey gives it away and town come at us now, bikey covers again, we have it deep, look over the top no success but our throw