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Ched Evans makes a public statement



  • Complex debate, but slightly concerning is the view out there in some quarters, that there are 'different degrees' or rape - I don't think that that is the case, either coherent consent is given or it is not.

    In Ched Evans case, the most interesting thing is that of course once a man has served his time (which he hasn't yet), then he should be free to find work, but in his case surely the majority of clubs would not have him at the club? I know that Marlon King found a place at Brum, but I can't think of another example where a player has come back into the game after such a serious sexual offence.

    Personally I would withdraw my support for the club if we employed a convicted rapist, same as I would have done if we had signed Marlon King as well.

    One of the worst things about the whole thing (outside of what has happened to the poor victim), is his desperate girlfriend and sister doing the media/PR rounds. The logic of the girlfriend seems to be that he he wasn't guilty of rape, but then the alternative is that he had sex with a drunken, barely conscious girl after his classy mate had finished with her.

    How can she stand by him after that? Where is the dignity for Christ's sake?
  • Has he shown any level of remorse?

    No, no mention of the victim.
  • edited October 2014
    if I'm reading correctly , why was his mate charged with rape and not found guilty , were they drinking in the room and she became so out of it after sex with the not guilty fella
    Or was that considered consenting because she went back to the room with him

    I mean has anyone been out on the lash on here and pulled a bird and gone back to a room and had sex out of their nut with a bird in the same state
    Imo ched has made the worse judgement of his and her life(understatement) believing this girl "was up for it" when she was out of her swede

    Does anyone believe Ched Evans went home that night thinking 'fuck that might be rape" or "she was outta of her nut and this'll be a story for the boys me and so and so banging the same bird last night"

    As someone who literally blots out(I have massive gaps in the night) when completely hammered but carry on behaving like i know what's going on , I still believe I'm responsible for whatever i do or get up to and years ago I came out of my drunken coma , driving my car and mounting a kerb 300 yards from my home in Mottingham
    (I worked near Tower Hill) Another day and I could have killed myself , or worse still someone else
    I don't remember getting in my car , from work, I had all intentions of getting a train or cab home but I didnt
    Could I have played the I cant remember I was too out of it card to the police if they had caught me, no way
    I obviously still regret my actions and have never had a sniff of a drink and driven again since and that was 20 years ago

    I know the circumstances are completely different but if that girl was not asleep and so drunk she didn't know what she was doing but she was appearing to Ched like she did then I believe he will be thinking he's done no wrong

    I may have completely misunderstood parts of this case and what I have said above is irrelevant but from the titbits I've read that is why I think it's not as clear cut as others make out
  • And getting your pals to tape it on their phones through a window wasn't planned either

    It was just a one off chance situation
  • The issue is whether he should be allowed to return to an industry in which players are celebrated and treated as heroes, not least by boys and young men. With this degree of public influence comes a social responsibility. That and the fact that he has shown zero remorse weighs heavily in the usual 'he's done his time' argument.
  • Being a high(ish) profile footballer comes with a degree of reaponsibility, you are a figure which people look upto and especially kids.

    If you are convicted of a crime, then obviously serve your time and are free to work, but not as a returning footballer.

    If he came to play for Charlton and your 7 year old asked 'what was he in prison for?', how revolting to try and explain.

    In my opinion he has given up his right to enjoy the football lifestyle which comes with responsibility. He shouldn't even be a discussion point, clubs should have agreed from the start that he should not come back to football.
  • I don't see how he can show remorse to the girl he believes has stitched him up
  • If I knew for certain that a man had raped a woman I would want to kill him. The problem is the question of how some women behave, plus the influence of drugs and drink can produce uncertainty. With that in mind, he has been punished and served his time, so it seems obvious to me that a Club will take him on. He will be booed and insulted at every away game, so he will be constantly reminded. I hope that the young lady who is obviously standing by him will be suitably rewarded by his future behaviour.
  • I won't post my opinions of evans on here because they're not very nice at all.

    I would hope to see a new rule brought in quite soon that stops anyone playing professional football until they serve their whole sentence.
    Custodial sentence and out on licence.

