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One of the most gut wrenching things I've ever heard.

A mans emotional insight to what it's like being truly poor. I found it really difficult to listen to.

Makes you appreciate things so much more and gives such perspective on things.


  • I heard this on Facebook today and it is awful.

    LBC have launched a campaign to find the guy a job.

    I walk past the church opposite Charing Cross every morning and the amount of homeless people waiting outside for the canteen there is shocking.
  • Well shared Greenie Junior. A fantastic post and bloody hard listening at the same time.

    I help out in a very very small way at the Brixton Foodbank. None of these people are begging, they get referred, they need genuine help.

    The job that the people do at these places is unbelievable. It's not just about food. Volunteers give advice on health issues, writing CV's and other support to get people back up on their feet.

  • Given that you have heard this, and witnessed poverty close-up, should the Government divert the overseas aid budget to address this problem at home ?


    Absolutely! Charity starts at home ...
    Its either that or taking benefits away from ridiculous cases like that scrounger Josie Cunningham who infuriates me along with her constant media stories!
  • Slightly off topic but it annoys me when you hear situations like this & then have a multi millionaire musician, footballer, actor etc asking the skint British public to donate to some charity.
  • Slightly off topic but it annoys me when you hear situations like this & then have a multi millionaire musician, footballer, actor etc asking the skint British public to donate to some charity.

    this infuriates me too!
    Its a reason why I have lost ALOT of respect for Bob Geldof and the whole band aid thing and how he expects and demands the public to buy the songs and donate yet him and the ones who sing and produce the singles just donate 'time'

    A mans emotional insight to what it's like being truly poor. I found it really difficult to listen to.

    Makes you appreciate things so much more and gives such perspective on things.

    And yet you want poor young Morgan Fox made unemployed - you should be ashamed of yourself you big hypocrite. ;-)

    Seriously though, people like this man are a stain on the conscience of every developed nation, because they exist all over the world. No one in the developed (and arguably no-one anywhere) world should be cold or hungry, and least of all those trying to stand on their own two feet. There's more too it than just pulling your socks up as some people would have us believe. So many things are stacked against you when you hit rock bottom and if you have barely have the means of feeding yourself, how hard must it be to just get out of bed let alone fund transportation to job interviews, training etc and all the other incidental costs and expenses in life that most of us take for granted.

    The political classes these days have turned their back on the poor all over the world, they pay lip service to social welfare and mobility to hoodwink the upper working and middle classes into voting for them while also demonising the poor as lazy scroungers so they can get away with doing sweet FA to actually help these people and in fact often reduce the help available to them with little opposition. Meanwhile, we spending trillions on wars.

    Just look at the shit one of the posters on here went through with his van being towed. If you're in that situation with a bit of money behind you maybe you can find an alternative to keep working or even just pay the unfair fine to keep your life moving, but you can't do that because you're just too hard up, the system effectively allows you to be forced into unemployment. That's a perfect example of how even if you want to work, sometimes the system puts almost insurmountable obstacles in the way of the very people who need to be given a bit of a helpful push along the road once in a while.

  • Here is one man who cannot find work, struggling to feed himself at all - let alone adequately.
    This is real poverty.

    Then there are disabled and working family people’s wages that simply can’t cover the rising cost of living. And if they are family people, that means they have children who are not being fed properly.

    As a nation we should be ashamed.

  • I genuinely keep listening to it. There must be something, we as the public, can do for people like this.

    Devastating to think that people are living their lives like this
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  • If I could find this bloke there's a job at my work the only thing is its in Sittingbourne
  • Watched a bloke going through a rubbish bin In Catford and he pulled out a Mcdonalds bag which had some left overs inside and tucked in,He must have been really hungry.
    Nearly Every supermarket now has a foodbank collection.

  • Is there a way to get hold of the bloke or the bloke who done the radio show
  • dancafc said:

    Is there a way to get hold of the bloke or the bloke who done the radio show

    LBC, call 'em up or look up James O'brien on The LBC website.

    They are doing a campaign to find him a job, you can get in contact via the box at the bottom Of the page. They've also done another interview with him
  • dancafc said:

    Is there a way to get hold of the bloke or the bloke who done the radio show

    James O Briens show, 10.00 - 13.00, LBC - 97.3
  • Thanks greenie iv just sent the details off to them it might be a bit far for him to travel though
  • edited December 2014
    dancafc said:

    Thanks greenie iv just sent the details off to them it might be a bit far for him to travel though

    Well done mate.

