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Quick bit of advice Please - Salary related - Not sports related -


Missus works in a Local Borough nursery and have proposed new contract, she works 3 days a week Mon to Wed

They have just received their new proposed salary on a Post it note and left on the desk.

That's not great in the first place but she isn't even in and received a text from somebody telling her.

Do you think Id be overeacting a bit if I had the hump about it??

Is there a cause for complaint?



  • This is awful. I am sure she has a strong case if she wanted to take it further. Having been through a redundancy a year and a half ago, everything like that needs to be done officially. You cant leave post its on a desk for everyone to see. Awful Awful Awful!
  • This is awful. I am sure she has a strong case if she wanted to take it further. Having been through a redundancy a year and a half ago, everything like that needs to be done officially. You cant leave post its on a desk for everyone to see. Awful Awful Awful!

    Shes worked there 10 years as well and only went 3 days after Maternity.

    Shess now been told back to 5 days or less salary for 3 days.

    However, the quote for 5 days (same hours & holiday) is less than she was earning 4 years ago doing the same job.

    This doesnt sit right either.

  • Depends, did it have a happy smiley face drawn on it to suggest it was an offer she couldn't refuse?
  • Jayajosh said:

    Depends, did it have a happy smiley face drawn on it to suggest it was an offer she couldn't refuse?

    Less than she was earing 4 years ago for same job and hours, no it had a hand with the middle finger sticking up.
  • The post-it thing is disgusting

    I'm a bit unclear on the other bit - is she being paid a 5 day per week salary for working 3 days? In which case a salary reduction is to be expected.

    But if she is being paid for a 3 day week and they are now asking to cut her salary.....that's a different kettle of fish. That along with the post-it strikes me as a company trying to force your wife's hand and get a resignation
  • Swisdom said:

    The post-it thing is disgusting

    I'm a bit unclear on the other bit - is she being paid a 5 day per week salary for working 3 days? In which case a salary reduction is to be expected.

    But if she is being paid for a 3 day week and they are now asking to cut her salary.....that's a different kettle of fish. That along with the post-it strikes me as a company trying to force your wife's hand and get a resignation

    All 5 room members salary was left on post it notes. Missus is well in there and important to the Nursery.

    No she was 5 days, then went 3 days.

    She is now offered the option to stay 3 days or go back to 5 days.

    If she goes 5 days her salary is less than it was 4 years ago for same job hours, holidays.

    3 days a week is now more holiday than she gets now, term time only so a massive reduction in wages but understandable as she now gets 8 weeks extra off.

    Cheers Bud

  • Swisdom said:

    No she was 5 days, then went 3 days.

    She is now offered the option to stay 3 days or go back to 5 days.

    If she goes 5 days her salary is less than it was 4 years ago for same job hours, holidays.

    3 days a week is now more holiday than she gets now, term time only so a massive reduction in wages but understandable as she now gets 8 weeks extra off.

    Cheers Bud

    How in hell did they fit all of that info on a post it note? Very small handwriting? ;)
  • JWADDICK said:

    Swisdom said:

    No she was 5 days, then went 3 days.

    She is now offered the option to stay 3 days or go back to 5 days.

    If she goes 5 days her salary is less than it was 4 years ago for same job hours, holidays.

    3 days a week is now more holiday than she gets now, term time only so a massive reduction in wages but understandable as she now gets 8 weeks extra off.

    Cheers Bud

    How in hell did they fit all of that info on a post it note? Very small handwriting? ;)
    One of these?

  • If she is the only one being offered new terms on a lower salary then she might be able to claim sexual discrimination. I'm not a lawyer but I'm sure citizens advice will steer you on the right path.
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  • Missus is well in there and important to the Nursery.

    I'm sure your wife is a valued member of staff at the nursery, but if as appears, she works for a local authority, I can assure you they do not care two hoots about her. They have the upper hand in employment terms at the moment and know she will be easily replaced if she chooses to leave.

    I work for a local authority, and it is amazing the talent that they let go without the blink of an eyelid as they know there is always someone out there ready to replace them. We have had a 1% pay rise in the last 5 years and the unions want to go on strike to get another 1%, incredible!

    In short, they've got you by the curlies!
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