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Progress, yes... but it's tough for our fans of the future

It’s now 3 months since I posted for the first time on CL as a "Returning Addick - 16 years on".

And what a return it’s been ... if you can see things from a perspective of long-term supporter (albeit with periods of physical separation).

"Clear improvement on last season", "moving in the right direction", "top half team", "exceeding expectations", "one or two players short of making a real challenge", blah. And clichés they may be, but I'm really buying into all that and genuinely excited by the club’s future. On top of that, I absolutely love living the Charlton life once again, sitting with my dad and my son, relishing every rendition of Valley Floyd Road… many memories rekindled.

But let’s pause for a minute to see things a bit differently – from the perspective of my 10 year old boy. Born and bred abroad, Charltonised from birth by his dad, but nonetheless a supporter from afar. A boy who’s now - worryingly! - of an age to judge for himself which team he wants to follow.

In those formative 3 months, he has seen the following home games (all Saturdays):

Watford 1-0
Boro 0-0
Brum 1-1
Wendies 1-1
Millwall 0-0
Ipswich 0-1

So, he’s seen 6 matches and 3 Charlton goals, one of which was a penalty in the 3rd minute of the first game. Since then, he has experienced the ultimate joy of football – jumping to his feet and cheering a goal by his team – twice in 6 matches. That’s twice in 9 hours. Without even counting Fulham on Sky.

And all the time his new schoolmates are jabbering away: “Charlton? Why? They’re not in the Premier League”, “Charlton are shit, why don’t you support Chelsea like me?” and the latest classic “OK, right, Charlton. But who are your real team?”

And his dad – while enjoying the heightened skill levels in midfield, the promising academy youngsters, our newly water-tight defence – is now getting concerned about the lack of goals to entertain a restless 10-year-old. Because in his own youth, you see, he was spoilt by Horsfield, Hales, Powell, Flanagan and so thrilled by the goal rush on offer at the Valley that the jabbering of the plastic Gooners and Hammers became completely irrelevant. Does my boy feel the same? I doubt it - how can he if he doesn’t see us score?

He’s not wavering yet, good lad, I just wanted to share my probably irrational fear that he could .. especially if we draw another blank against the bottom team. Anyone with (or without!) kids feeling the same?


  • Yes, catching the odd stream and the two Sky games the only win I have seen is the Watford game ( the stream got up and running just in time to see the celebration after the pen). I have seen all three defeats, and draws with Brentford and Sheff Weds. I shall be at The Valley for the next two, here's hoping things improve. And I hope if your lad can stay superior to the glory hunters, good on him!
  • I bought season tickets for my 3 children this year,but after sitting through the first batch of home games they have all given up.It may appeal to some of the long term supporters but the lack of possession and the lack of goals makes it grim viewing for new people.
  • As a kid I got the "Charlton athletic are pathetic" taunts especially during the 96/97 season, the following year we got promoted and all the PL fan boys shut right up!
    When we came back up and started beating arsenal, spurs and Chelsea I rammed those taunts right back down their throat!! He might get that chance if we make the same progress!
  • edited December 2014
    Hang in there AshBurton, dont know where you live but always been difficult in Sunbury with Chelsea kids, my youngest boys have stuck with it for 4/5 years, they love the "how many times do you get to the ground" response - they are 13/14 now + big bruv has had a season ticket for 15+ years
  • I kept supporting Charlton as a nipper mainly because my friend and his dad kept taking me. It was all worth it to follow Charlton to Wembley and watch one of the greatest games of domestic football in the modern era, and that feeling when Charlton won that penalty shoot-out to go into the Premier League for the first time will never be beaten. The first game I saw at the Valley we lost to Derby but I kept going and was hooked. The other kids at school may have supported Man Utd, Chelsea or Liverpool but they never went to go see their team play. Those who grow up going to football games make much better fans than the ones who get bought the kit for Christmas but never watch their team.
  • As Callum says keep taking him, more often the better. When I was that age I supported Arsenal (first London team out the sticker book was my choice process), only got to see a handful of games at Highbury until my grandad offered to take me to Charlton and I was hooked watching regular matches. Also try to convince him it's "cooler" to support a proper team and not one of these soulless clubs that are all about money.
  • Southbank said:

    I bought season tickets for my 3 children this year,but after sitting through the first batch of home games they have all given up.It may appeal to some of the long term supporters but the lack of possession and the lack of goals makes it grim viewing for new people.