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  • The absolute final word on this, thank you.
  • Someone who is very close to me was raped a number of years ago. She has had terrible problems getting over it and she relives it every day. It has changed her forever, she is not the same person. For me it is a moral issue, if I owned a club and an employee of that club was convicted of rape, would I stand by him and re employ him when he came out. No I wouldn't. Would I expect another club to employ him? No I wouldn't. Evans has not shown an ounce of remorse for his actions, so to let him return to football would be wrong.
  • Well said

    I mentioned the videos earlier, seems to me that the verdict was reached as guilty with the aid of that footage

    And sort of destroys all this he met a bird and banged her stance

    No he realised he had the chance to take advantage of this girl and got his prick mates to film it

    Not really a chance meeting it sounds more like a pre meditated rape

    And yet some think it's fine and can be attributed to the girl

    Just as sick as Ched and his lifestyle fame hungry money grabbing wag

    I hope the girls family do what I would and that's run the sex case bstd over and crush his legs to beyond usable standard, let alone pro footballer standard
  • I will add that Luke McCormick is an example of a criminal whose actions after the crime probably justify his return to football, despite its enormity - added to the fact that his crime was negligence and foolhardiness rather than outright exploitation
  • Jdredsox said:

    My two cents. This isn't about his, his girlfriends or our interpretation of rape. By the letter of the law the victim was not in a fit state to give consent and therefore it is rape. No grey area, no ifs or buts about it. That is why he is guilty and was found so by a jury of his peers.

    I've seen the website trying to proclaim his innocence, I've read their "case". They focus on the fact that she was able to walk into the hotel. They don't refer to his mates videos which were used at the trial. He's already had one leave for appeal turned down while he was inside. He's been found guilty and in all honesty the verdict is likely to remain the same.

    On his return to football, I don't believe he should be allowed to return. Just because Lee Hughes, Luke McCormick, Marlon King, Troy Deeney were allowed back does not mean this scumbag should. I'm pretty sure people looking back will see those cases and go "well s--t, we f---ed that up". Now is a time for football to stand strong and set an example that this behaviour is unacceptable. Let's not fall behind the curve like the NFL has in the states.

    In response to those saying he has served his time and should be allowed to get on with his life I say this. If anyone else in a position of influence did this they would not be allowed to return to their former job. A CEO, a politician, a judge etc would have to report it and then lose their job. He should be rehabilitated, no doubt, but rehabilitation does not mean you get all your privileges back and get to act like nothing happened. If Sheffield United were approached by a convicted rapist for any other position they would refuse them the role, but because he is a footballer he gets treated differently? He has every right to make his way in the world now, but he should face the same rules as everyone else.

    Finally, for those of you who are blaming the victim, or saying she should take responsibility for it because she was drunk, there aren't the words to describe how much you sicken me. You have no right. You can take responsibility for you actions when drunk, she can take responsibility for hers, but what you can't do is put Ched Evans actions on her. She was not fit to give consent and yet he committed the act anyway, that is all on him. Yet you want to blame her for his actions? His choice? She cannot remember that night, how can she be fit to give consent? The only person who claims she did give consent was Evans. Your attitude of "she was drunk, she has to accept what happened because of that" is sickening. Your attitude of victim blaming is what is wrong here, not her state of inebriation. Your attitude is the reason so many of these crimes go unpunished, the victim is made to feel it is their fault that someone forced themselves upon them, took that choice away from them. Until this view is changed then more crimes will go unpunished. Ched Evans committed the crime here, not the victim. She was drunk, that gave him an opportunity, but it didn't force him to commit a crime. He chose to.

    Each and every one of goes through each day with the opportunity to commit a crime, the difference between us and Evans is we choose not to. He was found guilty of sleeping with this girl without her consent, that is rape regardless of the reason she couldn't give consent. He chose to do that, not her.

    For those of you that want to blame the victim for this, go take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Then go look at your daughter, wife, mother or sister. Look them in the eye. And you tell them, that if a man forces himself upon them, and they've been drinking, then it is their fault. Not his. They have to take responsibility for it, by drinking they gave him the right to do that, because that is what you are saying. It is sick.

    Evans can go find himself a job, but he should do it like everyone else. No special treatment for being a footballer.

    Well said
  • I think it's relevant to look at this from alternative angles.

    First. Presumably he will be on the sex offenders register?
    Second. Presumably, like Charlton, Sheff Utd's first team players and youth team players use the same facilities.
    Third. What parents would want their young sons associating with Evans on the training pitches?
    Fourth. What would this team think about being associated with the other lot if Evans is re-employed?
    Fifth. Presumably employing Evans would make Sheff Utd a "club non grata" for a significant number of potential future recruits - those with morals or a religious bent for example.
    Sixth. Where would this leave the Sheff Utd Community Foundation?
    Seventh. Would Jessica Ennis ask to have her name removed from the stand re-named in her honour?

