Might be that you start to do this as you get older, but I found myself comparing one player from this season to the Charlton team from the 94/95 season.
First up, that was the time when I was establishing my bond with the mighty CAFC so I tend to have vivid memories following them at the age of 12.
The biggest comparison for me is Igor and the late, great David Whyte. I wouldn't say they are similar because I haven't seen enough of Igor yet, and if I remember correctly, Whyte scored some belters. I haven't seen a belter from Igor as yet, but I think we're going to see Igor definitely hit 20 this season, which I think was what Whyte got in the 94/95 season.
Below are the only two others I could think of.....
We're at the same level of the football league we were 20 years ago.
Not to write us off, I think we'll finish in a similar position to where we did 20 years ago. I believe we were mid table.
We could do with a Mortimeresque midfielder and a (dare I say it) Leaburn for Igor.