    That's exactly why when we have a cheap day for a fiver and fill the valley not many return for the next ho.e game!

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  • Get him to ask his friends how often they get to watch their team play?

    All the so called fans u see about in man utd/city, chelsea,arse,westham,Liverpool shirts you see about thanks to sports direct have never been to a game
    Thats life
  • Thanks everyone, great experiences shared. I'll see to it that he keeps the faith (easy to say after five Punk IPAs on a cold Tuesday in Stockholm). Rananegra - a fantastic post, lovely story and summed up my view of the Ipswich experience too.

    Fanny! - you are my all time CL hero! We will look into Young Addicks, thank you.
  • Just lie and say we're signing Messi in January...........then when it fails to materialise, just tell him we pulled out as he failed the CL height test..........
  • When i was a kid in the 60s my dad used to take me to chelsea. I was bought up on osgood cooke hudson etc. I even went to the 1970 cup final then in november that year a friend brought me to the valley I have been comming ever since. Which goes to prove parents cant always influence their kids.

    I often wonder if i should not have smoked the wacky baccy that year
  • One of my colleagues is a West Ham fan, die hard, not missed a game for 30 years, home and away, friendlies, abroad, everything! He goes with his wife and two sons.

    Anyway, many years ago, when oldest boy was at Primary school he came home one day looking nervous and said 'everyone at school tells me West Ham are rubbish so I have decided to support Man Utd'. My colleague thought for a moment then shrugged his shoulders and said 'ok son'. Anyway his son looked relieved and very happy.

    Then Saturday came and Dad, Mum and youngest get their West Ham clobber on and oldest says to Dad, 'I can't find my West Ham shirt dad'. My colleague says to him 'well your Man Utd now son so we will drop you off at your mans on the way to the match'.

    His lad never wavered again! Lol.

    Love that story Athletico. In my son's case I'm less concerned about the school taunts (as some have rightly said, it goes with the territory and he'll soon work out how to deal with it). I'm more concerned about the entertainment / goals factor on the pitch. Sad tale from Southbank in that respect. But maybe it was just bad luck we couldn't go to the matches with more than one goal. And just maybe we'll witness Happy Valley's favourite score some day soon, we can but live in hope ;-)
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  • My 9 year old has had a season ticket for 5 seasons now and compared to what he has put up with in some of those seasons this is like watching Real Madrid! The only time he wavered was last season walking out of Brammal Lane and I can't really blame him for that. As Fanny says the Young Addicks Xmas party is excellent, got tickets for him and his 2 mates yesterday and will be our 3rd time going. Players have been great with the kids both times. My son thinks JJ should be winning the ballon d'or and Simon Church should be runner-up.....that's how brainwashed he has become....although I agree about JJ!
  • edited December 2014
    I took my 8yr old to his first game on Sat. He enjoyed the pre match burger and bovril but was unfortunately sick 3 times in the game (just before HT and twice 2nd half). Turns out he felt sick before the game but didn't want to miss seeing it even though it was on TV.

    I was at deaths door Sunday with the same stomach virus, so I felt quite proud of the little chap for going.
  • It will always be the same, either Charlton who... Or Charlton nil next time we are in the premier league
  • Had the same in school with the taunts about Arsenal, Chelsea, Man U etc.

    Funnily enough, as an adult when you say "I support Charlton" you actually get complimented for being a 'real' fan. I genuinely feel sorry for those who support the so called 'big' teams. They'll never know what its like to get pure joy out of Football.
  • Get him to ask his friends how often they get to watch their team play?

    Every week on tv, lol.
  • Its worth supporting a real club like ours, as the moments of joy/glory taste all the better for all the rubbish we must endure, im another who used to get a lot of stick as a kid for supporting Charlton from all the mostly Arsenal & some Man Utd fans, then Black Sabbath happened, what a week after that was. :)
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