    It's not just about whether he should play football or not. Clubs are part of their community.
  • If Evans does ever play football again, I think the stick he'll get from the stands may just about make the decision for him. I dont think he'd last more than 6 months before retiring or going abroad.
  • edited October 2014
    For me the main question here is whether or not he did it (he is screaming to high heaven that he is innocent of rape - anyone seen the Shawshank Redemption?). If he is 100% guilty and the appeal fails, then I am on the same bandwagon that I wouldn't want him anywhere near my club nor playing in the English football league. Simple.

    My only question mark is that a LOT of faith is being put in the justice system. I mean, a jury could be made up of a load of people off this board (very unlikely, but a jury is not put together based on what football team somebody supports). My experience on jury service was that there are a heck of a lot of very dodgy people in this world and it scared me that people like that are massively responsible for deciding whether or not someone is guilty. I suppose that is what we have to go on.

    The fact that he is not letting go of trying to clear his name is the only thing sticking here. Not whether or not a rapist should be playing football (either for us or someone else) as that is more clear cut.

    Nobody has answered.

    What IF (IF being the key word) he is innocent of that particular crime? Running an appeal would surely cost a fortune so he must feel he has a case.

  • JohnBoyUK said:

    If Evans does ever play football again, I think the stick he'll get from the stands may just about make the decision for him. I dont think he'd last more than 6 months before retiring or going abroad.

    I very much doubt that.

    He was being abused before he was convicted. It didn't stop him playing or scoring goals.

    If he has the front to play again he'll most likely brush it off.

    If he was shunned by his team mates then that would be another thing.
  • If he did force himself upon her of course he is banged to rights and deserves every lump of shit and some thrown at him
    and if the videos of mates show this then all the conjecture i'm saying is irrelevant to this case

    but if he thinks she's up for it and a pissed bird looking for a shag then he's gonna think 'game on'

    i've been on lads holidays and there's been a gap in the curtain and from the balcony i've seen mates at it and i'll be honest i may have filmed it if phones existed in those days cos i was pissed young and stupid

    i've been in hotel rooms with girls and we both could hardly speak and i wouldnt say either of us would have been 100% in control of our actions and a pissed girl could easily cry wolf on all those pissed shit shags they got
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  • edited October 2014
    He clearly has a lot of people around him trying to proclaim his innocence.

    I must say, the video does seem bizarre and not what I expecting going on how drunk people on this board say she was.

    It is the video that his mates filmed that is key I suppose, and nobody hear has seen that, so cannot really comment.
  • For me the main question here is whether or not he did it (he is screaming to high heaven that he is innocent of rape - anyone seen the Shawshank Redemption?). If he is 100% guilty and the appeal fails, then I am on the same bandwagon that I wouldn't want him anywhere near my club nor playing in the English football league. Simple.

    My only question mark is that a LOT of faith is being put in the justice system. I mean, a jury could be made up of a load of people off this board (very unlikely, but a jury is not put together based on what football team somebody supports). My experience on jury service was that there are a heck of a lot of very dodgy people in this world and it scared me that people like that are massively responsible for deciding whether or not someone is guilty. I suppose that is what we have to go on.

    The fact that he is not letting go of trying to clear his name is the only thing sticking here. Not whether or not a rapist should be playing football (either for us or someone else) as that is more clear cut.

    Nobody has answered.

    What IF (IF being the key word) he is innocent of that particular crime? Running an appeal would surely cost a fortune so he must feel he has a case.

    Playing devils advocate here:

    From a financial angle, if he gets found as not guilty, a lot more clubs will be willing to take him on and would create a bidding war. This in turn would have him offered a higher contract. Potentially 100% more. 5k a week to 10k a week.

    Would get his money back quickly if he was found not guilty.

    However already found guilty and had an appeal turned down. Don't expect anything to change.
    Only way I can see this changing if the victim spoke out and said he was innocent. Probably what cheddy is waiting for.
  • For me the main question here is whether or not he did it (he is screaming to high heaven that he is innocent of rape - anyone seen the Shawshank Redemption?). If he is 100% guilty and the appeal fails, then I am on the same bandwagon that I wouldn't want him anywhere near my club nor playing in the English football league. Simple.

