Following on from the Xmas party thread, what are people's favourite or most hated Xmas songs? My favourite is 'Saviour's day' by Cliff Richard. The reason for this is that you get a window into what Cliff believes Christmas day should look like. A village, by a cliff (an actual cliff, not him), old ladies leaving church, children running around the old ladies, him spinning around, singing about Jesus.
It leads me to believe that Cliff now despises Xmas and the commercialisation of a christian celebration. Cliff's view of the traditional Xmas as referenced above is but a distant memory, as the John Lewis advert is now what most people in modern society associate with the festive season.
Worst: Christmas lights by coldplay and the latest version of band aid is so off key it makes my fillings hurt
I'll make an exception for "Driving Home for Christmas" by Chris Rea, and "All I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey (the latter only if accompanied by the video, and if I'm alone in the room when it's on)
Worst - Mistletoe & Wine by Cliff
and please daddy dont get drunk this Christmas
but then theres santas coming in a pickup truck - Dang they ALL so good
Least Favourite - anything by Cliff Richard
Favourite -
worst - rocking around the Christmas tree Brenda lee
Worst: Pogues. Despise that song.
Santa Claus is coming to town - Bruce Springsteen
Rockin around the xmas tree - Mel Smith & Kim Wilde
None..........its xmas for gawds sake so peace & goodwill to everyone.
Worst - FGTH - The Power Of Love. Not a bad song but not a Christmas song is it??
Worst - that religious shite that Cliff Richard sang that sounded like the Lords prayer
Apparently he wrote that in 5 minutes
i hate it myself ..
like most things xmas related i just cant stand hearing xmas songs now as opposed to say 20-25th december .
Worst - Mistletoe & Wine
Worst-Mistletoe & Wine