    Going to donate some money to a local food bank I have googled a few bits and one I keep seeing is the trussel trust, anyone know if it's legit? Want to make sure my money's going to somewhere that's going to help people like this.
  • dancafc said:

    Thanks greenie iv just sent the details off to them it might be a bit far for him to travel though

    Well done mate.

    Going to donate some money to a local food bank I have googled a few bits and one I keep seeing is the trussel trust, anyone know if it's legit? Want to make sure my money's going to somewhere that's going to help people like this.
    Yes, The Trussel Trust is responsible for foodbanks all over the country
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  • Supermarkets have trolleys by the checkouts for donations of food
  • It really does open your eyes.i was only moaning the other day coz work cocked my over time up and left me £60 short which meant I would have to cut back a little bit coz of Christmas coming and a new baby on the way but I'm a million miles from where this man is
  • dancafc said:

    Thanks greenie iv just sent the details off to them it might be a bit far for him to travel though

    Well done mate.

    Going to donate some money to a local food bank I have googled a few bits and one I keep seeing is the trussel trust, anyone know if it's legit? Want to make sure my money's going to somewhere that's going to help people like this.
    as mentioned above, Trussel Trust are the main catalyst behind the food banks and do an amazing job fella. They have loads all over the country.

    The thing I like best is that they don't ask for money. All they ask is that when you go for your weekly shop you just add on one extra item to donate.
  • That is bloody awful to listen to.

    The trouble is it's a vicious circle once you find yourself in that situation and, like he said, everyone needs to be given a chance. Hopefully this will help him to get the chance he needs.

    There are many many others out there just like him and, as they said, "but for the Grace of God go I". EVERYONE should realise that but they don't.
  • Pico said:

    dancafc said:

    Thanks greenie iv just sent the details off to them it might be a bit far for him to travel though

    Well done mate.

    Going to donate some money to a local food bank I have googled a few bits and one I keep seeing is the trussel trust, anyone know if it's legit? Want to make sure my money's going to somewhere that's going to help people like this.
    Yes, The Trussel Trust is responsible for foodbanks all over the country
    Okay cheers. Donated £5, not a lot but all that I can spare at the moment. Going to look into doing more for people like this and the homeless. This has really given me some perspective on things
    That's great GJ.

    If you want to do more then I would advise actually getting involved with locally based charities on a volunteer basis (if you have the time to spare).
  • Pico said:

    dancafc said:

    Thanks greenie iv just sent the details off to them it might be a bit far for him to travel though

    Well done mate.

    Going to donate some money to a local food bank I have googled a few bits and one I keep seeing is the trussel trust, anyone know if it's legit? Want to make sure my money's going to somewhere that's going to help people like this.
    Yes, The Trussel Trust is responsible for foodbanks all over the country
    Okay cheers. Donated £5, not a lot but all that I can spare at the moment. Going to look into doing more for people like this and the homeless. This has really given me some perspective on things
    Here you have the power of social media in a good way, and we also saw that with sadie jane's campaign and efforts to help Frankie. Good on you Greenie Jr, seems like this has hit a chord and you've done something positive about it.

    I think pretty much everyone is/would be disgusted to hear what this chap is going through, but we all get caught up in so much minute bollocks in our own day to day lives, we don't see what is all around us.

    Good to hear people like @Goonerhater‌ donating their time to help the homeless. If we can all do just a little something, no matter how small, on a regular basis, that would be a start.
  • Before, I'd usually ignorantly palm it off, I think that's what most people do, because it's easier to ignore it and pretend it's not there than to face the ugly truth of what's going on around us?

    I've always felt like there could be something I could do for the homeless, not long ago I was in Victoria, before the Brighton away match I think it was, and I saw a homeless man who looked cold and hungry. Tried to get him a McDonald's breakfast but just missed it so got him a boots meal deal and I gave it to him, he just started shouting and swearing at me about how he wants a house not food. That sort of put me off and made me think 'well fuck you then' sort of thing but I realise I shouldn't really think like that. If I was in their position I'd want help but at the same time I'd probably be quite angry at the world too.
  • The problem also is that many have mental illness. They often don't come over the best. I don't know what the solution is.
  • I did the same in Leicester Square saw a homeless bloke walking round eating food off the tables so I bought him a burger from McDonald's gave it to him and gave him £5 he snatched bought no thanks or anything I saw him later on with a can of beer shouting at people.
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