    My only question mark is that a LOT of faith is being put in the justice system. I mean, a jury could be made up of a load of people off this board (very unlikely, but a jury is not put together based on what football team somebody supports). My experience on jury service was that there are a heck of a lot of very dodgy people in this world and it scared me that people like that are massively responsible for deciding whether or not someone is guilty. I suppose that is what we have to go on.

    The fact that he is not letting go of trying to clear his name is the only thing sticking here. Not whether or not a rapist should be playing football (either for us or someone else) as that is more clear cut.

    Nobody has answered.

    What IF (IF being the key word) he is innocent of that particular crime? Running an appeal would surely cost a fortune so he must feel he has a case.

    He has been found GUILTY, everything else is just waffle.

  • Leuth said:

    I will add that Luke McCormick is an example of a criminal whose actions after the crime probably justify his return to football, despite its enormity - added to the fact that his crime was negligence and foolhardiness rather than outright exploitation

    Negligence that killed two innocent young children and which he was in no position at all to deny.

    The difficulty in the Evans case is he still denies his guilt - so in his eyes there is no victim to apologise to.

    I don't honestly see how he could be banned from resuming his career, if the FL tried such a thing then Evans would go to court and the FL would be on very shaky ground legally.
  • I suspect there have been plenty of other footballers who've got involved in similar situations, young men with plenty of money, and used to girls flinging themselves at them get used to casual and easy sex...indeed I imagine that much of the dressing room will probably support Evans.

    As for Sheffield United, leaving morals aside, it's a tricky judgement for them

    On the pitch, he'll be an asset for them if he gets back to his pre-prison form; you can argue that his imprisonment cost them promotion.
    Off the pitch, what will their sponsors think? If some of them withdraw, how financially damaging will this be?
  • For me the main question here is whether or not he did it (he is screaming to high heaven that he is innocent of rape - anyone seen the Shawshank Redemption?). If he is 100% guilty and the appeal fails, then I am on the same bandwagon that I wouldn't want him anywhere near my club nor playing in the English football league. Simple.

    My only question mark is that a LOT of faith is being put in the justice system. I mean, a jury could be made up of a load of people off this board (very unlikely, but a jury is not put together based on what football team somebody supports). My experience on jury service was that there are a heck of a lot of very dodgy people in this world and it scared me that people like that are massively responsible for deciding whether or not someone is guilty. I suppose that is what we have to go on.

    The fact that he is not letting go of trying to clear his name is the only thing sticking here. Not whether or not a rapist should be playing football (either for us or someone else) as that is more clear cut.

    Nobody has answered.

    What IF (IF being the key word) he is innocent of that particular crime? Running an appeal would surely cost a fortune so he must feel he has a case.

    He has been found GUILTY, everything else is just waffle.

    There must be hundreds and thousands of examples in the UK justice system where people were wrongly convicted. Everything else wouldn't have been just waffle to them.

    I would at least like to wait for the outcome of an appeal but even then the full evidence wouldn't be in the public eye.
  • If he did force himself upon her of course he is banged to rights and deserves every lump of shit and some thrown at him
    and if the videos of mates show this then all the conjecture i'm saying is irrelevant to this case

    but if he thinks she's up for it and a pissed bird looking for a shag then he's gonna think 'game on'

    i've been on lads holidays and there's been a gap in the curtain and from the balcony i've seen mates at it and i'll be honest i may have filmed it if phones existed in those days cos i was pissed young and stupid

    i've been in hotel rooms with girls and we both could hardly speak and i wouldnt say either of us would have been 100% in control of our actions and a pissed girl could easily cry wolf on all those pissed shit shags they got

    What is it you don't understand about the concept that if an individual is unfit to give consent it means rape has taken place? End of.
    Whether he "forced himself" on her; whether he thinks "she's up for it"; or whether he too was drunk (do we know he had been drinking at all?) are all ENTIRELY irrelevant.

    As ever, in law, ignorance is no defence.

    This odious individual should be treated as an outcast by football and footballers.
  • on the basis of what you say cafcfan then realistically no one should have pissed sex with their partner in case they go wonky on them

  • and i'm not making light of it , i can't see how anyone can judge going back in time at what point someone would be giving consent or not in the situation where alcohol and drugs are concerned
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