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2014 Xmas is ruined because....



  • The two bottles of wine I had been saving (2001, and 2006) were both off...bugger.
  • My sister-in-law brought her horrible yapping little rat dog so I'm spending the day keeping him and my 18month year old daughter apart to stop them maiming each other.

    She didn't bother to ask, just turned up with him.
  • Very tempted. That or just leave the front door open and let him escape.
  • ASDA........ incompetent sods
  • Because queenie was visably upset during the ending of her speech

    Chin up mam,
  • Brothers being a twat.. need I say more...
  • My well thought out and meticulously analysed Egyptian and Turkish football selections didn't come in.
  • seth plum said:

    The two bottles of wine I had been saving (2001, and 2006) were both off...bugger.

    Never have that problem with a good old 2014 Sainsbury's Lieb, Seth !

  • My Mum, has dementia - otherwise, could have been a blinding day
  • Sponsored links:

  • My tart just fell on the floor.
  • I wouldn't mind a tart on the floor
  • When my eldest said to the youngest that he was adopted, I just replied, 'yeah, it was either you or a donkey'!

    He isn't btw.
  • My tart just fell on the floor.

    Got your moneys worth then?
  • Accidently turned on BBC1 and endured ten seconds of Miranda. I feel sick.

    You poor sod, I know your pain. How on earth can that show command prime viewing time - it's unbelievably naff.
  • Did my good deed today and decided to ferry my mum and my mother and father-in-law to ours and apart from a bit of fizz at lunch haven't touched a drop all day. Just dropped the outlaws home at their notoriously hard to park road and had the biggest row ever with the African family at the bottom of it over right of way. I won, and the vision of my father in law on the bonnet of their motor threatening to 'iron the fella out' will live with me for many a festivity. I'm off for a snowball.

    Merry 'f******' Christmas!!
  • If watching Frozen with all the family, when Anna says "I want you to take me up the Northern mountain" apparently it's not the done thing to shout "wahaaay"

    Especially when Anna is your mother in law!
  • Sponsored links:

  • Call the fecking midwife followed by eastenders followed by coronation street
  • Nice touch with the oxo advert (the old Linda Bellingham one)
  • Xbox Live got hacked :(
  • Eastenders! The whole family is glued to it. I've escaped to get my hours worth of Charlton Life.

  • red_murph said:

    Eastenders! The whole family is glued to it. I've escaped to get my hours worth of Charlton Life.

    Ha Ha that,s exactly what I, have done.
  • I tune out, altho sometimes its so grim it makes you feel better about yerself
  • It's almost over which is crap cause it has been a fab day.
  • I have not been able to shift the cold/sore throat/ridiculous relentless cough that I've had for over a week, so was awake at 3.30am choking/being sick and am now doing the same again and can't lie down due to the unavoidable next bout. Sooo pissed off with it now.
  • I have not been able to shift the cold/sore throat/ridiculous relentless cough that I've had for over a week, so was awake at 3.30am choking/being sick and am now doing the same again and can't lie down due to the unavoidable next bout. Sooo pissed off with it now.

    It probably not very enjoyable for my mrs lying next to me either.
  • Had a great day, but just let myself down once by biting when my father in law claimed that white people were the main victims of racism in America and that black people controlled the police and government. Until then I had nodded politely at all other similar remarks.
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